I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2099: Golden Titan? Hanging!

The moment Chu Yunfan arrived in front of the Heavenly Fate League, a series of majestic divine thoughts swept out. . Fastest update

It swept onto Chu Yunfan's body in an instant!

"Huh?" A puzzled voice came from the resident. It seemed a little strange. His divine consciousness had no effect on Chu Yunfan's body, and he couldn't even detect some basic things.

If you close your eyes, you can't feel a person standing in front of you, as if this person merged with the world.

After a while, a young man with a golden body walked out slowly.

This whole golden-yellow young man looked very mysterious, as if he had a special bloodline on his body, and his body was shining with extraordinary light.

"Who are you? Do you want to provoke our Fate League?" the young man said.

"Provocation? It's hard to talk about it. I heard that your Destiny Alliance has collected a lot of good things and came here to get them!" Chu Yunfan grinned slightly.

Just when Lan Hao and others speculated that Chu Yunfan might have left the city to avoid misfortune, who would have thought that Chu Yunfan never left at all, but directly landed on the resident of the Destiny Alliance.

"I came here to pick it up? It's ridiculous!"

The young man glanced up and down at Chu Yunfan, and then said, "It's just a guy who has just entered the realm of Xiaotian. Could it be that he thinks he's overwhelming?"

This young man didn't put Chu Yunfan in his eyes, obviously he was awakening from a certain era, and he didn't know that he was a proud arrogant.

After all, if it is a contemporary Tianjiao, there is no reason not to know the power of Destiny Sect. This is the largest sect in the world, and it has been one of the top ten sects in the world since the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Majesty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

I dare not put the Alliance of Heaven in my eyes at all. It is probably a certain arrogant of the ancient times before the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty. These arrogances are all above the top, and of course they will not put the Great Xia Dynasty on the top. In the eyes.

In the past few years, such conflicts have occurred more than once or twice. This time one hundred thousand Tianjiao was born. Many of them were Tianjiao who had never recovered in the past. The most recent one was also in recent ancient years. How do you know that the world has changed?

For this kind of Tianjiao who doesn't know the height and the thick of the earth, the Destiny Alliance has always taken care of it directly.

"Now hand over your things, you can still survive, I won't kill you!"

Chu Yunfan looked at the young man in front of him and said seriously.

But the young man was irritated by Chu Yunfan’s words, and he scolded: "Don’t kill me? What are you! Today I will use your head to tell all the other guys who want to provoke my Destiny Alliance, that the Destiny Alliance is not You offended it!"

In the next instant, the young man shot directly, and bursts of golden light burst out of him. In an instant, like a golden golden man, he swept across the sky with a punch and directly blasted towards Chu Yunfan.

The pinnacle of Xiaotianwei!

This fist swelled the air, and in an instant, the enchantment nearby felt it, recovering one after another, and sealed this terrifying punch.

"The bloodline of the Golden Titan is really amazing, but it's a pity that your body is a little too thin, it's not enough just to have this level!"

While Chu Yunfan spoke, Shi Shiran casually slapped him, accompanied by a huge roar, this terrifying punch was blocked by Chu Yunfan's backhand.

Chu Yunfan had recognized the bloodline of this young man, it was the bloodline of a powerful racial Titan in the Primordial Age, and it was also the bloodline of the strongest Golden Titan among the Titans.

According to some textual researches in the memory of Emperor Chu Yunfan during the immemorial period in the memory of the pill emperor, there were a large number of masters among the Titan giants, and the strongest could contend against the emperors.

In this clan, there are twelve strongest people who can compete with the emperor, and the tyranny of this clan can be seen in general.

However, there are only some thin blood on his body, otherwise it is much more than that.

However, this kind of blood is not very common even in the ancient years where the emperor Dan was. It was probably in the Tianjiao battlefield where the peerless Tianjiao from all ages gathered, so that you can casually see a blood that has been through. Sorry.


The young man was a little stunned to see that his own blow was actually blocked. The golden Titan's bloodline made him invincible, and he was rarely an opponent, let alone Chu Yunfan's cultivation base was far inferior to him.

However, before he waited for any more reaction, Chu Yunfan didn't know when, he had already rampaged in front of him.


A huge ear scraper drew in front of the young man fiercely, almost fainting the young man, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his front teeth were loose.

"Look, I gave you a chance just now, but since you want to kill me? Then I will kill you!"

Chu Yunfan shook his head, and said, "Thinking about the rare bloodline of the Golden Titan, I wanted to keep you alive, but now it looks like it's impossible!"

When it was said that it was too late, Chu Yunfan didn't know when, he had already punched the young man out with a backhand.


The young man slammed into the gate of the resident, directly knocking the entire gate to a faltering.

The golden light on his body was beaten to pieces, revealing the original appearance, even if it was a special bloodline, in front of Chu Yunfan's punch, it was not a **** at all.

He was dizzy and dizzy, his mana couldn't be mobilized at all, he was not an opponent at all.

It was easy to take a breath, and then saw Chu Yunfan walk over step by step.

"If you kill me~www.ltnovel.com~ you will not end well, and the Fate League will not let you go!"

The young man was shaking all over, as if looking at a monster.

He is not a member of the Tianming Sect, but a Gaidai Tianjiao in a sect attached to the Tianming Sect.

Once shining in an era, the same generation of Tianjiao couldn’t raise his head. Later, he chose to proclaim himself to this era. I thought that even on the shining Tianjiao battlefield, he was one of the best, who I know, I actually encountered such a perverted Chu Yunfan.

He almost felt that his bloodline was almost beaten and collapsed!

It's a monster!

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I will find trouble with the Destiny Sect!"

Chu Yunfan grinned, his backhand was a hand knife, and a ball of thunder power covered it, piercing the young man in an instant.

This young man had no resistance at all, and died tragically after a while, and the corpse capital was collected by Chu Yunfan into the space of the mountain and river map.

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