I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1925: Overpower the Prince of the Sea

The appearance of Chu Yunfan ignited the anger of the two great arrogances almost instantly.

In particular, it was originally the inheritance of the true monarch of the sea, who was fighting between the two, but now there is someone who has pushed it horizontally, which is equivalent to someone breaking into the two fierce beasts that grabbed food, and immediately faced the counterattack of the two fierce beasts.

And Chu Yunfan could also perceive a wave of killing intent sweeping like a violent wind and huge waves, how proud the two of them are, and how powerful they are.

"You don't hide from me, you dare to appear in front of me, what a bravery!" Li Qianyuan faintly suppressed his voice, as if to growl.

The whole atmosphere was condensed to the extreme, as if swept down like Mount Tai.

The Sea Prince on the side also reacted, and he also knew the identity of Chu Yufan.

After all, the Li family was robbed before, but it has been a lot of noise for a while, and he has been paying attention to the Li family's affairs, naturally it is impossible not to know.

At this time, he also became vigilant. If it was an ordinary person, the identity of the Sea Prince alone would be enough to scare people away.

But this person was different. He actually dared to attack the Li family. From the eyes of Prince Hai, although dark and cool, he also understood that this middle-aged man was not a fool.

Even the Li family dared to start, so for him, the deterrent power of the Sea Clan might not be that strong.

Moreover, Chu Yunfan actually dared to attack him just now, which also made him instantly vigilant.

"Who is your true identity?" Li Qianyuan stared at Chu Yunfan, his mind was completely locked in Chu Yunfan, as long as Chu Yunfan made the slightest movement, he would immediately act like a thunderbolt. Can not hide his ears to start on Chu Yunfan.

He knew that Chu Yunfan's appearance was definitely not like this, there must be another identity, but he didn't know what Chu Yunfan's identity was.

But he knew that the current Chu Yunfan was definitely not his original appearance, and he should have hatred with him. He could feel that Chu Yunfan's targeting was not like a temporary intention.

For such a powerful enemy, he must figure out what exactly is Chu Yunfan's identity.

"Want to know? No need, you will die here today, and the Tianjiao list will be changed today!" Chu Yunfan looked at Li Qianyuan coldly and said.

The iron rod in his hand was clenched tightly, and the momentum on his body was also not weak. Facing these two terrifying experts in the ranks of Tianjiao, he did not show any weakness.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's really arrogant. If this is the case, then don't blame me for being impolite. When I interrupt your hands and feet and break your transformation, you will know who you are!"

Li Qianyuan's expression became more and more indifferent, and there was an unimaginable cold light in his eyes.

His eyes are already extraordinary, not ordinary eyes. It can be said that the disguise of ordinary people, in front of him, there is no possibility of success at all.

But he couldn't see through Chu Yunfan's disguise, which aroused the anger in his heart.

He couldn't even remember that among the many people he had offended, there could be one that overlapped with Chu Yunfan's current appearance.

No matter whether it is strength, appearance, or martial skills, none is similar to Chu Yunfan.

It seemed as if it had all jumped out of thin air, what had emerged from the cracks in the stone was not in his memory at all.

But he knew that all of this was just a disguise, and that Chu Yunfan absolutely had an enmity with him, because he could feel it.

Because of this, he couldn't let Chu Yunfan's confidant continue to escape, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

And he never expected that the person in front of him would be the enemy of life and death that he thought he had already solved, Chu Yunfan.

After all, if the adult made the shot himself, even Li Qianyuan couldn't escape by himself, let alone Chu Yunfan.

It is almost impossible!

There are very few phoenix feathers in the world that can be compared with that one, and those who can escape from his hand are also rare. Basically, phoenix feathers are rare.

"Brother Li, no matter what, the things this time will either fall into your hands or mine, but this person is a completely unrelated outsider. Are you willing to be picked up by him? No? How about we just solve him first?" Sea Prince said.

This was his thoughtful answer. You must know that even though this Chu Yunfan's top ten was directed at Li Qianyuan, sitting and watching Li Qianyuan and Chu Yunfan fight each other, it should be able to benefit the fisherman.

But he understands better that since the other party has already shot, it is determined to win, I am afraid that even if it is him, he will not be let go.

Losing under Li Qianyuan's hands, he could still be said to be reconciled, but if he was picked up by such an unknown man, that would be a big joke.

It's better to join forces with Li Qianyuan first to get rid of Chu Yunfan.

"it is good!"

Li Qianyuan nodded, overjoyed, he also wished that Prince Sea could join hands with him to solve this confidant trouble.

"Hahahaha, want to kill me? Just rely on the two of you? Today's Tianjiao list should be changed. The first and fourth places fell at the same time. I just don't know. If the news goes out, what will those people think?" Chu Yunfan said with a grin.

"It's a big tone, don't think that the sneak attack just won, you are really amazing!"

The Sea Prince said coldly, at this time his arm had been restored as before, and the Sea Clan's recovery ability was far superior to that of the Human Race, let alone a master like him.

"In that case, let's kill you first, it's the same anyway!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and his entire body rose from the ground. In an instant, a dragon rose and phoenix fell, and it disappeared in the same place. In the next instant, he appeared in front of the sea prince~www.ltnovel.com~ The iron rod in Chu Yunfan's hand danced, with a mighty force, and directly made a sound like a roar of a fierce beast, like a huge white ape king, it was the white ape king who melted his will into In the middle of the iron rod, the power of the iron rod has increased to a higher level, but now it is cheaper than Chu Yunfan.

"The breath of the monster?" Hai Prince looked more and more indifferent, "No wonder you dare to be so presumptuous, I want to break your disguise and see if you are a monster or a human!"

When it was said that it was too late, a trident appeared in Prince Sea's hand, and the trident slammed into the stick that Chu Yunfan had fallen with a powerful force of thunder.


A sound of golden and iron humming, rippling with a terrible frenzy, almost blowing over the entire cave, but after leaving the two of them ten feet away, they disappeared without a trace.


A figure withdrew from the frenzy, Li Qianyuan looked intently and couldn't help being taken aback, because the person who had withdrew was actually Sea Prince.

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