I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1987: Sensational Flying Fairy Sect

Chu Yunfan was almost unscrupulous, easily beheading these masters of the good fortune realm level, and calmed many people.

Many of them are casual cultivators in the East China Sea who have received the news. On the East China Sea, upon reaching the realm of good fortune, they can start a school and become the ancestor of a school.

Experts of this level are all giants above the East China Sea. Even if one falls, it will cause quite a stir.

But now, they have been slaughtered like cutting cabbage.

"Too strong, is this the style of No. 1 on the contemporary Tianjiao list?"

"I now know why Li Qianyuan was defeated in his hands. I am afraid there is still a huge gap in strength between the two sides!"

"It's not at the same level at all!"

Many casual repairers in the East China Sea had originally received the news, and wanted to come to pick up the bargain. Now seeing this level of war, almost everyone is frightened. This kind of good fortune realm level master is a precarious battlefield. If they were to be replaced by them, I am afraid that they would be hit hard by the aftermath of the battle, or even die directly on the battlefield.

At the same time, on the other side, Fei Xianzong and his party finally stood out.

"Sure enough, their main attention is on Chu Yunfan, so we can break out so easily!"

An elder of Fei Xianzong spoke.

"Yes, but we don't have so much time to sigh, so we rushed to send the news back and let the head bring someone to come and support, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be too late!" said Hu Dingtian, the elder of Fei Xianzong, "You wait to send the news. , I'll go back and help!"

Almost immediately, Hu Dingtian had already made a decision. The reason why he did not break through in the same direction as Chu Yunfan was to protect the others from breaking through. Now that they have broken through thousands of miles, even those forces want to. Pursuing, in the face of this situation, it is too late.

He can finally breathe a sigh of relief and go to help!

"Elder, be careful!"

Everyone couldn't say anything more, after all, even they knew very well that they couldn't intervene in such a battlefield at all, and they would just become a burden when they went.

Inside the Fei Xian Sect, the alarm bell sounded, and the disciples in the Fei Xian Sect put aside the things at hand one after another, looked up, above the sky, one after another escaped light and broke into the air towards the depths of the Fei Xian Sect.

"What the **** happened?"

Many people don't know, so of course they understand that this is a wake-up call that will sound when an emergency happens. Such a wake-up call hasn't sounded several times in the history of Fei Xianzong.

Feixianzong is one of the ten major sects. If foreign enemies want to invade Feixianzong's residence, unless the Great Xia Dynasty has been destroyed.

But they did not receive the call, so although they were puzzled, they could only watch.

At this time, above the discussion hall in the depths of Fei Xianzong, the elders should be too high. The elders rushed after receiving the summons. They still don’t know what happened, but they saw that the sect master Situ Xuan had already come first. He immediately closed his mouth, waiting for Situ Xuan to announce what was going on.

"Everyone, elders, elders, this time I recruited you for one thing, that is, on the birthday of the elder princess, my disciple of the Flying Immortal Sect, Chu Yunfan, successfully killed Li Qianyuan. The number one master on the Tianjiao list!"

Seeing that people were almost here, Situ Xuan said directly.

His face was calm, but his heart was already a little anxious.

"What? Chu Yunfan killed Li Qianyuan?"

"How many years have I been in the Flying Fairy Sect who hasn't been ranked first in the Tianjiao list!"

"Really blessed by the ancestors!"

Suddenly, many elders and Supreme Elders seemed to explode, and this news was really shocking for them.

If it is said that Chu Yunfan's entry into the Tianjiao list can only be regarded as a small surprise for them, then he killed Li Qianyuan and ranked first on the Tianjiao list, then it would be a great surprise.

You must know that even if Yang Dengxian, who was trained with all their energies, was only ranked twentieth on the list of Tianjiao, this was already the limit.

It's not that Yang Dengxian's talent is not good. In fact, Yang Dengxian's talent is already rare in the world, but the competition on the Tianjiao list is extremely fierce. It can be said that almost all young talents in the world have been snatched.

It is already quite difficult to be in the twentieth place.

As for the number one, they didn’t even think about it. The last time Fei Xianzong appeared on the Tianjiao list was how many years ago it was. Fei Xianzong is not ranked high among the top ten sects all the year round, nor is it. For no reason.

Now one suddenly appeared, and many people hadn't even reacted yet.

"Who is this Chu Yunfan? This year's Tianjiao ranking has changed again?"

And the elders who had been in retreat all the year found that he seemed to be unable to keep up with the times at once~www.ltnovel.com~ actually didn't even know who this Chu Yunfan was.

The time for Chu Yunfan's rise was too short. It was so short that many elders and elders only closed once, and found that everything had already changed drastically.

"But now there are many people who are trying to attack our Fei Xianzong, the young man Toshihiko who has finally appeared on the Tianjiao list, and now they lead a large number of masters to surround him in the sea of ​​Xiaoyao Xianshan!

Situ Xuan's voice became deeper and deeper, and everyone who knew him knew that this was a sign that he was about to get angry.

"Unreasonable, who is so shameless?"

"Is it the Li family? Li Qianyuan's skill is not as good as a person's death, so they die. Do they dare to retaliate?"

Many Taishang elders couldn't help but clamor. To many forces, the Li family, a very powerful army officer, was nothing to Fei Xianzong.

Even in Fei Xianzong, there are many such branches.

If it weren't for the heroic posture of the prince behind it, but also an ally of the prince's line, the Li family would not be enough to make Fei Xianzong admire it.

"I can't help myself, who is it?"

Many Taishang elders and elders were furious, and they naturally understood what it meant for Fei Xianzong to appear as a genius at the rank of No.

That is a key person who can bring the Fei Xianzong to another level and have been brilliant for hundreds of years.

For such a character, even if it is against the other ten sects, Fei Xianzong will not be polite, let alone a force like the Li family.

"This seat also got the letter from the elder Hu Dingtian. It doesn't matter who it is now. What is important is that we must let everyone understand that the dignity of the Flying Immortal Sect cannot be provoked!" Situ Xuan said coldly. Said.

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