I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2046: Desperate one blow, all die

But Jun Tianci blocked in front of Fu Hai Sword with one hand, and Fu Hai Sword slashed directly on Jun Tianci's arm, but there was no way to make any further progress.

"What a terrible body!"

Chu Yunfan's pupils contracted slightly, and he confronted the magic weapon with his bare hands. He often did such things himself, and even shocked everyone's eyeballs.

But it was precisely because of this that he knew what a powerful physical body was needed to block the magic weapon of the magic weapon with bare hands.

Even if Jun Tianci's cultivation is far stronger than Chu Yunfan, the strength of his physical body at the same realm should not be more terrifying than Chu Yunfan.

But even so, Jun Tianci's physical strength is one of the best among the many masters that Chu Yunfan has seen.

It can even be said that such a master has almost no flaws at all. This level of existence, unless your strength can be comparable to it, or even surpass him, otherwise, it is impossible to compete with it.

The comprehensive attributes are almost invincible!

Because Chu Yunfan was also a master of this type, he understood the power of a master who couldn't find any flaws in his body.

Chu Yunfan slaps a master of the same realm with almost no difficulty, and has nothing to do with his overall development, which has no shortcomings.

For any cultivator, there are strengths and weaknesses. As far as the same realm is concerned, for any master, Chu Yunfan can compete with his strengths, or even stronger, which is terrible. .

Now Chu Yunfan also encountered a master of the same type.

"Chu Yunfan, you are really interesting, but it's a pity that you met me. In front of my absolute strength, you have no chance of winning!"

Jun Tianci just said with a flat expression, it seems that for him, it is not shameful for him to crush Chu Yunfan with absolute strength, and rely on his own practice for a longer time to deal with Chu Yunfan.

Such people are cruel to the extreme, and only follow the law of the jungle, strong is strong, and weak is weak.

The weak have no room to resist.

Chu Yunfan's face was cold. Even in the face of such a powerful opponent, he had no intention of surrendering. The sea-covering sword in his hand kept cutting out terrifying sword auras, and the sword light swept across the sky, almost completely covering the space Cut it out.

Chu Yunfan's hands showed extremely delicate swordsmanship, which was very rare, because the opponents Chu Yunfan encountered in the past were simply not enough to push him to this point, and could completely crush him with absolute strength.

The characteristics of Yili Jiangxihui are vividly displayed in Chu Yunfan's hands!

But when facing Jun Tianci, Chu Yunfan's proud skill was completely suppressed, so he could only use these various exquisite swordsmanship and various body techniques that he didn't usually use.

But Jun Tianci had no pressure, and he was able to break Chu Yunfan's attack away while strolling in the courtyard, and even in many cases, Chu Yunfan's attack could not fall on him.

In terms of strength, Jun Tianci completely crushed Chu Yunfan, just as Chu Yunfan was slinging those opponents, only this time, the offensive and defensive momentum was different.

Jun Tianci can be said to have driven Chu Yunfan to his death again and again, but what surprised him was that Chu Yunfan was able to avoid his attacks every time he thought that Chu Yunfan was bound to die. , Chu Yunfan was always able to dodge his attack by relying on his intuition almost like a beast at the moment of his death.

This made Jun Tianci very interested. There must be other secrets in Chu Yunfan, but such interest only lasted for a while, and he was not interested. After all, it didn't matter to him what kind of secrets he had.

He also has secrets that ordinary people can't imagine, otherwise it is not enough to get to the status of today.

No matter how many secrets Chu Yunfan has, and no matter how powerful the inheritance he gets, it is not worth mentioning to him.

Opposite him, Chu Yunfan could already clearly feel a sense of being on the verge of a crisis.

Although he was dodge constantly, in fact, the space for him to move was getting smaller and smaller.

The range in this retreat room is too small, and Chu Yunfan's Nine Spiral Shadows are too subtle, and they have been able to hold on to the present through constant dodge.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have already been beaten to death by Jun Tianci.

Even so, every time an attack fell on Jun Tianci's body, the terrifying counter-shock power returned by the counter-shock, coupled with the aftermath of Jun Tianci's attack swept away, Chu Yunfan's physical body has gradually increased. Every pore in his body is permeated with blood.

It is conceivable that Chu Yunfan is suffering from a terrible counterattack. If he were to be an ordinary person, his physical body would have already collapsed.

Especially for Jun Tianci~www.ltnovel.com~ With the passage of time, the original curiosity of Chu Yunfan has disappeared without a trace, on the contrary, what is left is the boundless killing intent.

He was tired of playing and wanted to get rid of Chu Yunfan as soon as possible.

Finally, Chu Yunfan couldn't hold on, and Jun Tianci flew out with one blow, his body dripping with blood, and he fell to the ground fiercely.

"With your cultivation base to the present, you are proud enough!" Jun Tianci said indifferently, saying that it was too late and that time, Jun Tianci shot directly, without any extra moves, taking Chu Yunfan's heart.


Chu Yunfan’s chest was directly cut into a huge wound, and the bright red heart was beating continuously in it, but the next moment, a terrifying suction came, and the essence of Chu Yunfan’s heart was absorbed in an instant. After being clean, the originally strong and powerful heart stopped beating for a moment.

Jun Tianci satisfactorily looked at the mass of blood flowing on his palm. This mass of blood was different from the bright red of ordinary people, and there was even a faint golden yellow in it.

"Yes, the world has rumored that you are the constitution of the emperor, and now you can see from this mass of blood, you are indeed the physique of the emperor!"

Jun Tianci looked at Chu Yunfan. Although he didn't know what Chu Yunfan's physique was, he didn't care anymore. As long as it was the blood of the emperor's constitution, he didn't mind what kind of emperor's physique.

"Seeing that you have given me what I want, I will give you a happy one!"

Jun Tianci looked at Chu Yunfan coldly, just about to make a move.

Suddenly, he saw a flame-like talisman in Chu Yunfan's body, and this flame-like talisman instantly shattered the entire closed room.


In an instant, a mushroom cloud rose slowly, and for a while, the entire Zhenyuan City was shocked.

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