I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2092: Fighting to kill Chu Yunfan

For a while, Chu Yunfan became the sweet pastry in the eyes of many people!

Although Yang Dengxian and others hadn't figured out what extent Chu Yunfan's strength had reached from beginning to end before, they only felt that it was unfathomable.

However, I figured out some more, at least he was a master above the mid-level position.

The masters of the mid-space level, put outside, they must be bigwigs among the various forces, enough to start a sect, and the world is watching.

Even on the Tianjiao battlefield where there are many Tianjiao like dogs, this kind of strength can be called a master.

Although these Tianjiao have not yet entered the battlefield of Tianjiao, because of their respective races and different sects, they have already been divided into camps.

Like Chu Yunfan, who is powerful, but has not clearly belonged to it, isn't it the sweet pastry in everyone's eyes.

You know, the Tianjiao battlefield can only be entered by the bloodline above the Fengwang physique. Such a character will grow up in the future and must be a famous figure.

Such a person who has no clear sect affiliation or power affiliation is really rare.

The various forces rushed wildly, even if they knew that Chu Yunfan had offended the Heavenly Mandate Sect to death, there were still many people who wanted to win over Chu Yunfan.

The Destiny Sect is certainly a behemoth, but on the Tianjiao battlefield, among the various Tianjiao alliances, the Destiny Sect is not the most powerful one.

Moreover, the alliance reached with Chu Yunfan can be continued after leaving the Tianjiao battlefield, especially for a powerful Tianzong wizard like Chu Yunfan, as long as he is given enough time, he can grow into a supreme master.

"Why don't you join my monster clan alliance? What kind of character, Brother Jian, how can he still stick to the racial distinction?" Hu Qingxuan said immediately. "This is not above the Middle-earth China, let alone the fate of the race. It is just a chance for individuals to gain the Tao, so why not?"

Everyone refused to give in. Such a wild master is not easy to see. Only in the indigenous people can there be such a master who does not belong to any alliance. Now it is easy to run into one, how could they let it go.

Suddenly, before the competition was completed, a figure came to Chu Yunfan's face. This man was dressed in a purple robe and a face full of monsters, and his body exuded a faintly terrifying aura.

"I heard you are so arrogant that you don't even pay attention to the Destiny Sect?" The man with a strange face just smiled coldly and said.

"You also belong to the Destiny Sect?" Chu Yunfan said faintly, with a cold expression, but he had a mighty power of his own.

Everyone suddenly stopped fighting for Chu Yunfan, because they all saw that this man with a strange face was not good.


The man with a strange face shook his head.

"That's your shit!" Chu Yunfan just said indifferently.

"Back then, I was honoured by a senior of the Destiny Sect for life-saving. The most unseen thing in this life is that someone disrespects the Destiny Sect. If you are disrespectful to the Destiny Sect, you will die!" This man with a strange face is just cold and cold. Said. "Not to mention, you dare to kill people from the Destiny Sect. It's really hard to blame. I will not only kill you, but also extract your soul, and beat you day and night, so that you will never be more than life. !"

"Speaking of all this, whether you have this ability is the most important thing. If you want to stand out for the Destiny Sect, you have to see if you have this ability!"

Chu Yunfan glanced at the man with a strange face, but said coldly.


Suddenly, outside the villa, there was a dull voice, and then a flash of blood entered the villa. When everyone saw it, it was a blood-clothed and shabby-faced youth who walked in.

"Blood Wuhen, what do you want to do?" Seeing this man in blood, the man with a strange face couldn't help but speak. "He is my prey, why don't you want to grab it?"

Xue Wuhen just smiled coldly and said: "Since you are innocent, I want this person's head. Someone will reward him with his head. You can't kill the person I want to kill!"

The strange-faced young man just sneered, and then said: "What a big joke, I have heard about you in Blood Wuhen. You are a generational prince of the **** robe assassin organization, and once assassinated one of them at that time. The big man, was chased until he disappeared. I thought you were dead. I didn't expect to linger and panting to this day. But since you have been lingering and panting and survived, why don't you cherish your life and come and die! "

"Really ridiculous, lingering?" Xue Wuhen said with a cold smile. "Thinking of innocence, do you think you know my details? I know your details as well. You are a certain generation of Tianjiao of the Tianxie Sect. The Tianxie Sect was strong at the time, and later angered the Great Xia Dynasty and was annihilated. You The Heavenly Evil Sect is just a few remaining sects lingering outside ~ www.ltnovel.com~ You are also worthy to bark in front of me, my blood-clothed building destroying your remaining Heavenly Evil sects is just a matter of effort!"

Many people learned from the dialogue between these two people that the two people belonged to a certain generation of Tianjiao from the Bloody Cloth Tower and the Tianxie Sect respectively, and both were extremely powerful.

The Blood Robe Building has been one of the top killer organizations in the world until now, and it has existed since a long time ago.

It has never been annihilated before. No one knows how many masters there are in this organization. Its tentacles are spread all over the world. No one knows how many famous masters may be members of it.

Even the Great Xia Dynasty was equally afraid of the Bloody Clothes Tower.

And the other Heavenly Evil Sect was once strong for a while, and it was known as the first sect of the evil demon's outer sect, a behemoth that could compete with the top ten sects in the world.

Later, because of his unscrupulous behavior, the people all over the world were resentful, and the Great Xia Dynasty shot it out.

Now there are only a few disciples left to linger overseas, but there are still some arrogances who have survived because they are self-proclaimed in secret places.

This thinking innocent is one of them.

This kind of situation is also very common among many ancient Tianjiao. After self-appointing oneself, the sect and race where they belonged have been destroyed for many years.

Nothing can last forever, time will wash away everything!

Hearing Xue Wuhen’s contemptuous tone, Si Wuxie’s face showed a bit of anger, and said coldly: "I don’t know how powerful your blood-clothed building is, but now it’s easy for me to kill you. The assassin dared to appear in front of me, he was too courageous!"


Recommend a wave of new book "Fantasy" by the great **** of salaries, everyone who is interested can read it! 8)

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