I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2035: 1 Bombardment, deterring the audience

The audience was silenced, and everyone locked their eyes on Chu Yunfan's body.

Many people already know the identity of Chu Yunfan. Obviously, this time, Chu Yunfan came, obviously because the person who came was not good.

"Just a **** like you?" Chu Yunfan sneered, "It's just that you are older and practice longer. What do you think is a great thing to win Siyu? If she had you as long as you Cultivation time, crushing you to death is not much harder than crushing an ant. Relying on your own practice time to be multiples of hers, and luckily defeating her, dare to be so complacent?"

"You are looking for death..." The love of the goddess Donghuatian is already very cold, and her practice time is several times that of Tang Siyu. Although she can still be considered a younger generation at her age, she is obviously not at the same level as Tang Siyu. on.

Now that she can crush Tang Siyu, to a large extent, it is because her practice time far exceeds Tang Siyu, otherwise, the victory or defeat will have already been divided.

But despite this, being exposed by others is another matter.

"Strong is strong, and weak is weak. Whatever practice time does not practice time, this is the language of the weak. On the path of practice, before reaching the peak, the so-called genius has no meaning, and there are fallen geniuses and mediocrities. What's the difference?" At this time, a figure said gloomily, but saw that it was a tall man with a gloomy face.

Both Qi and the others looked at Chu Yunfan with a bad expression. It was clear that Chu Yunfan's words not only hurt the Donghua Heavenly Maiden, in fact, they were all brought to him at once.

They are also one of the mediocrities in Chu Yunfan's mouth. If they practice the same time, they can only be beaten by Tang Siyu.

No, it should be said that they have been beaten by Tang Siyu now. In fact, among the current appearances of the last Tianjiao, only the Donghua Tiannv defeated Tang Siyu, and the rest are waiting to be defeated by Tang Siyu. Not one or two. After comparing them like this, they faced Tang Siyu, even if the result was not much better.

Under such circumstances, they naturally wouldn't have any good looks towards Chu Yunfan.

"Do the younger generations now don't know how to respect the seniors?" the tall man said.

"Junior Brother Chu, be careful, this is a casual cultivator in the East China Sea, named Haidaoren!"

At this moment, Yang Dengxian gave Chu Yunfan a secret message from the side.

Obviously, as the chief disciple of Fei Xianzong for many years, Yang Dengxian's intelligence network is much more powerful than Chu Yunfan.

"This person looks young, but in fact he is very old, very qualified, and is of the same generation as the Sovereign, which is difficult to deal with!"

"Haidao man?" Chu Yunfan looked at this Haidao man with a grin, "Dare to jump out, is the same generation as Situ Master of the Flying Immortal Sect?"

"Yes, I have a relationship with you Situ Master!"

Haidao man said proudly, speaking of qualifications, it happened to be speaking of his strengths.

"It's ridiculous, I still have the face to admit that you and Situ Sect Master are the same generation, but Situ Sect Master is already one of the top masters in the world, and you are actually a cultivation base of Good Fortune Realm. Don't you feel ashamed. Huh? You have such a thick skin?" Chu Yunfan said mockingly without hesitation.

"Junior arrogant!"

The Haidao man's expression suddenly changed, and Chu Yunfan's words literally pierced his wound, and he was immediately furious.

Suddenly, in the next instant, a black light pierced the sky directly, almost as fast as lightning, and it had already blasted towards Chu Yunfan in an instant.

Everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and they couldn't see what was happening at all. The black light had already arrived in front of Chu Yunfan.

There are only a few who can see this attack clearly in the field, even if those present are the best in the good fortune realm, but the Haidao people are clearly the best among the best.

"Small bugs, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Chu Yunfan directly stretched out **** and clamped the black light. At this time, everyone could see clearly that the black light was actually a sword light.

It was a black long sword, and a black light was directly brought out between the flickering of the sword light. In an instant, it stabbed at Chu Yunfan like a poisonous insect.

In an instant, the Haidao people attacked Xiang Chu Yunfan with the sword light, and wanted to kill him.

"A lot of strength!"

The Haidao people felt that their long sword was actually clamped by Chu Yunfan and couldn't move. It was incredible.

Suddenly, at this moment, seeing Chu Yunfan's fingers turning slightly, he suddenly felt an astonishing force swept over him, and the long sword in his hand was actually shattered inch by inch.


Chu Yunfan said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" The Haidao people were furious, and a monstrous blood erupted from his body. It was the seventh cultivation base that entered the good fortune realm~www.ltnovel.com~ and opened the blood basin directly, as if directly incarnate into a head. The fierce beast in the sea.

And this is the body of this sea-doing man. This sea-doing man is not a human race or a sea race, but a fierce beast in the sea. People present know a lot, and they know that they can force the sea-doing man to this. To the point, Chu Yunfan is indeed extraordinary in strength.

The Haidao people walked towards Chu Yunfan step by step, his whole body exuding an extremely dangerous and desperate aura, as if he could dominate the heavens only by his cultivation.

"It's boring, only this level!"

Chu Yunfan curled his lips, and suddenly, a black light flickered in his hand, which was the fragment of the long sword in the Haidao man's hand just now.

The fragments turned into a black light, piercing the sky, and the sky was shaking violently, as if it was suddenly torn open a huge crack.


Where Wu Guang passed, the monstrous blood of the Haidao man was broken open, and the black light that was turned into fragments directly penetrated the Haidao man.

In the next moment, the Haidao man's head was bloody, and the blood mixed with his brain splattered out. I don't know when, there was a huge hole in the top of his head, almost blasting off half of his head.

There was an incredible expression in the Haidao people's eyes, as if he still couldn't believe that he was killed by Chu Yunfan so easily.

There was a deathly silence in the audience, and many of them had heard of Chu Yunfan's record, but the shock they heard and saw with their own eyes was completely different.

Many people have heard of the fierceness of the Haidao people, especially his senior qualifications and long time spent in the East China Sea. Many people can even say that they grew up listening to the legends of the Haidao people.

Now the legend in their hearts was bombarded and killed by Chu Yunfan with a single blow, and many people couldn't help but feel chills in their backs.

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