I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2032: This is going to do something

In fact, Yang Dengxian was right. The reason why Chu Yunfan has not been able to integrate into the Feixianzong system is because of this. Chu Yunfan’s inheritance has formed its own system. All are self-reliant.

So, he has never been able to get to this day without relying on anyone, how can he not have the slightest arrogance in his heart?

In this case, he worshipped Feixianzong only to ask for a talisman. Although in this process, he was still a lot of snipers, but just the name of Feixianzong was already How many murderous opportunities were secretly blocked for him.

Chu Yunfan knew this well. He wanted Feixianzong's tiger skin as an amulet, but he didn't want to go too deep into Feixianzong's system. Otherwise, he would only be restrained by the giant Feixianzong. .

Any sect with a long heritage has its own requirements for its inheritors, it is absolutely impossible to act unscrupulously, there are too many things to consider.

And this is not what Chu Yunfan hoped. It is what Chu Yunfan wants to maintain such a posture of being free from the system but not getting out of the system, so even if Situ Xuan wants to promote him to the deputy sect leader, Chu Yun Fan still refused.

There is no other reason, just because it is too constrained.

Unlike Chu Yunfan, in addition to requesting an amulet, Chu Yunfan can support himself and hardly need to use the Flying Immortal Sect. Since Yang Dengxian cultivated, all the resources, all the contacts, all the All inheritance comes from Fei Xianzong.

It is impossible to escape from Fei Xianzong now. Because of this, he still has a faint admiration for Chu Yunfan, who is now free and easy, and he can move forward and retreat freely.

And Chu Yunfan's strength made him even more envious, or too envious, but since Chu Yunfan had no intention of competing for the position of the Sect Master, the stronger Chu Yunfan's strength, the more benefits it would benefit him.

In the future, after he takes over Feixianzong, if there is such a master of Gedai sitting here, his Feixianzong will be able to speak much harder.

Why has Feixianzong's ranking within the top ten sects continue to drop over the years, and even some ordinary sects dare to come and clamor for provocations? Isn't it because Feixianzong hasn't appeared for a long time enough to crush the same generation masters.

Now that Chu Yunfan has no intention of competing for the sovereign, Chu Yunfan's strengths and his strengths can complement each other. Instead of competing with each other, they can also become a cooperative partnership.

"It's just a few beam jumping clowns, just take care of it!" Chu Yunfan said indifferently, as if those scary masters are really just three beam jumping clowns who are not on the stage.

Yang Dengxian's face was reddened, it was suffocated. At this time, he didn't know how to say it. This pretended to be fine.

It happened that Chu Yunfan had a solid record to support him, although he was pretending to be compelling, he was also truthful.

After this battle spreads out, there is no doubt that it will reconsolidate Chu Yunfan's top position on the Tianjiao list.

After all, even though Tang Siyu performed amazingly, and also defeated the last Tianjiao who had also defeated the peak of Good Fortune Realm, there was still a gap between Chu Yunfan and Chu Yunfan's killing three people.

"I came to the door today, and I also went to the Three Treasures Hall, and I hope to get help from the seniors if I have something to do!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Junior Brother, please say, as long as I can do it, I will do it!" Yang Dengxian nodded and said, but he was also a little strange in his heart. With Chu Yunfan's strength and skill, there is something that needs to be asked of him. on.

"I heard that the Donghua Goddess is going to hold a discussion meeting, did the senior brother receive the invitation?" Chu Yunfan took a sip of tea and looked at Yang Dengxian.

"Indeed, I also received an invitation!" Yang Dengxian nodded. "But I haven't decided whether to go!"

Yang Dengxian remembered the invitation from Donghua Tiannv that he had just received, but he was still hesitating whether he wanted to go, after all, the premise of Donghua Tiannv's holding of the Daoist Conference was to severely inflict Tang Siyu's name on the world.

And the relationship between Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu is naturally unknown. If he goes, it is tantamount to openly hitting Chu Yunfan in the face.

He was hesitant at first, but after receiving that Chu Yunfan had crushed the three people of Wang Xueyi to death like a dead leak yesterday, he instantly put out his thoughts of going.

What a joke, a mere discussion meeting is not enough to offend Chu Yunfan.

"Go, take me by the way, I also want to see how lively this discussion meeting is!" Chu Yunfan grinned, showing neat teeth.

I don't know why, this smile looks particularly dangerous to Yang Dengxian, and it makes him feel like his hair is standing upside down.

Even he immediately thought that something was wrong. Donghua Tiannv had just suffered a severe injury on her front foot, and Tang Siyu and Chu Yunfan had to attend her discussion meeting on the back foot~www.ltnovel.com~ What is this going to do?

Do something!

"Senior Brother Chu, although Senior Brother can understand your thoughts, the Donghua Heavenly Girl is not easy to provoke!" Yang Dengxian said, "Besides, there is someone behind the Donghua Heavenly Girl, and that person is even harder to provoke!"

"Oh?" Chu Yunfan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile. "I don't know who can make Senior Brother so simple. I still remember that Senior Brother was never afraid of Li Qianyuan in the first place!"

Speaking of this, Yang Dengxian couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face. Although he was not as good as Li Qianyuan at the time, he was not afraid of Li Qianyuan.

Li Qianyuan's cultivation is stronger than them, but it is also limited. In general, it is at the same level.

The cultivation bases of these top masters of this generation are like this, the difference seems to be, except for the new monsters, Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu.

Now some people call Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu new monsters, a pair of new monsters.

"That person, Junior Brother Chu, may have never heard of that, the top of the previous Tianjiao list, Tianmingzongjun Tianshen!" Yang Dengxian said. "When I first became a true disciple, Jun Tianci was already at the top of the list of Tianjiao, overwhelming the crowd, and his power is more powerful than the current junior disciple!"

Chu Yunfan pursed his lips, but he didn't comment. He was different from Yang Dengxian because he did not grow up in the Great Xia Dynasty. Chu Yunfan didn't know many things that were common sense to Yang Dengxian.

But to make Yang Dengxian so jealous, the strength of this Jun Tianci is also unfathomable.

"And Donghua Tiannv is Jun Tianci's fiancee!" Yang Dengxian said, paused again, and after thinking about it, he said. "I heard that Jun Tianci had personally praised Princess Gushe himself, thinking that only Princess Gushe could be worthy of him!"

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