I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2155: The Great Heaven Strikes

One juvenile supreme surrendered to another juvenile supreme?

Before that, even the crazy person would not dare to think in this direction, that is the Junior Supreme, I have never heard of a Junior Supreme surrendering to the feet of another Junior Supreme.

Most people will do these arrogances, top arrogances, and followers of at least the supreme ones, but for the sake of obtaining better resources and seeking detachment.

These Junior Supremes, no matter their origin, resources, various inheritances, or aptitudes, are already top-notch, and even if they surrender to another Juvenile Supreme, they will not get better.

Besides, they have amazing self-esteem, and they would rather die than surrender!

But Chu Yunfan did it like this!

"How did he do it?"

Everyone is dumbfounded, or is the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow already beaten stupid?

However, looking at the appearance of the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow, it did not seem to be forced. In fact, in terms of the strength of the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow, there was no way he could be forced.

The big deal is that there is only one death!

Of course, the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow also heard the discussion and confusion of the people. He naturally understood why the people were puzzled. If it were normal, he would rather die than surrender to Chu Yunfan and do his job. Followers.

However, now there is something more important than death, and that is to break through the limitations of the original bloodline.

The Flame Swallowing Sparrow is an elf born in fire. It is born with the ability to control all kinds of flames. It can even be said that there are very few people standing in the fire system with supernatural powers.

Even as long as you dig deep into your own blood, you can become the strongest existence of the fire system supernatural powers in the world.

There is no need to ask, as long as he digs his own blood, it is enough to be invincible.

But Chu Yunfan gave him another choice, which was to surpass his own blood.

The flames of the Sky-Swallowing Sparrow's bloodline have reached the limit, which is indeed rare in the world, but there is another kind of fierce bird whose control and understanding of the flame is still higher than that of the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

That is the Primordial Underworld Phoenix, known as the head of the Primordial Ten Fiends!

The Primordial Underworld Phoenix is ​​a mutated phoenix in the Phoenix family. The ordinary phoenix is ​​a natural fire deity, possessing top-notch mastery of fire type supernatural powers.

And even if the Flame Swallowing Sparrow digs its own blood to the extreme, it is still similar to this.

However, the Primordial Underworld Phoenix is ​​completely different. From birth, it was completely different from other phoenixes. Later, it became the head of the Primordial Ten Fiends. The supernatural power of controlling fire with one hand is called earth-shattering, and it is completely beyond. The degree brought by his own blood has reached another unprecedented realm.

It can be regarded as the first person to use it throughout the ages. These ordinary people don't know that Chu Yunfan is also integrated in the blood of the Primordial Phoenix. As time goes by, he has awakened more and more blood information.

This ability was originally possessed by the monster race. After integrating the abilities of the Primordial Ming Phoenix, Chu Yunfan was able to continuously dig up the bloodline information that belonged to the Primordial Ming Phoenix as his cultivation level continued to improve.

Among them are the experience of fire control magical powers and fire system magical powers. As Chu Yunfan's cultivation level becomes more and more energetic, the more this kind of information inherited in his blood is awakened.

In addition, Chu Yunfan still has the memory of Emperor Pill. Although Emperor Pill became enlightened by alchemy, his control of flame supernatural powers was also shocking, and he was also good at it.

Except for Chu Yunfan, there was no one in the world who could point the Flame Swallowing Sparrow.

Chu Yunfan just passed a small part of his experience to the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow, and the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow immediately made a decision.

Of course, the most fundamental reason was that Chu Yunfan was too strong, even if he didn't exert his full strength, he could be beaten with one hand.

He didn't give him a way to survive. With a better choice, he chose to surrender instead of committing suicide for the sake of self-esteem.

Besides, becoming a follower of Chu Yunfan, not a slave, is completely different from the golden-winged roc.

Of course, all the things in this are things that other people don't understand.

They only saw that it was almost easy for Chu Yunfan to subdue the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow without much effort.

Many people even think that the flame swallowing sparrow is so afraid of death? Is it so easy to be subdued?

After choosing to surrender, the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow quickly adjusted its position and flew over Chu Yunfan's shoulders. It was only the size of a fist, and it didn't seem strange at all to fly over Chu Yunfan's shoulders. .

With its cultivation base and strength, naturally no one dares to underestimate him because of its size.

"Where is Jian Wuchen, come and die quickly!"

Suddenly, a terrifying aura swept across in the distance, which was much stronger than the aura of the previous youth supreme.

Everyone in the city was stunned immediately, and everyone thought that after Chu Yunfan had conquered the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow, this battle should have ended.

Who ever thought that at the last moment, another master arrived.

"This is... the Great Heaven!"

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change, and they were actually masters of the Great Heaven Realm.

Similar to what many people thought before, as time goes by, it is not just the Junior Supreme from the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield that will come.

Even those masters of the Great Heaven Realm in the core position of the Tianjiao battlefield will hear the news.

It's just a matter of time.

At first, everyone thought that Chu Yunfan's actions were simply and swift, and that he would be able to evacuate the other young supreme swiftly with lightning speed, but he didn't want to have a close master at this time.

Those Juvenile Supremes are already very scary, UU reading www. uukanshu.com slings and beats the top Tianjiao at the pinnacle of the common heaven, like a chicken and a dog.

However, it is still inferior to the masters of the Great Heaven Realm. Even the masters who have entered the Great Heaven Realm are three points more terrifying than these Junior Supreme Realms.

This is why even with these young supreme pride, they are only in the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, and will not easily set foot in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield.

Because there are generally super masters in the great heaven realm, even with the skill of the young supreme may fall into it.

Their talents have made many people wary, and they want to eradicate them like pulling weeds before they grow up.

They also have self-knowledge in their hearts and will not easily step into the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield.

Even the Sky-Swallowing Flaming expression on Chu Yunfan's shoulders changed slightly, and the Dragon Head Fierce Crocodile and others were naturally even more shocked.

If they step into the realm of the great heaven, then everything will be natural, but now is the most dangerous time for them.

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