I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1938: Breakthrough, good luck!

After re-firming Dao Xin, Chu Yunfan's eyes suddenly became clear, and there was no longer the slightest confusion.

Go against the sky and seize good luck!

These six words have explained the profound meaning of the cultivation of the universe and the realm of good fortune.

The practice of the Universe Realm lies in one word, inverse!

It's like traveling against the current. Every step forward is very difficult, and every step is creating a new history.

But the good fortune realm is different, the cultivation of this realm is to win!

Take away the good fortune of heaven and earth!

Plunder the heaven and earth that are not originally personal to oneself, and strengthen oneself!

At this level, it can be said that each step of practice is not just going against the sky, it is fighting against the sky.

Compete for first-line opportunities, compete for good luck!

When I was in the low realm, I was already sailing against the current, fighting for life with the sky, but it was never like a good fortune realm. I could almost feel that every step I was fighting with the sky and the earth for the few first rays of life.

Heaven and earth are inherently impermanent, and going along the way can be troublesome, let alone going against the sky, and they have to compete with heaven and earth for opportunities and good fortune.

Because the masters who have cultivated to this point can be said to be incredible creatures, people who are blessed by the heavens and the earth, and people who have great opportunities often call them great fortune people.

Good fortune is the combination of opportunities, opportunities, resources, etc. between the heavens and the earth. Personal good fortune, in front of the good fortune of heaven and earth, is simply not enough. To plunder the good fortune of the heaven and the earth to make up for the lack of good fortune is also the only way to go.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan's thoughts became clear again, and taking himself as the core as the foundation, walking in the sky is not feasible at all, just like when he was comprehending the Dao just now, the consequence of walking in the sky can only be constant comprehension of the core Dao.

Although the cultivation base will also rise at an astonishing rate, and even a day-to-day ascent within a day is not a dream, but at the price, Chu Yunfan's physical body may have a Huahong ascend and dissipate between the heavens and the earth, with only a muddle-headed one. Consciousness floats in the heavens and the earth, slowly blending into the avenue and becoming a part of the avenue.

Just thinking of that kind of picture, Chu Yunfan already had a creepy feeling.

The cultivator is naturally based on me. Although Chu Yunfan also admires the spirit of death when he hears the Dao Xi, he can't do it for him to become like that.

While he realized that the Dao almost turned into the Dao, the mana in his body had not stopped at all, and the endless stream began to break through frantically.

In order to break through the realm of good fortune, Chu Yunfan had already done everything before, whether it was the comprehension of the realm of good fortune, the breakthrough in magic power, and the transformation of his body, it had already been completed.

The only difference is to pierce this layer of window paper, otherwise he would not be sure to complete the breakthrough within ten days.

It took at least half a year for Li Qianyuan to retreat from the peak of the Universe Realm to the Great Fortune Realm. This was finally completed, and Chu Yunfan spent much less time than him, and it was totally different.

However, even though he had made countless preparations before that, it was really time to make a breakthrough. Even Chu Yunfan himself was not sure whether he could complete the breakthrough in one go. The time left for him was running out, so he didn't have time to continue. Spiritual practice.

As time passed day by day, the mana in Chu Yunfan's body boiled like boiling water, rushing crazily, but was controlled by Chu Yunfan within a certain range, constantly hitting the realm of creation.

These magical powers are like big hands, grabbing between the heaven and the earth, and all the good fortune between the whole heaven and the earth is added to oneself.

Finally, on the tenth day, the Godhead in Chu Yunfan suddenly burst out with bursts of colorful light. He had been stuck at the last step, but Chu Yunfan, who was blocked by the last barrier, suddenly seemed to have finally completed a leap. general.


Finally, the mana in Chu Yunfan's body was no longer blocked, but instead had a catharsis, which rushed past like an erupting flood.

Chu Yunfan's realm also reached the realm of good fortune in an instant, and he completed the transition of the essence of life all at once.

At this point, Chu Yunfan could even feel a faint sense of oppression coming from between heaven and earth!

Of course, Chu Yunfan understands that the origin of this feeling is to know the impermanence of the world and all things as a dog. In other words, the world treats all creatures equally and has its own destiny.

And now Chu Yunfan wants to get rid of the good fortune arranged by the heaven and the earth, the fate arranged by the heaven and the earth, fight against the heavens, and seize the good fortune between the heaven and the earth, just like a diseased cancer cell in the body, plundering the good fortune between the heaven and the earth for his own use. .

For Chu Yunfan, it is a powerful self, but for Tiandi, it is like a cancerous existence, and naturally it will be rejected by the whole Tiandi.

Even as the cultivation base grows stronger, this rejection will become stronger and stronger. There is even a causal theory that these powerful practitioners will also encounter various disasters, which is the way the heaven and the earth clear the malignant tumor.

After this step, it is a completely new stage. The cultivator has changed from the favorite of heaven and earth to the malignant tumor between heaven and earth. This feeling is completely different.

If you are not the favored son of heaven, you will not have the opportunity to practice to this point if you are loved by heaven, but going further, you will have to completely exceed the limit that heaven and earth can withstand, and change from a favored object to a targeted object.

Among the masters who can cultivate to the Universe Realm, less than 1% of them can finally enter the Good Fortune Realm. The difficulties can be imagined. Most of them are unable to withstand the malice of the heaven and the earth, and their will is too much. Weak and not firm enough.

After all, ~www.ltnovel.com~ The cultivation of these heavenly prides is always smooth, without any twists and turns, like Chu Yunfan, almost every realm has to fight with life, and every realm is accompanied by fierce fighting. , Almost non-existent.

This is the difference in the practice environment, and the life that is created is different. In the past, the smoother the practice, the more disadvantaged it is when you reach the realm of good fortune.

If the will is not firm enough, any flaw may become a fatal flaw on the westward journey.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan actually made a crackling sound, and bursts of golden light radiated from his body.

This is after his realm broke through to the good fortune realm, the whole physical body is also following further breakthroughs, almost simultaneous transformation.

The physical body is a boat for cultivating across the sea of ​​bitterness. The boat is not strong enough. Once it encounters a storm, it is the beginning of the failure of practice.

Among these golden lights, there are traces of electricity and flames!

Good luck, a comprehensive breakthrough!

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