I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2064: 1 shot to death

"What about the Destiny Sect? Is the life of the Destiny Sect more noble than others?" Chu Yunfan said while looking at the Great Elder headed by the Destiny Sect.

"Yes, the life of my Destiny Sect is more noble than others!"

The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Destiny Sect did not evade, and said directly.

The pride of coming from a famous school has penetrated into his blood, and this is also the source of all their strength and pride.

The Destiny Sect is more noble than the ones from other people's homes!

This world is the truth, the death of a disciple of the Tianming Sect is more likely to cause a sensation than the death of a general small sect.

Just the three words Destiny Sect alone have sufficient deterrent power. This is the prestige created by countless ancestors of Destiny Sect.

"What's the difference? It's just a corpse anyway!"

Chu Yunfan said with a cold smile.

Many masters in Zhongzhou City were shocked by Chu Yunfan's words. In their eyes, Chu Yunfan was so powerful that it made people feel surging.

Chu Yunfan is really too strong, and those foreign masters don't even care about it even when facing the Destiny Sect.

He dared to kill the Destiny Sect alone.

"What kind of person is he? How could he have never heard of him before? Judging from his style of behavior, he shouldn't be obscured!"

Many people were talking about it, and across from Chu Yunfan, the killing intent in the eyes of the elders of the Destiny Sect was even more harsh.

They are not afraid of powerful opponents, but the most feared one is undoubtedly a guy like Chu Yunfan who has no respect for the Destiny Sect. Such a guy is more difficult than any powerful existence.

Without awe in the heart, it may cause greater losses to the Destiny Sect, and a master who knows awe is not worth mentioning, because such people dare not attack the famous Destiny Sect.

Many people held their breaths and held their minds, watching the three elders of Chu Yunfan walking step by step towards the Destiny Sect. There was still blood flowing on the tip of his azure blue spear, which kept falling, forming an extremely shocking picture.

With the power of the Destiny Sect, there are very few forces in the world that can defeat the Destiny Sect, and this man will challenge such a powerful behemoth.

"You stay together!"

Chu Yunfan looked at them and said, "Isn't your Destiny Sect favorite to stifle geniuses and stifle opponents? Now I will give you a chance!"

The expressions of the three elders of the Destiny Sect changed drastically, because they had already felt it. Chu Yunfan could say that he had made up his mind and would not be scared away by the name of the Destiny Sect.

It is impossible for them to ask Mr. Hou to settle accounts.

The azure blue spear in Chu Yunfan's hand was raised from afar, and the light belonging to thunder burst out on it, and the blood on his body burst to the extreme in an instant.


In an instant, Chu Yunfan fired his spear, and the spear light swept across the sky, turning into a azure blue lightning, which immediately covered the three elders of the Heavenly Fate Sect.

"sulfuric acid!"

At this moment, the three Supreme Elders of the Destiny Sect also reacted in an instant. The three of them cooperated very tacitly. In front of two of them, two shields were actually used to block Chu Yunfan's attack. .

And the last elder Taishang who took the lead had an extra long knife in his hand, slashing through the world, and also blasted Chu Yunfan **** for tat.

Destiny knife, cut the sky with one knife, cut the ground with one knife, cut fate with one knife!


The spear light and the blade light of the Destiny Sword collided together, and the terrible offensive turned into a splendid light in the sky, forming a small mushroom cloud.

This is an astonishing collision of the masters among the small heavens!

Immediately afterwards, everyone only saw that Chu Yunfan’s spear light smashed the blade light of the Destiny Sword almost instantly, and that azure blue light seemed to transform into a azure blue wandering dragon across the sky. Shattered the entire sky in an instant.

Above Zhongzhou City, the barrier was activated directly, covering the entire Zhongzhou City into it.

It was automatically activated by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. The aftermath of the battle spread out layer by layer, and was blocked by the enchantment in Zhongzhou City.

Seeing this scene, the masters in the city only felt that their hairs were standing upside down and their backs were cold, as if they had just been fished out of the ice cave.

Just the aftermath of the battle may completely annihilate them, and the existence of the two in the sky is really terrifying.


Immediately after everyone saw that the headed Supreme Elder almost instantly, the Destiny Knife in his hand was smashed, and after a loud noise, it turned to ashes.

The power of the azure blue spear in Chu Yunfan's hand was too terrifying.

On the other side, the elder of the Heavenly Destiny Sect headed back several steps, only a very shocked expression in his eyes.

In the one-on-one collision, he was completely downwind. At this time, he could feel his body, his internal organs were trembling, even bleeding, and the internal organs were ruptured, if not for his powerful skills. , Forcibly maintained the internal organs not to explode, otherwise, his whole body would explode with just one blow.

Only then did he really understand the terrible Chu Yunfan. You must know that the aura on Chu Yunfan's body is so well hidden. It can be said that from the outside, Chu Yunfan even looks like a person who has not practiced before. , But at the moment of the shot, all the hidden strength burst out instantly.

This is just like when a wild animal is hunting. Before taking a shot, put away his fangs and claws, wait for the opportunity, and kill him with one blow.

Once they are really shot, these hidden fangs and claws can kill the prey with one blow.

Yes ~www.ltnovel.com~ Now he finally understands what Chu Yunfan's plain eyes mean, that is the expression of treating him as a prey.

He was furious at first, but then boundless fear surged up.

Because he understood almost instantly that he could not be Chu Yunfan's opponent at all, and staying there was almost a dead end.

All this is long to say, but in fact it is only a momentary thing!

After Chu Yunfan's azure blue spear smashed the blade of the Mingdao that day, he cast his momentum and directly blasted into the defensive formation formed by the other two Heavenly Mingzong elders.

The two shields rose up against the wind and grew bigger and bigger, directly blocking Chu Yunfan's front.

And the spear in Chu Yunfan's hand is like a roaring dragon, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha, piercing the two shields in an instant.


After the spear pierced the shield, it once again pierced the Supreme Elder headed by Mingzong that day, killing him with one blow.

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