I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2067: The horror of that one sword, you are not Godsend

Because that sharp aura is like a knife, dominating the world, it is impossible for anyone to imitate it.

It is impossible for someone to pretend to be that terrifying existence.

Even his cultivation level is different from the first time he saw Jun Tianci, it is more than a thousand times stronger, ten thousand times stronger.

The cultivation base has even stepped into the heavenly realm, ranking among the top ranks in the world, but at this time, thinking of that Jun Tianci, is still very jealous.

Jun Tianci is the chief disciple of the Destiny Sect, and the next generation of the Sect Master of the Destiny Sect, and he is the next generation of the Sect Master of the Fei Xian Sect.

The same is the Sect Master, but the gap between the two sides is like a big difference. In addition to the disadvantages caused by the difference in grade, even he has to admit that in terms of talent, Jun Tianci is stronger than him.

Even at the same age, he is afraid that he is not Jun Tianci's opponent at all.

For him, it was a great shame, but he had to admit that there was a gap in his heart. For ordinary people, he was already a genius of heaven that could only be seen in myths and legends.

However, there is a huge difference between a genius and a genius, and they are not the same at all. If he is an ordinary genius, then Jun Tianci is not a human at all, it is simply a monster.

For so many years, he has only seen one person who can match this monster, Chu Yunfan!

It is a pity that Chu Yunfan has fallen into the hands of Jun Tianci before he can grow up in the future. It can be said that this alone is enough to make Fei Xianzong feel sad and angry.

Chu Hongcai's protection specifications are much stronger than those of Yang Dengxian, just to prevent similar things from happening again.

A peerless Tianjiao who can lead the rise of Fei Xianzong has fallen, and Fei Xianzong can't afford another one.

Although Yang Dengxian, as a high-level Fei Xianzong sect, knows far more than ordinary people, knowing that Chu Yunfan did not fall at that time, but after so many years, no news has come out. Many people think that Chu Yunfan is probably afraid There are more ills than good luck.

In that battle, many people calculated something based on the traces on the scene. If it were them, they didn't even have the ability to resist. Basically, they would die if they encountered it.

Even if Chu Yunfan survived, he was afraid that his skill would be greatly reduced, which was not the same as before.

And the person who caused all this is the gift of God in front of you. It is conceivable that Yang Dengxian's jealousy is heavy.

Almost instantly, his hairs stand upside down, and the mana of his whole body is condensed to the extreme. If there is something wrong, he will immediately run away.

Yes, just to escape. Facing Jun Tianci, he has no chance of winning at all. Just surviving is already very difficult.

Jun Tianci even dared to kill Chu Yunfan, let alone him.

However, after Jun Tianci appeared, he did not look at Yang Dengxian. He seemed to be dismissive of Yang Dengxian, but his actions were not slow. The backhand was a hand knife and slashed towards Yang Dengxian.

"Destiny Sword!"

Yang Dengxian's pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and Jun Tianci's level was obviously different from other people's. Only with a hand knife, he could use the power of the Destiny Sword, and he didn't need that kind of magical weapon.

And the power displayed was at least several times stronger than Li Yuanjia, who was facing Yang Dengxian just now.

Yang Dengxian quickly backed away, all the defensive magic powers, barriers, and magical weapons were all opened in an instant, but they were still cut open by Jun Tianci directly with a hand knife.

Yang Dengxian's defenses seemed to be paper-sticky, and they were cut open all at once.


A huge crack appeared in Yang Dengxian's chest, only a little bit, his whole person was about to be cut in half by the sword energy erupting from this hand knife.

At this time, Yang Dengxian had already appeared more than a hundred kilometers away.

"Huh, huh, huh!"

Yang Dengxian kept panting heavily, trembling all over.

Just now when it was almost at the cutting edge, he didn't choose to resist, and the moment the various defensive barriers and magical powers were displayed, he directly retreated.

And now, it turns out that his fighting talent and premonition are very keen.

Even though he reacted so quickly, he was almost chopped in half by a hand knife given by Jun Tian, ​​even so, his chest was still torn with a huge crack.

But at this time, he was covered in cold sweat, the severe pain was suppressed, and there was only one kind of fortunate escape from the dead.

Although many years have passed, but at this time he actually remembered the scene when he first saw Jun Tianci shot.

Jun Tianci directly defeated the Tianjiao who tried to challenge him with his unstoppable power, just like the unknown master now, killing him with one blow, almost a sweep.

Among his peers, no one is his opponent at all.

The ranking of Tianjiao in that session was second, and compared to Li Qianyuan in the following session, it was not bad at all. However, when faced with Jun Tianci, he had no power to fight back.

It's almost a copy of Chu Yunfan's slamming of Li Qianyuan, which is why many people think that there is only one Chu Yunfan who can compete with the king's gift.

After so many years, he almost almost forgot the shock that Jun Tianci's battle brought him back, and now, just a simple hand knife reminded him of the horrible memory at the beginning.

But just being able to escape the blow made him feel very lucky.

"You are not a godsend!"

Yang Dengxian slowly said, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Although I don't want to admit it, if it is Yang Dengxian, it should be more than that!"

Yang Dengxian's words ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly caused an uproar in the entire Zhongzhou city.

The knife just now was too fast, and it looked too ordinary. Many people couldn't see the mystery, but they could compare. Of course they knew Yang Dengxian's name and strength.

Unlike more than a decade ago, Yang Dengxian is already the top leader of Fei Xianzong, a figure of a giant level.

No one dared to dismiss him as a junior.

Even in the battle with many predecessors, he did not fall behind, and now he is even a master of the heavenly realm level.

However, a character of this level was hit hard by Jun Tianci with just one simple move and almost died.

Everyone could see that if it weren't for hiding quickly, that single cut would be enough to make Yang Dengxian cut it off.

However, Yang Dengxian now said that this person is actually not Jun Tianci.

Suddenly, the whole city was in an uproar!

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