I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1229: Come, come, come, come again, I have to play 10

In the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, a place where many Tianjiao are longing for but not available.

Because even they don't dare to set foot easily, although they have amazing talents, they are also kings at the last time. It can be said that the strongest and most outstanding talents throughout the ages are here.

But the middle part of the Tianjiao battlefield is not talented to survive. It can even be said that only those with a realm above the middle rank dare to enter the middle part of the Tianjiao battlefield, and barely have the ability to protect themselves.

Because in the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, there is no large-scale city, and there is no place to hide. In addition, in the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, the darkness that diffuses out of the night is even more amazing, and the ancient Tianjiao heroes revived in it are even more amazing. Terrible, far more than the outside of Tianjiao battlefield.

It can be said that there is no room for the weak to survive here, even if they are Tianjiao, unless they grow up and enter the realm of the middle heaven, they dare not set foot.

What's more, Zhongtian is in the middle of Tianjiao's battlefield, and it just barely has the power to protect itself.

Obviously, with the strength shown by Chu Yunfan, everyone does not doubt that he has the strength to enter the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, but many people are not optimistic that he can survive there, after all, it is completely different.

"He did not leave the Tianjiao battlefield at this time, but stepped into the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield. I think this must be a huge mistake. That is the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, and it is not a place where he can be presumptuous!"

"Yes, there are too many masters in the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, and there are totally different fighting rules from the periphery. He is not outstanding there, and there are too many people who can kill him!"

"I heard that this incident has shocked Jun Tianci, and even Jun Tianci personally left the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield to go to the central region in order to kill him!"

"It's not just Jun Tianci, his behavior is too arrogant, many famous Tianjiao said that if he appeared in the middle of Tianjiao battlefield, they would shoot him!"

Everyone talked a lot, but Chu Yunfan didn't know this, he had already stepped into the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, and night fell.

The endless dark night was filled with endless Yin Qi, these Yin Qi turned into terrifying Heavenly Pride heroic spirits, overwhelming the sky, killing endlessly.

These heroic spirits also have the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the small heaven for the last time, and there are many middle heavenly realm heavenly arrogant heroic spirits in the middle, which can drown all the terrifying lineups.

In a mountain range, a huge black-scaled one-horned eagle roared up to the sky, constantly displaying amazing magical powers, and endless storms blew up, destroying a group of Tianjiao heroic spirits.

And not far from his side, Chu Yunfan stared at everything in front of him blankly.

Although the blood of the black-scaled unicorn eagle is boiling, it is very miserable. Although he can swallow a group of Tianjiao heroes in one bite, there will be more Tianjiao heroes slaughtered.

Even if he stepped into the realm of the middle heaven, he was beaten with blood and miserable, but he didn't dare to retreat.

For more than half a year, under the guidance of Chu Yunfan and the medicinal power of the Brahma Divine Fruit, the black-scaled unicorn eagle successfully entered the mid-century position. It was at least stronger than when it had just broken through. Times.

But even so, such a fierce battle still caused him to be beaten and wounded all over.

But Chu Yunfan didn't care about these, let the black-scaled horned eagle sharpen himself in the endless battle, unless there was a master who could surpass the black-scaled horned eagle to deal with, he would personally take action.

He didn't make many shots, but every time he was able to accurately hit the key, even if there was an existence beyond the middle stage of the middle stage hidden among the infinite Tianjiao heroic spirits, he could not pose the slightest threat to the black-scaled unicorn eagle.

After truly entering the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, Chu Yunfan discovered that the biggest difference between here and the periphery is that the battles here are too frequent.

There is not even a city, a foothold can allow you to be refurbished!

There are only battles, endless battles, until dawn. If you are tortured to death by these heavenly arrogant heroes, then even if you have great talent, it is of no use.

Aren't these Tianjiao heroic spirits also a part of these Tianjiao heroes in his lifetime?

"Come, come, come, come again, I have to fight ten!"

The black-scaled unicorn eagle roared. At this time, he was really insane. With Chu Yunfan guarding him, he had no scruples at all, even if he was often hit by the heroes of Tianjiao, he was almost driven to ruin.

But it was in such a dead end that he kept transforming himself, feeling his own bloodline activated little by little, becoming more and more terrifying.

Even among his scaly wings, a faint golden feather grew out.

This is the iron proof that his own blood is constantly changing. The growth of the demon race is the transition of the life level, and the sky demon Dafa is such a method that allows these acquired demon races to return to the innate and obtain extremely terrifying. power.

After being escorted by Chu Yunfan, this black-scaled one-horned eagle was completely insane, and looked like a peerless expert, but it was full of blood, all of which was his own, which seemed a bit ridiculous.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan couldn't stand it anymore. He also joined the battle group. He was also surrounded by these heavenly arrogance and heroic spirit groups. However, unlike the **** battle of the black-scaled horned eagle, his battle was much easier. Up.

A punch can smash a group of Tianjiao heroic spirits, absorb the Yin Qi from them, and turn them into their own use.

Chu Yunfan can even feel that his own mana is getting stronger little by little, although this is not much~www.ltnovel.com~ but for Chu Yunfan, whose mana is boundless, such a speed of increase It can be said to be precious.

At this time, Chu Yunfan really understood that the periphery and the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield were two different things. In the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, there was no real way out, only **** battles to death.

And such endless training is the only way to make these Tianjiao make amazing breakthroughs in the shortest time.

No wonder Jun Tianci has made rapid progress in his cultivation in just a few years. A place like this is a **** for the weak, but for Chu Yunfan it is a holy place for cultivation.

Chu Yunfan's opponent was much stronger than the black-scaled unicorn eagle's opponent, and most of the time it was in the late mid-level position, and even the existence above the peak of the mid-level position.

However, Chu Yunfan was not afraid of it, constantly beating it to the ground, and in his gestures, he was full of master style.

He wants to use the training on this battlefield to push his cultivation base into the realm of Zhongtian.

At that time, his realm will have another leap, and his strength will be the same, and it will reach the great heaven.

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