I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2048: Chaos in the world

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Chu Yunfan looked at You Chuyun and said, "Although I didn't die in the battle with Jun Tianci, I had already been cut off from all my vitality by him. If it weren't for the secret method, I couldn't support it now! "

The battle with Jun Tianci can be said to be the closest to his death in history, and it was even more tragic than that time when he was chased and killed by a big figure of the monster race. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Even though he was chased and killed by a big monster from the monster clan, he still escaped, but this time Jun Tianci was directed at his heart.

The essence of his heart and blood that he had cultivated for many years was actually robbed, which is equivalent to looting all his life skills. If he were to be an ordinary person, he would have been completely dead at this time, and there was no need to be blown to death by the Divine Fire Talisman. Just died.

But Chu Yunfan was different. His vitality was too strong, and he barely dangled a trace of vitality, and a magical fire talisman erupted, which severely inflicted Jun Tianci.

That divine fire talisman was in the hands of True Person Chi Yun, and it didn't even exert one-tenth of its power, but in Chu Yunfan's hands, the situation was completely different.

Chu Yunfan has the memory of Emperor Pill, and his understanding of many heavenly materials and magic weapons is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Only then can the greatest power of the Divine Fire Talisman erupt.

However, this last blow also cut off Chu Yunfan's last trace of vitality. He was truly cut off from his vitality, otherwise Jun Tianci would be so easy to be deceived.

But in the end he still passed this test, relying on the blood of the Primordial Ming Phoenix in his body.

Although the Primordial Ming Phoenix is ​​a different species among the phoenixes, it is still a phoenix. Among them, the natural magical power of the Phoenix Phoenix Nirvana is also the natural magical power of the Primordial Ming Phoenix.

Originally, Chu Yunfan only had a part of the blood of the Primordial Underworld Phoenix, and would not have the Phoenix Nirvana, but after he died once, Chu Yunfan was automatically inspired by this supernatural power, causing him to hang in the air, no Die completely.

There are many reasons for this, and it is very fortunate. For ordinary people, even if there is a part of the blood of the Primordial Phoenix, it is impossible to awaken the phoenix Nirvana, and there is no burial place for a long time.

Because their bodies were too weak to persist until the Phoenix Nirvana, they were completely dead.

"In the next period of time, I am afraid I will be in a state of false dormancy and Nirvana, and the Zhenyuan Army will give it to you from now on!" Chu Yunfan said. Chu Yunfan's face was dark and his whole person was already scorched. In fact, Indeed, his whole person has reached a state where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. If this is not the case, Chu Yunfan will not be so.

With his recovery ability, in this situation, he is already exhausted, and there is no other way, but to completely activate the magical powers of the phoenix nirvana, let his body enter the state of nirvana, and recover.

This is currently the only feasible way.

Phoenix Nirvana is the natal magic power of the ancient Phoenix family. Every nirvana is a new life, and each nirvana also changes the essence of life. It is the only way for him to continue his life.

But after his Nirvana reappeared, even he himself didn't know when it was going to happen. The Phoenix Nirvana in the ancient times even existed for more than hundreds of years.

For each Nirvana, he doesn't know when the next time he will appear, he must explain these funerals clearly.

"In addition, this jade slip will be handed to Hongcai for me, and I will leave it to you for other things, and wait for me to come back!" Chu Yunfan breathed out a jade slip and handed it to You Chuyun, the next moment , Chu Yunfan had already entered the space of the mountain and river map.

Only You Chuyun and others who looked at each other, especially sad.

"From now on, the Zhenyuan Army will be under my command until Hou Ye comes back. From today on, all the people or things related to the Tianming Sect and Jun Tianci are all dead enemies of our Zhenyuan Army. !"

Overnight, an earth-shattering news spread all over the world. Chu Yunfan, who was number one in the ranks of the arrogances, was attacked and killed by others. After being hit hard, his life was unknown.

But the person who did it was no one else. It was the first Tianjiao list in the previous session, Jun Tianci.

When this news first came out, no one believed it. After all, it had been more than half a year since the Donghua Heavenly Girl was beaten and humiliated by Chu Yunfan.

At first, everyone thought that Jun Tianci would make a move, but Jun Tianci did not make a move. In the eyes of everyone, it might be the existence of the Fei Xianzong.

However, just when many people had forgotten the incident six months ago, Jun Tianci made a bold move.

The result of the shot also shocked countless people. Chu Yunfan was severely injured and his life was unknown.

Everyone silenced the voice, Jun Tian gave such a fierce means, if he didn't make a move, the world silenced the voice.

No one knows the true goal of Jun Tianci's action against Chu Yunfan. For them, there is only one possibility for Jun Tianci's action against Chu Yunfan, and that is the matter of the Donghua goddess.

For a time, the world seemed to have exploded, and various rumors continued, and there were even many rumors that Chu Yunfan did not know the life or death, but was already dead.

As time passed, more and more information came out from Zhenyuan City. In the big explosion, too many people were perceived and seen, and the mushroom cloud formed by the explosion went straight into the sky.

You can't hide such news.

Under the spread of many caring people, Chu Yunfan's rumors that he was dead became tumultuous, and then, whether it was the investigation team of the high-level Fei Xianzong under the anger, or the investigation team of the Daxia Prince's Mansion who came after receiving news , No one can see Chu Yunfan.

As the rumors said ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan was already dead, but he wanted to block the news before he was alive, so the Zhenyuan army lied that he was not dead.

It is even more tempting to point out that this may be false news released by the Zhenyuan army in order to maintain their own interests.

All kinds of news intensified, and the friction between the Tianming Sect and the Flying Immortal Sect became more and more serious.

Later, Xiaoyao Xianshan even issued a wanted warrant to Jun Tian. Although there are rumors that the Gu She princess arbitrarily and forcibly passed it, it seems that it also proves that Chu Yunfan has died.

For a time, the world was in an uproar. Although Xiaoyao Xianshan was inferior to Fei Xianzong and Tianmingzong in terms of strength, he couldn't hold back such a master as the princess.

Even the Destiny Sect may not dare to easily provoke Xiaoyao Xianshan.

Even if the Heavenly Mandate Sect sent the Supreme Elder to Xiaoyao Xianshan, but in the end, she didn't even see the face of the princess, so she was driven out.

For a time, the entire world was in chaos because of Chu Yunfan's suspected fall.

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