I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2107: Unscrupulous

In the outside world, the Destiny Sect can be described as covering the sky with one hand, with huge power and intertwined roots. It may not be difficult to search a person thoroughly with the forces of the Destiny Sect.

However, there were only a few people in the Heavenly Fate League, and even if those affiliated forces were included, there were actually not many people, and it was impossible to search the entire city.

There are countless masters in the city, among them there are many ancient Tianjiao, which one of these ancient Tianjiao is a good match.

The current strength may not be as good as the Destiny Sect, but as long as it grows, the future will be unlimited.

If you completely offend these people, even the Destiny Sect will have a headache. Even if only one person grows up, it can cause huge losses to the Destiny Sect.

In the face of so many masters, even as strong as the Heavenly Fate League and the Jun League, they have to retreat.

So they went straight to the resident of Feixian League, which was the last place that Jian Wuchen reportedly appeared.

Moreover, the contradiction between Tianming Sect and Feixianzong has already extended into the Tianjiao battlefield, and the Tianming League has long wanted to find something to deal with the Feixian League.

"Search?" Lan Hao's face suddenly turned pale, this was a humiliation to the Fei Xian League and his staff, and it was a humiliation to him.

This feeling is as if someone pinched his neck and then slapped him fiercely.

Make him angry enough.

"Poxingzi, who do you think you are? Dare to search my Feixian League's residence!"

Lan Hao shouted.

"Don’t think that you rely on the Emperor Tianci and become one of his dogs. You think you are great. The Destiny Sect is very powerful. Yes, but you think you can do whatever you want after you rely on the Tianming Sect. Wrong!"

"Our Flying Immortal Sect wants to kill you, just as effortlessly!"

Hearing what Lan Hao said, Po Xingzi suddenly flashed a bit of cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "Be a dog?"

These two words clearly angered Po Xingzi, for a strong man in the indigenous world like him, there is almost no choice.

Their ancestors are almost those Tianjiao from the outside world, who stayed on the Tianjiao battlefield for various reasons, and later multiplied and formed their natives.

Because their ancestors are basically Tianjiao, it can be said that their genes are very good, and these Tianjiao basically have their own powerful inheritance, so their descendants are geniuses.

The probability of becoming a genius is much more noble than the outside world does not know, the sum of the indigenous tianjiao in the entire Tianjiao battlefield is no less than the tianjiao accumulated by the outside world for countless years.

However, they have a very embarrassing place, that is, they can't leave the Tianjiao battlefield, no matter how amazing they are, they can't leave this world.

It's as if there is a law carved into their blood.

Someone tried to leave the Tianjiao battlefield, but was soon attacked by a mysterious force and died tragically.

Therefore, there are not many choices left to them. Many people have chosen to take refuge in a certain foreign Tianjiao, and may be able to find a way to leave the Tianjiao battlefield.

Even if he was defeated by Jun Tianci, he would still be somewhat unwilling in his heart, because he was trapped on the Tianjiao battlefield and he had no choice.

At the same time, he is also most afraid of others calling him a dog, even in the eyes of others, this is not an exaggeration, but a reality.

"I can't help it!" At this moment, a terrifying light burst into Po Xingzi's eyes.

These two Li Mangs resembled two swords, directly tore the sky apart, and blasted Lan Hao's body in an instant.


Lan Hao vomited blood back and was seriously injured for an instant.

"You...you dare to do something to me!"

Lan Hao was extremely shocked, Po Xingzi didn’t pay attention to the Flying Immortal Alliance behind him at all, so he launched an attack so brazenly, and what made him feel extremely shocked was that there was a difference in strength between him and Po Xingzi. So big, Po Xingzi hit him hard just by looking at him.

This is a very big difference in strength.

He has already stepped into the realm of the mid-world position, and the strength of this starbreaker is far better than him, even if he has reached the peak of the mid-world position, and even approaching the realm of the big sky infinitely.

If this is the case, it would be too bad.

You should know that the leaders of the various forces on the periphery of the Tianjiao battlefield are basically just the strength of the newcomer to the middle heaven, with a certain strength of deterrence, but the strength is not particularly strong.

The most powerful elites are often located in the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, or even the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield.

And the strength of this Xingzi actually approached the realm of the Great Heaven, which means that I am afraid that there is no existence that can compete with Xingzi on the periphery of the entire Tianjiao battlefield.

They are both in the mid-heaven position, the difference is too big!

"But so, I can't help myself!"

Po Xingzi just sneered, and then said, "Search for me!"

At this time, behind him, hundreds of figures emerged, each of which was extremely powerful, and the last of them had already entered the realm of a small heaven, and they were extremely masters.

Not far from Lan Hao, Yang Dengxian and the others had pale faces and clenched their fists, but there was no way at all. Among the masters of Fei Xian League who kept their hands here, the most powerful was Lan Hao.

But even Lan Hao couldn't do a single move under Po Xingzi's attack, and it didn't make any difference when he changed to them.

Not to mention so many masters of the heavenly realm.

It is very difficult for the outside world to see the gathering of masters of these celestial realms at the same time. Any master of the celestial realm is a giant, and the entire Feixian League will be shaken by stomping.

And now ~www.ltnovel.com~ the masters of these celestial positions are well-trained, and they started the search directly. The entire search method is also very rough, and the entire Feixian League's resident has been investigated with divine thoughts and celestial eyes. .

"What are you doing?" Lan Hao let out a loud shout, and with this loud shout, he coughed up another mouthful of blood, almost affecting his injuries.

"You don't want to die, it's better not to move!"

Po Xingzi sneered. As soon as he stretched out his hand, an octagonal, simple-shaped bronze mirror appeared in his hand. As he input mana, the bronze mirror burst into dazzling light, like a small sun.

Where the light of the bronze mirror passed, everything was invisible, including some places hidden by enchantments and formations.

After photographing the entire Feixian League up and down for a while, Po Xingzi finally put the bronze mirror away unwillingly, and could not find the whereabouts of the guy named Jian Wuchen in it.

"Fortunately for you, let's go!"

After speaking, Po Xingzi left the Feixian League resident with a group of masters. u

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