I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2109: People are not rich without windfall

Chu Yunfan's face was full of regrettable expressions, and he could break through with such a handicap, but it was a pity that the godhead consumed his spiritual energy too fast.

He had just ransacked all the wealth in the residences of the Jun League and the Destiny League, and now they have all been consumed by the gods.

Obviously, the consumption rate of this godhead far exceeded Chu Yunfan's expectation. If it spreads out, I am afraid it will cause an uproar in the world.

You know, the wealth collected by the Heavenly Fate League and the Jun League is to be used by the entire alliance for practice.

Now even Chu Yunfan is not enough to use it, one can imagine how amazing Chu Yunfan consumes.

Far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a prodigal, and he is also a god-level prodigal.

And after spending this wealth, Chu Yunfan only spent half a month before and after.

But Chu Yunfan didn't regret it at all, he could feel the terrifying power bursting into his body.

Compared to when there was no breakthrough, Chu Yunfan was more than twice as powerful.

And his comprehension of the Dao is unprecedented, and it can even be said that there is no one before and no one to come after.

Because of the Godhead, Chu Yunfan didn't need to be like many people, specifically choosing one of the avenues for enlightenment. It can almost be said that there is a avenue for enlightenment, and he is not picky.

His comprehensive level of understanding of the Dao, let alone a small-level master, even a big-level master is far inferior to him.

And it's not just a casual understanding, they all have a considerable degree of understanding, if they are known by outsiders, I'm afraid they will surprise the audience again.

Ordinary people would not choose to do this at all. The consumption required is still trivial. The key is that there are huge differences between different avenues, and there are even completely different yin and yang, water and fire, and even completely opposite laws.

The time it takes to comprehend different laws is too amazing. Although practitioners live a long life, they have not yet reached the point where they can squander casually. Isn't the purpose of people practicing for longevity?

Because the comprehension of the Great Dao far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people, similarly, this also caused Chu Yunfan's combat power to soar, directly rushing from the original Zhongtian position to the middle peak of the Zhongtian position, and even faced Zhongtian. As a late master, Chu Yunfan was confident that he could protect himself and retreat with his whole body.

Therefore, even though it is a waste of endless resources, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, Chu Yunfan's gains are far beyond ordinary people's imagination. The stronger the foundation is now, the more that Chu Yunfan can stand in the future. The height is more amazing.

It can even be said that future breakthroughs will be much easier than ordinary people.

For Chu Yunfan, the numerous barriers that ordinary people have on the path of cultivation are not a major event. Many people may need to spend several years, or even more than ten years, to break through the barriers.

To Chu Yunfan, it was as simple as eating and drinking water, because his understanding of the avenue was too solid and solid.

With a solid foundation, the practice is of course smooth and smooth.

"Use resources for time?" This thought flashed through Chu Yunfan's mind. For him at present, although the cultivation resources are also very short of people, there is a more shortage than this, that is time.

His practice time is far less than Jun Tianci, and he has more than ten years of healing time, which further makes his practice time extremely urgent.

But judging from the resources he needs to consume in his practice, if he wants to exchange resources for time, the amount of resources he needs to consume is simply an astronomical figure.

"Slow development seems to be impossible. Sure enough, windfall comes the fastest. Horses are not fattened by night and grass!"

Chu Yunfan secretly thought that if the wealth of the Jun League and the Destiny League had not been looted, it would take a few months for Chu Yunfan to cultivate to this point, and it would be enough to miss a lot of things.

However, he can also imagine that after this incident, the Jun League and the Destiny League will no longer be so careless, gathering so much wealth, but not sending strong men to guard them.

Therefore, plundering wealth from these two alliances is no longer the most feasible strategy.

"But besides these two alliances, aren't there blood-clothed towers and evil roads alliance?" Chu Yunfan sneered. This time the people involved in dealing with him, in addition to the Jun League and the Heavenly Fate League, there are blood-clothed buildings and evil roads alliance.

These two forces also have a lot of Tianjiao entering the Tianjiao battlefield, among which there are many masters and outstanding ones, and they also need to consume a lot of cultivation resources.

This is not a godsend.

"Go out and have a look first!"

Chu Yunfan appeared to the outside world in a flash, but at this time, he had turned into a middle-aged man with an ordinary face, and no one could recognize him as Jian Wuchen before.

Soon, he knew from passers-by what had happened during his half month of retreat.

In the beginning, in order to catch Chu Yunfan, Po Xingzi jumped in the city, but he did not find a trace of Chu Yunfan.

After several days in a row, Po Xingzi could only give up.

Because everyone believed that Chu Yunfan must have left this city, otherwise, with the Heavenly Mandate League and Jun League digging three feet, it would be impossible to find Chu Yunfan.

I haven’t heard of seeing Chu Yunfan in other cities, so many people speculate that Chu Yunfan has fallen into the wild. After all, every night in the wild, there will be endless heroic spirits~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the most powerful master can hardly survive in the wild.

After all, even if it is a master of the celestial realm who is known as the boundless mana, the mana is still exhausted, but these heroic spirits are endless, and many of these heroic spirits have reborn their own spiritual wisdom, and restored the memories and memories of previous lives. Strength, one is more terrifying than one.

If Chu Yunfan appeared in the city, no matter which city, there would be spies from the Heavenly Destiny Sect, and it would be impossible to be ignorant.

The only possibility is that he has fallen into the wild.

This is also the speculation of many people, even among the Jun League and the Destiny League, many people believe this.

Even if Po Xingzi is very unhappy, he can only let it go!

However, after eating a ditch and gaining wisdom, Po Xingzi personally sat in the residence of Junmeng to prevent being ransacked again. Things like Chu Yunfan’s one time is enough, and there can never be a second time. Times.

And in a corner where no one noticed, a ray of light rose from the ground, left the city, and disappeared into the sky.

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