I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2069: Slash King Godsend Avatar

Chu Yunfan's words were arrogant to the extreme, not only to slay the incarnation of Jun Tianci, but also to slay his deity. It was not arrogant.

However, they don't know why, everyone feels faintly that if they say it from Chu Yunfan's mouth, it may not be unbelievable.

This feeling is very strange, they can't even talk about why they have such a sense of trust in Chu Yunfan.

Even if the words sounded not only arrogant, but also incredible, they didn't even have a bit of basic common sense, but under Chu Yunfan's calm face, they seemed very credible.

"Kill my deity? Can you do it?" Jun Tianci just said coldly, his expression didn't fluctuate at all, as always indifferent and cruel.

However, in his eyes looking at Chu Yunfan, there was already a frightening killing intent.

In any case, this guy who doesn't know the origin must not stay!

In the next moment, Jun Tianci made a move. His big hand grabbed into the void, and countless spiritual energy was condensed into a long knife. The sword light instantly shattered the sky and directly shook the space.

The power of Jun Tianci's attack can be imagined, and it has almost approached the peak of the small heaven, and it is more than twice as powerful as the Supreme Elder headed by the Tianming Sect who was beheaded by Chu Yunfan just now.

Although it is only an incarnation, the power that can be used is vastly different from the deity, but it is undeniable that his understanding of martial arts is still there.

This shot showed his own super strength.

The true demeanor of Tianjiao was completely revealed at this time.

But at this time, Chu Yunfan just sneered, and then he shot out with a backhand shot.

The azure blue spear light shook the space, forming a terrible shock wave and swept towards Jun Tianci.

The martial arts performed by both sides are not relying on magic weapons, but are condensed by magic powers, but they are more powerful than ordinary magic weapons. This is the style of a super master.


Above Zhongzhou City, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose up, and everyone was horrified. The terrifying aftermath caused by the fighting between the two sides shocked people's hearts.

This kind of terrifying collision, they can say, may not be able to see it once in a lifetime.

In the distance, Yang Dengxian protected Chu Hongcai back and forth again and again. At this time, only Chu Yunfan and Jun Tianci were left in the entire battlefield. Others did not dare to join in at will. Otherwise, it would be a dead end.

Yang Dengxian looked at the two figures on the battlefield with complicated expressions in his eyes. Chu Yunfan's origin is unknown, and his feelings are not deep.

However, Jun Tianci is different. It is well known that he is a great master in the world, but if his deity comes in person and has such strength, then he can comfort himself in the past.

After all, Jun Tianci's talent and strength are well known, not only crushing his peers, even the previous generation, some old antiques of the previous generation, are not his opponents, and he was easily defeated.

But now it's just an incarnation of Jun Tianci, and he can actually have power that he can't match at all. How strong is the strength of Jun Tianci?

Thinking of this, even with his firm Dao heart, he actually felt a little shaken.

With his talent, even if he cultivates for a lifetime, he may not be able to catch up with the godsend, this is not just caused by the difference in age.

When their next generation takes over, both sides will be big people standing at the same height, but he wants to be a god-given one.

This feeling is uncomfortable, but he has to accept it.

Presumably through the ages, those genius guys who were born in the same era as monsters have been depressed like him.

At this moment, he can also understand the eyes of ordinary geniuses looking at him, which is about the same as the eyes he looks at Jun Tianci now.

The gap between the two sides is so big that it is difficult for him to even have a comparative mind. If there is a comparative mind, it will be himself who is injured after all.

Just as Yang Dengxian was thinking about it, suddenly, the situation in the meeting in the entire battlefield changed again. In that mushroom cloud, a figure rushed out almost in a thunderous manner.

He glanced intently, it wasn't Chu Yunfan and who was it?

However, he saw that Chu Yunfan was holding a blue spear, and a dragon rose and fell almost for an instant, like a teleport, and came to Jun Tianci with ease.

Jun Tianci backed away again and again, his face was slightly ashen, in the collision just now, he actually fell in the wind.

Although it was just an incarnation, it was already a shame for him.

Since his debut, no one has ever let him fall under the wind. The only time he suffered a loss was that annoying guy more than ten years ago.

Thinking of this, the long knife in his hand that was shattered by Chu Yunfan condensed again, exuding bursts of terrifying light.

The blade light swept out in an instant, and fell towards Chu Yunfan, but almost the next instant, he saw a scene that shocked him, and Chu Yunfan slapped his backhand with a palm.


The blade light he slashed out was smashed by a direct shot, and dissipated in the air as a sky full of light.

"What kind of physical cultivation is this?" Jun Tianci showed a look of astonishment on his face.

What Chu Yunfan had been using before was all marksmanship, and he hadn't really used his physical cultivation base, which made him misjudge, thinking that Chu Yunfan's physical body was nothing more than that.

But now, Chu Yunfan slapped him severely with practical actions.

Suddenly, at this moment, after his knife was smashed~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan's blue spear directly shredded the sky. Like the beak of a phoenix, it pierced into his body instantly.


The spear shredded Jun Tianci's body, and Jun Tianci's body composed purely of energy and primordial spirit shattered on the spot and turned into a flood of light.

At this time, everyone finally saw that in Jun Tianci’s body, it was a wooden doll with powerful energy fluctuations, but at this time, this doll was shot by Chu Yunfan. Through.

The doll shattered, shattered inch by inch!

Although this puppet was hiding in Jun Tianci's body, Chu Yunfan was able to see through it, and shot it through.

"It turned out to be an avatar doll, no wonder this avatar possesses such strength!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly, the avatar doll is a special magic weapon, which can condense a powerful avatar with the avatar doll as the core.

But this kind of avatar doll is quite rare, and the price is extremely high!

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