I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1992: Wanlong's return to the nest, powerful

If it's just exercise restraint, plus carelessness, this is still acceptable to everyone. After all, the magic method is restrained, but not everyone practices the magic method, even the people who practice the magic method only Only a small part of it. .

The exercises of most people are not restrained!

Thinking of this, many people's faces immediately looked much better!

Especially for the remaining Sacred Swordsmen, the masters of the Flying Tiger clan, their complexions immediately looked much better. There is no such thing as being restrained by Lei Fa in their practice, as long as their cultivation base is stronger than Chu Yunfan. It was relatively simple to kill Chu Yunfan.

However, the masters of the Sea Clan have a dumbfounded look, because in addition to the demon way exercises being restrained, the water attribute supernatural powers and exercises they cultivated by the Sea Clan are also restrained.

It's just that it's not as serious as the demon way being restrained!

But in any case, as long as they are restrained, it is quite unfavorable for them!

Chu Yunfan broke through the defenses of the three old demon heads easily with lightning just now, and then easily beheaded them, these few remaining masters of the sea clan are not blind, how can they be invisible.

Seeing Chu Yunfan's gaze swept over, their expressions became even more ugly. Chu Yunfan seemed to treat them as soft persimmons.

"What about Chu Yunfan even if he knows thunder method? What I am waiting for is the best supernatural power, so I am afraid that he will not succeed?" The master of the sea clan shouted loudly, the water attribute supernatural power was restrained by the thunder method. It's not just today, I don't know how many people are trying to overcome it.

It hasn’t been a day or two for them to study this issue among the Sea Clan, and naturally it won’t be impossible!

At this time, on their originally scaly armored bodies, they don't know when barbs grew. These barbs merged together and turned into armors.

These armors completely surrounded them!

"Go on, kill him!"

In the armor, there was the buzzing sound of a sea clan master, but saw an electric dragon descend from the sky and land on the armor, and it was directly scattered, and there was no way to break it.

"Hahahaha, Chu Yunfan, do you think my sea clan knew about this weakness a long time ago, and would not want to solve it?" The sea clan master laughed loudly, his armor flashed with the light of runes, runes Above, countless masterpieces of light completely envelop him, even if there is thunder method, there is no way to break through.

"As long as you have this armor, your Thunder Magic is useless no matter how powerful it is!"

The sea clan laughed loudly and said.

Chu Yunfan sneered and said, "Really? You can guard against ordinary thunder methods, but how about this!"

It's too late, it's fast, I don't know when, Chu Yunfan raised his arm, and countless thunderclouds condensed in an instant above the sky, and in an instant, they had enveloped within a radius of more than a dozen miles. , Seeing from a distance, it looked like Heiyunyingzhai, with countless electric dragons digging through it, which was extremely terrifying.

"This trick is called Wanlong Homing!"

It is too late to say that it is fast, countless electric dragons descended from the sky, each electric dragon is thickly armored, with all beards and all. It looks as if the heavens are resurrected, and countless electric dragons swept across the sky, almost like Like a thunderstorm waterfall, it was extremely shocking when viewed from a distance.

How fast the lightning falls, one thousandth of a second, no one can hide it, and in an instant, countless electric dragons covered everything.

From afar, countless monks escaped hundreds of miles in an instant, and they did not dare to approach. The countless terrifying electric dragons blasted the entire ocean to pieces, and countless fierce beasts lurking in the sea were blown up. Smashed to pieces.

The many masters who surrounded Chu Yunfan were also overwhelmed by these electric dragons.

"Too...too terrible...what's the trick?" Many people were dumbfounded, watching the scene in front of them.

The power of this move for Wanlong to return to the nest was really terrifying, almost turning everything within a radius of more than a dozen li into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Such a large range makes it almost impossible to hide.

"Chu Yunfan actually hides such a powerful genius, and he hasn't displayed it all the time. His scheming is too deep!"

Someone said with trepidation that no piece of information had ever stated that Chu Yunfan possessed such strength.

What does this show? This shows that Chu Yunfan is hiding well, and no one knows it at all.

Amidst a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, a figure retreated directly. Everyone saw that it was Li Weiyuan, because he was far away when he started, and his strength was outstanding.

So I escaped easily, but I was still hit by a few electric dragons, and a lot of green smoke appeared on my body~www.ltnovel.com~ I looked a little embarrassed.

However, Li Weiyuan had no time to tidy up his appearance at this time, because his eyes were also full of shock. He looked at Chu Yunfan in the endless sea of ​​thunder. He was dressed in a moon-white robe, and looked like the righteous **** of thunder in the sky.

"What kind of move is this? It's definitely not Fei Xianzong's move. Where did Chu Yunfan learn it from?" Li Weiyuan muttered to himself. He is very familiar with Fei Xianzong. In fact, the Li family also has them. Some children worshipped into Fei Xianzong, how could the Li family not know the moves of Fei Xianzong.

It’s just that I’ve never seen such a move from Fei Xianzong. It must have been learned from outside by Chu Yunfan. It is conceivable that the power of this move, even surpassed the power of martial arts at the king’s level. The degree of martial arts in the legendary emperor level.

A look of horror flashed in his eyes. The emperor-level martial arts is said to be only available among the top ten sect-level forces, and only a few people including the sect master are qualified to practice.

The rest are mostly in the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty, waiting to be seen at all!

But now he actually saw an emperor-level supernatural power, one can imagine how shocked he was.

This kind of martial arts or magical powers, if you want to go out of it, will cause an uproar, I'm afraid it will even attract the attention of the top ten sect level forces.

Chu Yunfan didn't know what kind of **** luck he took to get this kind of inheritance.

In the hands of such a person, Li Qianyuan was really not wronged. Even at that time, Chu Yunfan had never used this trick when he killed Li Qianyuan. One can imagine the difference in strength between the two sides.

Such a person would definitely be a big worry for the Li family in the future, but a greedy expression flashed in Li Weiyuan's eyes. He also wanted such an emperor-level martial arts.

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