I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1936: The East China Sea, March

In the three-day battle, in addition to the sea prince who has been judged to have fallen, the whereabouts of another protagonist who has attracted much attention, the Huntian Hou of the Great Xia Dynasty, is also missing.

If it weren't for the ranking of Tianjiao, Li Qianyuan's name would have been in the first place, and many people would even wonder if he was as dead as Sea Prince.

However, Li Qianyuan's whereabouts are unknown. In the eyes of many masters of the Sea Clan, he absconded in fear of crime, and fled without a trace with the corpse of Sea Prince.

This made many masters of the sea clan burn with anger, and even if the sea prince was killed, even the corpse was not let go. Li Qianyuan was simply a beast.

But three days later, Li Qianyuan finally reappeared.

It is said that someone saw Li Qianyuan covered in blood and almost died at the door of Li's house.

No one has ever seen Li Qianyuan look so embarrassed, like a bereaved dog whose backbone was broken.

According to the gossip from inside the Li family, Li Qianyuan almost died in one breath.

After fainting for three days, Li Qianyuan finally recovered from the coma, and the first news he brought after waking up was that he was not the one who killed the Sea Prince.

As soon as the news came out, the Li family shook up and down, because when the news of the death of Prince Hai was heard, even they believed that Li Qianyuan had killed Hai Prince.

Except for Li Qianyuan, who has that motive and who has the ability to kill Sea Prince?

Therefore, they almost acquiesced to all of this. For this reason, they did not hesitate to fight with the Sea Clan, and the Li family's foundation in the East China Sea for hundreds of years was also uprooted.

He even had to make a lot of promises to the other allies of the Prince's line, and sold a lot of benefits before they could get the shots of other allies.

You know, although they are allies and they are all under the prince’s banner, there is still a competitive relationship between the various families. It is naturally not that simple to let them contribute their efforts. The price to be paid is also enough to make the Li family very high. Meat hurts.

Just in order to save the Li family's greatest hope for the future rise, the Li family will do whatever it takes.

However, the news that Li Qianyuan brought was that the Sea Prince was not killed by him at all, but someone else, and even Li Qianyuan was severely injured by him and suffered heavy casualties.

The whole Li family suddenly became angry, and it was that fellow again!

Before that guy invaded the stronghold of the Li family, seized countless wealth of the Li family, and also robbed the divine flame fruit that the Li family had finally found. This has already caused the Li family to jump up and down.

In order to search for this guy, the Li family even postponed the search for the sea-covering true monarch's cave mansion. This also directly led to the sniping of the sea prince who was later rushed by the news, and the original raid became a battle of attrition that wounded both sides.

Now that guy is still alive and well, taking advantage of Li Qianyuan's battle with Prince Hai, a snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit. He even killed Hai Prince in the end, leaving Li Qianyuan behind.

Eventually, it caused an astonishing battle between the coalition forces of the prince line and the sea clan of the sea prince line, and both lost.

Over the past three days, the loss of the Li family can be described as shocking. It can be described as a return to decades ago, the strength of the Li family regressed for decades.

I don't know how many masters have been ruined in the East China Sea, and this is definitely not what the Li family would like to see, but now they have been told that all this is fake.

For a time, the Li family was completely furious, and the news was also spread out at the fastest speed.

"It wasn't Li Qianyuan who killed him, but was killed by an anonymous person. Are the current anonymous people so powerful?"

"The shadow graphics circulating now are definitely not his original appearance, but no one can see through his disguise, so now we can only hunt down according to the shadow graphics, but I don't think it will have any effect!"

"I don't know which senior expert made the shot, hahaha, isn't the Li family arrogant and doesn't put us in the eyes? Now let them see what else they can say!"

"Yes, the Li family has suffered a heavy loss this time. I think they will not have the ability to enter the East China Sea in the next few decades!"

"It's not just the Li family. If you look at the news from the Li family, I am afraid that even the Sea Clan has suffered a boring loss. They all think that it was Li Qianyuan who killed the Sea Prince. In order to avenge the Sea Prince, they would fight the Li family to the end. Who knows this is an oolong at all!"

"Just one person played two behemoths between applause. This person is terrifying, but I don't know who he is?"

"However, these gossips are similar, and I don't think so. The Li family is not such a force with a less strict family tradition. I am afraid that this is deliberately let me wait and let the Donghai Sea Clan see it!"

Many smart people have already noticed that the news has spread in such a short period of time, I am afraid that the Li family deliberately spread the news.

As a family of military officers in the Great Xia Dynasty, it is naturally impossible for the Li family to bow to the Sea Clan, but he is unwilling to give others a scapegoat. The attack of the Sea Clan, it is impossible to gain a foothold.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, they were powerful, but above the East China Sea, they were nothing at all.

And things were just as many people expected. After receiving the goodwill released by the Li family, the Hai Clan immediately went down the donkey and did not continue to encircle and suppress the Li family.

After the Li family and the prince’s first line of allies passed this battle, ~www.ltnovel.com~ successfully established their own majesty, indeed they have enough strength, unless the whole sea clan takes action, otherwise they want to easily destroy them. It is not easy.

Therefore, the Hai Clan's senior management quickly made a decision not to continue fighting with the Li family.

Immediately afterwards, the Sea Clan also issued a reward for killing the sea prince fierce beast, although they also knew that the appearance was mostly not the original look of the fierce beast, and the probability of finding the beast by relying on such drawing graphics was very low. , But the Sea Clan under the anger can no longer take care of that much.

Even a large number of sea clan masters have begun to seal off the famous islands in the East China Sea, searching for murderers. Those masters with such strength, who are on the list of the sea clan, have been found one by one.

Suddenly, all over the East China Sea, a piece of chicken flies and dogs jumps.

And this search, three months passed by in a hurry.

In the space of the mountain and river map, Chu Yunfan sat on the pan control, his breath became more and more rounded, as if he merged with the entire landscape of the mountain and river map.

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