I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2011: Promotion, Zhenyuanhou

When Chu Yunfan saw the tragedy of Zhenyuan Army, he was naturally dissatisfied, but he also knew that Fei Xianzong could not fight against the Li Family for a dead person. In that case, Fei Xianzong would be the enemy of the world.

But now that he is still alive, the situation is completely different. It is naturally impossible for Fei Xianzong to watch the Li family not take any action against him.

"It's time to make you move!"

Countless thoughts flashed in Chu Yunfan's mind.

Just after Chu Yunfan returned to Baotai City to clean up the various forces of the Li family in Baotai City, everyone was watching, Chu Yunfan who did such a thing, Daxia Chao heard whether he would come forward to punish him .

But what surprised everyone was that Daxia Dynasty seemed to have not seen this scene, and many keen people seemed to have seen the shadow of the sword hidden behind it.

On the third day, the notice of the Daxia Dynasty finally arrived. What everyone did not expect was that this was an imperial decree from the Daxia King. Not only was Chu Yunfan okay, on the contrary, because he killed many foreign races, There are also the merits of many masters of evil spirits, and they have been promoted to become Zhenyuanhou.

Become the only existence among the younger generation!

It was Li Qianyuan who was the first prince of the younger generation, but now Li Qianyuan has died in the hands of Chu Yunfan, so Chu Yunfan, who was named Zhenyuanhou, became the only one among the younger generation. The Marquis is above everyone in one fell swoop.

For a time, it caused an uproar, and the entire Great Xia Dynasty caused a huge sensation.

It is said that the Li family also sent people into the palace to meet with the King of Ren, hoping that the King of Ren would withdraw his will, but obviously, the Li family could not shake the will of the King of Ren, and the will of the emperor of Chu Yunfan for Zhenyuanhou was issued.

For a time, Chu Yunfan was in the limelight, becoming the only Fenghou among the younger generation.

You know, although Fenghou is not difficult for the younger generation of Tianjiao, as long as the Tianjiao on these Tianjiao lists does not fall, the future Fenghou will be almost a certainty.

This is how a family of military officers like the Li family was formed, and the power that generations of children continue to gradually accumulate will be very astonishing.

But just like when Li Qianyuan was the only one to be a prince, it was already a remarkable thing to be the first to be the first to do it.

After all, if you want to seal the marquis, it is not only enough credit, but also the forces behind it need to continue to operate before it is possible.

At the beginning, Li Qianyuan was successfully awarded the title of Hun Tianhou, which was a shock. The staff behind the prince and his line continued to operate, and Li Qianyuan's title was given.

And now, Chu Yunfan's power is beyond doubt, everyone knows it is Flying Immortal Sect at first glance.

With the strength of the ten major sects of Fei Xianzong, it is not difficult to operate a person to become a prince. Many of the elders in Fei Xianzong also have knighthoods.

Not to mention, Chu Yunfan’s combat exploits were also real. He killed many high-level masters of good fortune, and ordinary people would have enough credit for killing a few of them. Chu Yunfan and his previous beheading of the demon clan would have enough credit. Including the masters of the Demon God Cult, slaughtered hundreds of high-level masters of the Fortune Realm in one breath. This contribution is simply earth-shattering, let alone being invincible among the younger generation, even among the masters of the older generation. This glory is also very rare.

These high-ranking masters in the good fortune realm are usually giants of a party, a hero of a party, and don't know how many forces they control, so they can't easily gather together.

It was for Chu Yunfan to bring these top masters from each side of the sky together.

This in itself is a prerequisite that ordinary people can't even imagine, let alone being surrounded by so many masters, it is simply a dead end, it is very difficult to escape a life, let alone anti-kill, will These masters slaughtered all of them, that is simply impossible.

If Chu Yunfan had a guardian by his side, I am afraid that even the guardian would fall!

There are too many conditions required. In other words, these are things that only Chu Yunfan can do, and the rest of the people simply cannot do it.

I can't even think about it!

Even many veteran Taishang elders in Fei Xianzong did not kill as many masters of good fortune in their entire lives as Chu Yunfan killed half of them in these two battles.

With so many people doing meritorious deeds, Chu Yunfan's promotion is naturally a matter of course.

There was even news that it was originally not only to canonize Chu Yunfan as Zhenyuanhou, but to canonize Chu Yunfan as a word, and then he was desperately resisted by the prince.

But just having such news is enough to shake people's hearts.

The one-character time is different from the two-character time like Zhenyuanhou. The best among the nobles of the Fenghou ~www.ltnovel.com~ is only one-tenth of the number of the two-character time. Generally speaking, only those who have made great achievements can make great achievements. It may be sealed.

Most of the existing one-character dynasties were basically canonized during the founding period, and they are not comparable to the two-character dynasties at all.

Although it did not happen before, just being eligible for nomination is already incredible. Although Chu Yunfan is so young, although it is a two-character time now, there is great hope to become a one-character time in the future.

Thinking of this, many people look at Chu Yunfan's gaze, and they are completely different from the original. Chu Yunfan can't even be regarded as a potential stock at this time, because he has fully demonstrated his talent.

Chu Yunfan's fief was in Baotai City, and Baotai City was completely sealed to Chu Yunfan. From then on, Chu Yunfan could have half of all the benefits of Baotai City.

A long stream of water, this is an astronomical wealth, something that can be used as a family heirloom.

There was joy in Baotai City, especially the morale of the Zhenyuan Army. Chu Yunfan returned strongly and avenged them in one fell swoop. Not only did he not be blamed by the court, but on the contrary, he was also named Zhenyuanhou, and he became one from then on. noble.

However, with the canonized imperial decree, in addition to Zhenyuanhou's treasure seal and robe, there were also imperial decree that allowed Chu Yunfan to go to Beijing to report on his duties.

It’s just that it’s different from going to the Taiwei’s Mansion when he was promoted to Zhenyuan General. This time, after he was entrusted, Chu Yunfan had to go to the imperial capital to meet the current king and report to the king in person.

Thinking of seeing one of the top players today, the King of People, even Chu Yunfan's heart is already calm and calm, he can't help but feel a little excited and excited.

After receiving the imperial decree, Chu Yunfan did not delay and immediately used the teleportation array to report to the imperial capital.

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