I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1940: Xiaoyao Fairy Mountain, the birthday of the longest princess

After a day and a night, Chu Yunfan had already approached the offshore area of ​​China's Middle-earth China.

After stepping into the realm of good fortune, Chu Yunfan's flying speed was even faster to the extreme, and he learned a brand new body technique called Rainbow Hua Wanli.

Practicing to the pinnacle is nothing short of thousands of miles away.

This body technique requires a lot of his own strength, and Chu Yunfan has also been practicing to the good fortune realm before daring to use this mana.

Of course, with Chu Yunfan's current strength, it is impossible to achieve a fleeting ten thousand li at all, and under normal circumstances, it is only a short ten thousand li.

Even so, he flew at his speed for a full day and night and just approached the area near the coast of China.

It is almost a constant flickering of the figure, each flickering is a distance of hundreds of miles, this is the performance of the speed to the extreme, each time only when you stop to breathe, will the figure show up.

Even so, it only stayed for a moment, just like teleporting.

Chu Yunfan stopped, took a few deep breaths, and the massive amount of mana consumed on his body was almost restored. Coming along the way, Chu Yunfan hardly stopped, and continued to use iridescence for thousands of miles, and his consumption was naturally very large.

However, after stopping now, he has recovered in a few strokes, and his basic combat power has returned to its peak again. This kind of recovery ability is indeed amazing.

Unless you meet someone like the great master of the monster race back then, who can slap Chu Yunfan to death, if you want to fight a war of attrition with Chu Yunfan, you will have to be dragged to death by Chu Yunfan in the end.

In front of him, the endless sea was like an ancient well, without any shock, as if there was some powerful force suppressing the waves of the sea.

Above the surface of the sea, ordinary people can't see anything at all, but people like Chu Yunfan have already cultivated to the point. They don’t need to open the eye to have the effect of opening the eye. Naturally, they can see it. Vaguely, there are groups of people. The mountain floats above the sea.

The mountains are like the fairy mountains in the legend, floating on the sea surface, the fairy air is lingering, just like the fairyland in the legend.

There are fairy mountains overseas, and there are immortals on the mountains!

It seemed to be right in front of him, but Chu Yunfan knew that this was just an illusion. The mountains seemed to be right in front of him in the layered space, but Chu Yunfan would not be able to fly even if he flew for a year.

Wangshan is such a concept!

Only by finding a real import and export can you enter it, or break the space barrier with great strength to break into it.

Chu Yunfan knew that this could only be possible if he had considerable attainments in the understanding of the laws of space.

He took a closer look, and sure enough, in this layered space, a Hongqiao suddenly appeared from the sky, together with the fairy mountain and the overseas world in the layered space.

"Sure enough, it should be this Hongqiao that connects the outside world to Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain!" Chu Yunfan secretly thought.

And this is exactly the destination of Chu Yunfan's trip, Xiaoyao Xianshan.

Although in the Middle-earth China, the aura is very rich, and it is not known how much richer than the Kunlun realm and the earth where the human federation is located, but it is only an ordinary level, and around the Middle-earth China and the Middle-earth China, there are various Such a place with strong spiritual energy, in the ancient years, there is even the so-called 36 cave sky, 72 blessed land.

And this Xiaoyao fairy mountain is one of the seventy-two blessed places in the legend!

Basically, many big forces in the world have a row of top winters or blessed places. Only in this way can there be a good environment and a steady stream of powerful disciples can be cultivated.

The original owner of this Xiaoyao Fairy Mountain was the overseas big sect Xiaoyao faction. It was so powerful that it was almost at the level of today’s top ten sects. It can be called an overseas giant and has an amazing influence in the East China Sea, the North Sea and the South China Sea. .

Later, he brazenly intervened in the fight for a generation of kings and supported one of the princes to fight for the throne. It even violated the taboo of the Great Xia Dynasty. After the king became the throne, the first battle presided over was to destroy the Xiaoyao faction.

Although the Xiaoyao faction is one of the best among the many overseas side sects, it has no power to fight back against a behemoth like the Great Xia Dynasty.

Nowadays, the king of people has just ascended the throne and needs to stand up. Moreover, both the ruling and the opposition have hated the involvement of foreign forces in the prince dispute. The Daxia dynasty has one heart, headed by Taiwei, and the Daxia dynasty army marches out, but in March, it broke the Xiaoyao fairy mountain. Killed many disciples of Xiaoyao faction, Xiaoyao sent up to the head, the supreme elder, down to ordinary disciples, outer disciples, or killed or captured, the once prominent Xiaoyao faction was uprooted overnight, and the family was wiped out.

The resources in the sect were looted, and various scriptures were sent to the arsenal of the Great Xia Dynasty, allowing meritorious heroes to browse.

In this battle, the Great Xia Dynasty truly established its own majesty and scared the overseas side sects. Even the behemoths of the ten sect-level sects of the Middle-earth China were wiped out in a single battle. They couldn’t survive a year, let alone. What about the rest.

Then this Xiaoyao fairy mountain was given to the eldest princess who made great contributions in the war, and became a blessed place for the eldest princess.

Owning a blessed place for practice with one person's power is unique in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, as can be seen from the eldest princess's long favor.

But what Chu Yunfan saw was that the strength of the princess was the same as in the legend, and might even be the top master of the royal family. Otherwise, this Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain was lonely overseas and could be attacked at any time.

It may even be too late for the East China Sea Fleet of the Great Xia Dynasty to support it~www.ltnovel.com~ If the eldest princess is not powerful enough, I am afraid that she would have been captured long ago. It is impossible to rely on the protection of the Great Xia Dynasty.

In the distance, you can see the figures in twos and threes passing by from time to time, coming to the front of Hongqiao, all the guests coming from everywhere.

For Chu Yunfan, the most important thing is of course the eldest father-in-law's choice of son-in-law meeting, but for outsiders, the most important thing is the birthday of the elder princess. ..

And choosing a son-in-law is just taking advantage of the trend on the birthday.

Because the birthday of the eldest princess will attract all kinds of young handsome men, choosing a son-in-law for Tang Siyu is just a way to go.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the past. These people who came were not a master, staring at all directions, or a handsome young man, who seemed to be personable and self-sufficient.

It can be said that everyone is a dragon and a phoenix among people, looking extraordinary and not small.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan no longer hesitated immediately, and went straight to the Hongqiao Bridge.

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