I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2001: Cut Li Weiyuan, the war ended

In the fierce battle just now, he broke through to the third level of good fortune!

When his cultivation level broke through to the third level of the good fortune realm, Chu Yunfan's combat power suddenly soared to the seventh level of the good fortune realm. Coupled with the blessing of the original pill and medicinal power, his combat power suddenly increased under the original situation. More than doubled.

This is just a breakthrough, as time goes by, his combat power is still growing.

Originally, his combat power was almost the same as Li Weiyuan's, but now that he has broken through, his combat power has doubled, forming a terrible crush on Li Weiyuan.

He almost stopped Li Weiyuan, who was trying to escape, with almost a thought.

At this time, Li Weiyuan felt bad, and Chu Yunfan's cultivation base was not invisible to him, but he saw that there was no way to solve it.

Chu Yunfan just broke through, broke through, broke through!

His whole person is not good, and he is not stupid. Of course he wants to get it. Just now Chu Yunfan suddenly gave up other attack methods and replaced all of them with Wangbaquan, just wanting to use himself to temper the opponent and push the opponent into desperation. , Burst out the full potential, and finally achieve a breakthrough.

In other words, the Tianjiao who was on his dignified last Tianjiao list has now become Chu Yunfan's sharpening stone.

And whether he is willing or unwilling to admit, this is reality!

Thinking of this, his expression instantly solidified, and then he revealed a somewhat hideous expression. He already felt a huge threat from Chu Yunfan.

This is completely different from the situation just now. Just now he still had the confidence that as long as he wanted to leave, he could escape from Chu Yunfan's hands, but now he didn't even have the confidence to escape.

"Did you use me as a sharpening stone just now?" Li Weiyuan was a little angry.

"So what?" Chu Yunfan sneered, "Otherwise do you think you can live till now?"

Chu Yunfan also suddenly remembered this incident in the middle of the fight. If he were to follow the normal speed, even with the help of the wood spirit, it would take him more than one or two months to break through to the third level of the good fortune realm.

However, with the help of Li Weiyuan's power to force out all his potential and complete a breakthrough in battle, there is no need to wait so long.

Now that he has completed the breakthrough, he can feel that his strength is rising at an astonishing speed, even facing the existence of the peak of the good fortune realm, he is fearless.

Enough to protect yourself and even contend!

As for the seven-layered master of Good Fortune Realm that was enough to pose a threat to him, he was no longer his opponent quietly.

And this is the biggest role of Li Weiyuan.

Hearing Chu Yunfan's admission just like that, Li Weiyuan was even more ill, but fortunately he still remembered that this was not the time to resist Chu Yunfan.

"Chu Yunfan, if you dare to kill me, the Li family won't let you go in full view!"

At this time, Li Weiyuan finally remembered the identity of the Li family. The Li family was a military aristocratic family in the Great Xia Dynasty, with an extremely profound background.

"What about killing you? Li Weiyuan, a son of the Li family, colluded with evil demon outsiders, as well as foreign races from outside the territory besieging the imperial general Zhenyuan, whose crimes should be blamed. If I kill you, what can you do?" Chu Yunfan grinned coldly , Not to mention that he has the protection of this level of official status, even if he didn't, he would not let the opponent just because of Li Weiyuan besieging him.

The Li Family is a fart. Although the Li Family is strong, the Flying Immortal Sect behind him is not easy to provoke. Even if there is no Flying Immortal Sect, his cultivation is as good as Chu Yunfan, and he is fearless.

With his current cultivation base, there are probably only a few people in the Li family who can pose a threat to him, and the rest are all fish on the chopping board for him, let him kill.

"Stop talking nonsense, die for me!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, his five fingers squeezed his fist, his fist strength turned into a violent wind, and in the midair, he condensed into eight gods.

The eight gods killed everything, and in an instant, they blasted towards Li Weiyuan.

"Spirit Dragon Halberd Technique!"

Where did Li Weiyuan dare to look at him at this time, and he burst out of his most terrifying episode, and the spirit dragon halberd technique slashed down towards Chu Yunfan's eight heavenly dragons.


The spirit dragon halberd turned into a huge spirit dragon, but in almost the next instant, the eight heavenly dragons transformed by the power of fist were torn apart in the sky.

From afar, everyone seemed to see the terrifying scene of mythical creatures fighting in the ancient years.

These martial arts and magical powers were created by imitating that kind of battle.


Chu Yunfan smashed the spirit dragon with a punch, and then punched directly into Li Weiyuan's body. The layers of barriers in front of Li Weiyuan were shattered like paper, and collapsed in an instant.


Li Weiyuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, he just felt that his entire chest was about to be punched through by Chu Yunfan.

His whole body fell fiercely toward the sea like a meteor~www.ltnovel.com~Boom! "

The entire sea surface was smashed out of a huge and incomparably hollow, setting off a wave of waves.

"After the breakthrough, it was so strong!"

An incredible light flashed in Li Weiyuan's eyes. Chu Yunfan could have been able to beat him in the first place, but now it has only been a long time before he broke through and knocked him out with a punch.

You know, his combat power at this time far exceeds the ordinary peak of Good Fortune Realm. I'm afraid that the peak of ordinary Good Fortune realm cannot even be blocked by his ten moves. It is conceivable how amazing Chu Yunfan is at this time. .

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

At this moment, Chu Yunfan's incomparably cruel voice came from the Sky Vault, and he trampled it out, turned into a horrible foot, spreading countless yellow spring water, and trampled on Li Weiyuan's body all at once.

Li Weiyuan, who was hit hard at this time, could still be blocked, and he was stepped on all of a sudden.


Li Weiyuan's physical body finally couldn't hold on, and broke into pieces in the air.

When many people saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a breath. After breaking through, Chu Yunfan only used two tricks, Li Weiyuan, died tragically!

After transforming the Qihua big hand, he packed Li Weiyuan's corpse into the space of the mountain and river map, Chu Yunfan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the mana coat wrapped around him was also dissipating at an astonishing speed.

Chu Yunfan's aura also broke through bit by bit, falling back to a level comparable to the Seventh Level of Good Fortune Realm.

The battle of these big forces besieging Chu Yunfan has finally come to an end.

The onlookers in the East Sea from afar, even if they knew that Chu Yunfan's medicinal power had passed by this time, it was impossible for them to explode such terrifying combat power, but no one dared to step forward.

One person is powerful!

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