I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1951: 1 Finger Hole Kill

Even Chu Yunfan has become the number one enemy in the eyes of many people, because his identity is naturally the greatest advantage, not to mention the strength he has shown now, there is no doubt that he will become the most threatening enemy.

Chu Yunfan could clearly feel the hostility in the eyes of many Tianjiao at this time, but he didn't take it seriously. When he came this time, he knew that the princess didn't like him, so he still came, with only one faith.

There are no retreats, although thousands of people will go!

Moreover, the threat of these people is of little importance to him, and he is probably the only one who knows it best. Even the sea prince ranked fourth on the Tianjiao list died in his hands, and Li Qianyuan was only a little too close to his death. Hands.

How could he care about these people!

He even couldn't wait to see Li Qianyuan now, and took advantage of this opportunity to completely solve this scourge!

These eyes looked at him, with obvious hostility!

"Chu Yunfan, no matter what, you made a big fight on the birthday of the elder princess, and you killed Young Master Chi Yan. Are you not afraid that the eldest princess will condemn him?"

Suddenly, among the crowd, someone spoke.

Chu Yunfan looked at it, but saw that it was a man in black, with a cold smile on his face, and a cold look.

Sure enough, everyone's eyes at this time began to become worse. Obviously, everyone thought of this. The eldest princess didn't like Chu Yunfan, and this was a place where he could use his hands and feet.

"Yes, Chu Yunfan, you have to give an explanation!"

"Chu Yunfan, you don't want to be kind today!"

Everyone was filled with indignation.

Chu Yunfan shook his head, and then said: "I am not self-reliant. I know your purpose here, but I, Chu Yunfan, has already returned. Do you think your plan might succeed? I might as well go straight. Having said that, now there is only one choice for you, to withdraw from the choice of son-in-law this time, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Choose your own, consider your own abilities, your life is gone, but it's gone!"

Chu Yunfan’s words carried a bit of coldness. Even if it was a person who was no matter how firm before, he couldn’t help but start to hesitate a bit at this time. Many people knew that they didn’t have much hope, but they just carried a bit of hope. It's nothing more than hope, but obviously, now with Chu Yunfan's return, everything is completely different.

Originally, they couldn't compete, which means they couldn't compete. They wouldn't forge feuds of life and death, but now they are different. The feuds of wives are not shared.

Thinking of this, all the masters of the Universe Realm took a step back directly, saying that they had quit this competition. They had no hope at first, and they understood it themselves, so even if they quit, they didn't think it was a pity.

But in addition to the rest, there are more than 20 Tianjiao of Good Fortune Realm. These people have a few Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list. Even if the others are not on the Tianjiao list, they are all from their respective sects. Outstanding.

"The rest is until you choose, quit, or die!"

Chu Yunfan's expression was extremely indifferent, and his eyes flashed with terrifying killing intent. He had already given these people a chance. If these people are still interested in profit, then don't blame him for being rude.

Chu Yunfan's words were unceremonious, and the Tianjiao of the good fortune realm couldn't help showing a bit of anger on their faces, but they thought about how Chu Yunfan easily abolished Yang Lan's martial arts just now. It was said that they even cut it before. Killing Young Master Chi Yan, this kind of strength made them frightened.

Even they couldn't tell what kind of strength Chu Yunfan really was.

Thinking of this, many people had already made a decision, almost instantly, they all took a step back, and there were only five people left.

Each of these five people is the arrogant of good fortune, the best among the people. ..

"Chu Yunfan, do you think you can cover the sky with one hand? Choosing your son-in-law is an order from the eldest princess. Are you going to contend with the eldest princess?" At this moment, a young man of medium build suddenly said.


With a cold smile on the corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth, he said, "Even if you want to choose a son-in-law, you trash are not qualified and unworthy!"

When it was said that it was too late, Chu Yunfan had already arrived in front of this young man of medium build in an instant.

The young man of medium build was shocked. He only felt that his whole body was standing upside down, as if he was being stared at by an ancient beast. He had already entered the realm of good fortune with his cultivation base, even more than Yang Lan. Strong one point, but at this time, when facing Chu Yunfan who suddenly appeared in front of him, it seemed as if he had encountered a natural enemy all at once.

"No, run!"

This young man of medium build reacted almost instantly, but he immediately discovered that his body seemed to be suppressed by a sacred mountain, and a terrifying aura suppressed him to death.

You can't even escape!

Thinking of this, the face of this medium-sized young man changed, with a fierce look on his face. He didn't know when he had an extra long sword in his hand, and the sword light swept across the sky. Where this sword light passed, the sky was covered by the Dongjiang River, turning the surrounding area into a country of ice.

"As expected of Li Xuan, the Frost Sword from the Heavenly Sword Gate, although it was not here for us, it actually made me feel like I was about to freeze!"

Many people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They could feel that the air in their lungs would almost freeze their lungs~www.ltnovel.com~The strength of the middle-sized young man Li Xuan was really terrifying. .

The speed of this sword was so fast that Chu Yunfan was right in front of him, and he didn't even need to cross the sky. He directly shredded the sky, bursting out a sound barrier, setting off a frenzy of sound waves, and causing everyone's eardrums to be heavy. Pierce.


At this moment, Li Xuan roared, and the long sword in his hand pierced into Chu Yunfan's mind on the spot, but it was too late for him to smile with joy, because he found that his long sword couldn't help Chu Yun at all. Fan, directly stabbed a spark on the surface of Chu Yunfan's skin.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan made a move in an instant, and he didn't see how he moved, just a finger directly nodded out.

This finger instantly broke open the almost frozen sky, and then suddenly pointed in front of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan's swordsmanship was offensive or defensive, and he didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would be able to counterattack in this situation. Chu Yunfan suddenly pierced his forehead and died tragically in an instant.

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