I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2102: He is too strong, right?

With the strength of the many masters in these cities, it is naturally extremely fast to transmit information.

Almost when Chu Yunfan was still on the way, the story about him robbing the Jun League had spread throughout the Heavenly Mandate League.

At the same time, the grievances between Chu Yunfan and the fundamental Destiny Sect outside of the Destiny Alliance were spread throughout.

After hearing of Chu Yunfan's brilliant record, these indigenous masters were secretly shocked. Although these indigenous people grew up in the Tianjiao battlefield, it did not mean that they did not know the Destiny Sect.

On the contrary, the Tianjiao Sect has also entered many Tianjiao after the opening of the Tianjiao battlefield. Some of these aborigines have been subdued to become followers of this generation, and some of the ancestors have been subdued by these Tianjiao to become followers.

The horror of the Destiny Sect is very clear.

One of the top and most terrifying forces in the world!

Only those Tianjiao of Tianmingzong's past generations left a very deep impression on them.

In the Tianjiao battlefield, the Tianming League possesses great power. The Tianming Sect itself has accumulated a lot of Tianjiao in the past dynasties, plus the forces attached to the Tianming Sect and the natives and their descendants who have been conquered by the Tianjiao in the Tianjiao battlefield.

It can be said that the power of the Destiny Alliance in the Tianjiao battlefield is quite huge, but this force is not worth mentioning compared with the power of the Heavenly Destiny Sect outside.

This Jian Wuchen dared to say that the Heavenly Fate Sect hadn't died yet, which in itself was a kind of silent proof.

But for what reason Chu Yunfan called the Heavenly Fate Sect, no one knows, but for them, this time is undoubtedly a huge test.

The Junmeng and the Destiny Alliance seem to have parted ways, but in fact, they still break the bones and connect the tendons after all, and they are still a family after all.

Chu Yunfan ransacked the Jun League resident, how could he easily let them go.

Sure enough, as expected, Chu Yunfan came and appeared so unscrupulously.

"Go on, kill him!"

At this time, deep in the Destiny League resident, there was a loud shout.

Immediately after that, the indigenous masters all shot at the same time, and a torrent of terrifying martial arts swept towards Chu Yunfan at an astonishing speed.

This kind of formation, even facing the master of the mid-level rank, is not at all shocked.

However, what the masters in the city who followed closely did not expect was that Chu Yun was too strong. Facing the torrent of martial arts that swept over, he just stepped on his feet.

Immediately, in his body, countless lightning powers turned into a huge thunder dragon. The thunder dragon surrounded his whole body. All the attacks fell on his attack. .

On the contrary, those indigenous masters have already been backlashed, coughing up blood and retreating wildly.

Those city masters who followed are almost dumbfounded, is this a monster?

One person alone against a thousand troops!

It seems that at the realm of Chu Yunfan, how many people have no meaning at all!

Before everyone could react, Chu Yunfan had already moved in the next instant. One of his arms was raised high, and countless thunder powers condensed in his hands.

At this moment, he was like a Thor.

In the next moment, the power of these thunders turned into countless spears and swept across the sky in an instant like a storm.

Regardless of whether the native masters reacted or did not react, none of them were opponents at all, and they were directly nailed to the ground.


The ground of the entire station has been bombarded in a mess. It is extremely terrifying. The blood of these masters flows into the ground and flows into the ground along the cracks.

In an instant, the group is destroyed!

"Hey, it's terrifying, it's really too strong, is he really the realm of Xiaotianwei? The realm shown now seems to be only Xiaotianwei, but in terms of combat power, I am afraid that Zhongtianwei is not an opponent!"

Many people looked at Chu Yunfan one after another, as if they had seen a ghost.

Chu Yunfan was really too strong, even the Tianjiao who had been frightened for a while in ancient times didn't have such strength.

It's no wonder that Chu Yunfan dared to kill the door, regardless of whether it was the Jun League or the Heaven's Fate League.

Sure enough, he has his own confidence!

"Good, good, good, so bold!"

Suddenly, a figure flew directly from the depths of the Destiny Alliance.

The brilliance behind this man turned into wings, faintly looking like a god-man.

Chu Yunfan glanced intently and discovered that this was a young man who looked like a twenty-seven or eighteen-year-old, with an ordinary face, but he carried a kind of imposing power.

At this time, the young man stared at Chu Yunfan steadily, as if looking at a dead person.

Chu Yunfan group destroyed the native master of the Heavenly Fate Alliance, and completely angered him and forced him out.

"Who are you? What a courage!"

This person looked at Chu Yunfan coldly.

"You don't need to know!"

Chu Yunfan sneered and said.

"Anyway, you will soon be a dead person!"

The young man was furious when he heard what Chu Yunfan said. Chu Yunfan's words simply didn't take him seriously.

As the person in charge of the Destiny League outside the Tianjiao battlefield, he naturally has his own strength and pride.

"You have offended my Destiny Sect. There is no place for you in the sky or on the earth. No matter what your background, you are dead!" The young man just said with a deep face.

Naturally, he also got some information about Chu Yunfan, but he was still at a loss. This enemy was like jumping from a crack in a rock~www.ltnovel.com~ is not in the Tianjiao list recorded by the Destiny Sect at all. But he knows one thing, no matter who this person is, he can't keep it, it's a scourge.

"Isn't he Lu Yuan of the Tianming Sect? I remember him, Tianjiao who appeared on the battlefield of Tianjiao several times, but his active age is thousands of years ago, I didn't expect to see him here!"

A native master in the city suddenly remembered something, and suddenly recognized the identity of the Tianjiao Sect Tianjiao.

Immediately aroused a lot of discussion, many people know that the invincible Tianjiao of the Destiny Sect, the Tianjiao who has overwhelmed an era, was the top few of the Tianjiao list that year.

Although it was only the top few and not the top of the list, there are so many practitioners of each generation that they can stand out and become the top ones. This in itself has proved that Lu Yuan's talent and strength are absolutely rare in the world.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Chu Yunfan sneered at Lu Yuan in front of him, and didn't bother to talk more nonsense to Lu Yuan.

And just before his voice fell, Lu Yuan launched an attack.

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