I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1974: Show the enemy to be weak, kill with 1 hit

Li Qianyuan, die!

The whole head was flew out and rolled to the side!

Li Qianyuan's eyes were still staring at the boss. He didn't expect Chu Yunfan to be the guy he had been thinking about killing until he died. .

The person who had been beheaded once and almost forced him into his mind, turned out to be Chu Yunfan!

If it wasn't for good luck, he carried a magical death doll with him, I'm afraid he would have died in Chu Yunfan's hands a long time ago.

It's just that he had suspected many people, but he had never suspected that it was Chu Yunfan, because Chu Yunfan had been dead for a long time in his impression.

Who would doubt a dead person!

This is the blind zone of thinking!

So he never thought that it might be Chu Yunfan!

Not to mention, in his impression, Chu Yunfan's strength has always been far inferior to him. The reason why he feels that Chu Yunfan is his confidant is because Chu Yunfan's growth rate makes him feel threatened. .

In Li Qianyuan's view, Chu Yunfan's growth rate at this rate would make him feel tricky sooner or later.

But that's all, as for whether Chu Yunfan can surpass himself? That is simply impossible. Among the peers, there is no such master.

However, it is this most unlikely existence that turned into reality in the end!

Chu Yunfan was the culprit who made his face humiliated and the Li family suffered heavy losses!

His shaved head hadn't completely lost consciousness, but he didn't even have the strength to call out Chu Yunfan's identity.

And everyone else was stunned, silent!

Although Li Qianyuan had completely fallen into a disadvantage, no one thought that Li Qianyuan, who seemed to have some resistance, did not even give Li Qianyuan the chance to surrender.

"It shouldn't be. No matter what, Li Qianyuan won't even have the chance to surrender!"

Someone said unbelievably.

"He was fooled, and Chu Yunfan basically set a trap and introduced him step by step, making him think he has the ability to protect himself!" The princess slowly said, her eyes were extremely deep, and her eyes were very deep. A bit depressed in the flash.

She also thought of this. Of course, Chu Yunfan's actions could not hide from her, but she also just figured out the reason why Chu Yunfan had let Li Qianyuan off several times.

It is definitely not what many people think now, just to humiliate Li Qianyuan!

Li Qianyuan is not stupid. If Chu Yunfan showed this kind of cultivation from the beginning, then it is a high probability that Li Qianyuan will choose to avoid it.

After all, although Li Qianyuan is arrogant to be number one in the world, he does not think he is invincible. Otherwise, Li Qianyuan would have died countless times, let alone before, even now, there are still many Li Qianyuan and even the Li family and the crown prince one. The tycoons that the Alliance can't afford to offend, such as the eldest princess, are such great figures.

However, Chu Yunfan led him into the trap step by step, and several times he was clearly let go when he was able to take advantage of the victory. On the surface, it was to humiliate Li Qianyuan and defeat Li Qianyuan in the strongest state.

But in fact, I'm afraid it was just to make a trap to kill Li Qianyuan.

Step by step, Li Qianyuan thought that he had hope to win, and at least he had the ability to protect himself. Even if he was defeated, he could withdraw in time.

Although this may be an unprecedented defeat for Li Qianyuan, no one of his generation has ever been able to defeat him, or even comparable.

But now that someone has done it, it is not a huge blow, but no matter how big a blow, it is better than being beheaded by Chu Yunfan.

"What a Chu Yunfan!"

The princess spoke slowly, and only Ruoxi who was next to her heard it. Even Ruoxi couldn't help but flashed a bit of astonishment on her face, because she remembered that she had never heard the princess boast such a junior.

You know, the eldest princess itself is a generation of arrogance, with the title of the first master of the royal family, with a very high vision, how can wait for idlers to enter the eyes of the elder princess.

At this moment, Ruoxi finally reacted after the eldest princess's prompt. This Chu Yunfan had planned for a long time, and he was not just planning to defeat Li Qianyuan. He came up to kill Li Qianyuan.

But I was afraid that Li Qianyuan was scared and let him run away!

On this birthday, all the rules are those set by the eldest princess, and no one can change it.

However, because of this, everyone has to act within the scope of this rule, and the unruly scum has been slapped to death.

And Chu Yunfan made good use of this rule!

Li Qianyuan is the object of the Li family and even the prince's alliance. He has to follow a large number of masters anytime and anywhere, and even the Taoist guards are powerful ~ www.ltnovel.com~ because they want to prevent other forces. Suddenly attacked.

There was no top expert behind Chu Yunfan to take action for him, and it was impossible for Fei Xianzong to completely tear his face with the crown prince for him. It would be too costly to do so.

If Chu Yunfan wanted to kill Li Qianyuan, he had to do it himself and only use all means to accomplish all this.

And now he has done it, step by step lead Li Qianyuan into the dead!

At this time, Ruoxi wanted to understand this, and couldn’t help but breathe in air, because everyone’s previous judgments were wrong, not just at the beginning, most people preferred Li Qianyuan to be stronger, he would win, and more importantly. However, almost everyone thought that Chu Yunfan was crushing Li Qianyuan from beginning to end.

And who would have thought that this was actually Chu Yunfan showing weakness!

Show the enemy's weakness and arrogant the enemy's heart, these words are used in this battle, although strange, but it is completely correct.

Everyone quickly thought of this, and they weren't stupid, and the joints in it soon understood, and they couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

Chu Yunfan looked staunch and unparalleled, but he actually had the city in his chest, and Zhizhu was in his hands. This kind of talent was the most terrifying.

"But is this necessary? Even if Chu Yunfan started from the beginning, it would be enough to kill Li Qianyuan!" Someone said in a puzzled way. In their opinion, Chu Yunfan's strength even had to face Li Qianyuan after the outbreak. With an overwhelming advantage, it is a matter of high probability to kill Li Qianyuan easily.

"Yes, even though it is so, but there is no absolute certainty, there is still a certain chance that Li Qianyuan will escape, so he is testing whether Li Qianyuan has a hole card to let him escape, and after showing the enemy's weakness step by step, after confirming that Li Qianyuan cannot escape, One more shot to kill, what a cruel method!"

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