I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1964: Go to hell, purple sweet potato essence

At this time, a body directly swept up and fell onto the ring.

Chu Yunfan looked at it, but it was a young man with a purple robe, purple all over, and purple hair.

"Where did you get this purple sweet potato essence?"

Chu Yunfan's words almost didn't make this purple youth spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Purple sweet potato essence?

Everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter by Chu Yunfan's unprepared sentence. Although many people wanted to break Chu Yunfan's body into pieces, they couldn't help but burst into laughter when they were caught off guard.

The purple youth opposite was also stunned. Then he was furious and shouted: "Damn it, Chu Yunfan, you dare to laugh at me!"

Prior to this, no one had ever mocked him for being a purple sweet potato essence. He was not born like this, but his practice was like this. The darker the color, the more profound his skill.

"Hahahahaha, I laughed to death, the young master of Wandumen, Chang Rui, was actually called the purple sweet potato essence!"

"Hahahahaha, I remember that this should be the supreme uniqueness of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and the unique appearance after the Ten Thousand Poison Exterminating Heavenly Art. So speaking, isn't all the purple sweet potato essence in the Wan Po Sect?

"Hahahahaha, it is estimated that Wandumen will be mad at everyone!"

"What if you laugh at you, you purple sweet potato essence, dare to jump out like this!" Chu Yunfan pointed at Chang Rui. "Just now, what if you said you didn't give me face?"

"Then I will kill you!"

In an instant, a terrifying aura on Chu Yunfan's body instantly exploded, released, and enveloped Chang Rui.

Even the horrible aura was released, so that many masters in the universe above the birthday felt a terrible pressure, almost vomiting blood.

"Kill me? It's up to you?" Chang Rui was furious.

Suddenly, above the ring, there was already a black poisonous mist, and this poisonous mist did not know when, it had already appeared on the ring, spreading in all directions at an even more alarming speed.

On birthdays, many people even almost instinctively began to condense enchantments all over their bodies.

It is true that the Wandu Sect has a reputation in the cultivation world, and almost all the sects are afraid of the Wandu Sect's ability to poison. ..

Even many times, the poisoning of the Wandu sect was completed without knowing it, and even many masters who were even stronger than them would be planted in their hands.

But immediately, they discovered that when the poisonous mist was about to flow out of the secondary dimension, it was blocked by a faint barrier.

Everyone reacted, it should have been shot by the eldest princess, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even they are also extremely jealous of the poison of this Ten Thousand Poison Sect, a terrorist method that may even be wiped out accidentally.

At this time, all the talents paid close attention to Chu Yunfan's situation.

Suddenly, everyone only saw an astonishing sword gas sweeping out of the poisonous mist, slicing open the layer of poisonous mist.

The people finally saw that the poisonous fog didn't seem to pose any threat to Chu Yunfan. The poisonous fog fell on Chu Yunfan's body, and he couldn't even get in the slightest.

The poisonous fog that could corrode a whole mountain actually did not pose a slight threat to Chu Yunfan.

"Does the Wandumen only have this method?" Chu Yunfan yelled coldly, his eyes were icy, and he looked at Chang Rui with incomparable indifference.

"No one can save your life today! Purple sweet potato essence!"

Chang Rui was quickly vomiting blood by Chu Yunfan, his eyes flashed sharply, and he shouted: "Ten thousand poisonous ghost claws!"

Above the sky, countless poisonous fog seemed to have been summoned, and it began to condense, turning into a huge ghost claw surrounded by poisonous fog, and then grabbed it in the direction of Chu Yunfan. Go down.

"What a powerful Ten Thousand Poison Ghost Claw, who can cultivate this Ten Thousand Poison Ghost Claw to this point, Chang Rui's strength is at least the second level of good fortune!"

"Yes, Chang Rui does have the strength of the Tianjiao ranking. Although the ranking is a bit behind Chu Yunfan, the difference is not much!"

Many people think of it. Compared with Chu Yunfan, who has almost a legendary experience, Chang Rui's limelight is not so great, but he is indeed a figure on the Tianjiao list, but the ranking is compared to Chu Yunfan. It's worse, but it also ranks 78th.

It seemed to many people that such a cultivation base was not much worse than Chu Yunfan, who was ranked in the 50s before.

"What a shit!"

Chu Yunfan casually pointed, and in an instant, an astonishing sword light condensed on the fingers, and the fingertips were wrapped around the power of thunder, and in an instant, it had already moved toward this poisonous ghost claw.


The sword light with the power of thunder ripped open the sky, and went straight into the poisonous ghost claws. The mighty poisonous ghost claws were not the opponent of this sword light at all, as if they had encountered a nemesis. Where Jianmang passed, the endless poisonous mist actually evaporated.

The huge poisonous ghost claws were also in full view, cracking under everyone's eyelids, turning into poisonous light in the sky and spreading out.

Jianmang cast his momentum unabated, and swept towards Chang Kun directly in the air.


After a huge roar, Jian Mang swallowed everything and cut out a huge crack on the extremely hard arena.

As for Chang Rui on the other side, everyone can no longer see him.

At that moment, it was swallowed by Jian Mang and disappeared without a trace.

Deathly silence in the audience!

Even when Chu Yunfan bombarded and killed the Supreme Elder of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect, he didn’t cause such a sensation~www.ltnovel.com~ The Supreme Elder took action. Everyone didn’t even figure out who he was. Knowing that it was a supreme elder of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect, how could it be even more shocking to watch a Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list be directly smashed to death in front of him.

"This... this..." Someone was stunned, unable to say a complete sentence.

"Impossible. Even if Chu Yunfan's ranking is still before Chang Rui, Chang Rui can't be defeated so easily. Although Wan Pozong is not very good at head-on battles, it shouldn't make him so easy. The reason for the defeat!"

"It's a terrifying blow, but what's even more terrifying is that when I see Chu Yunfan's appearance, I don't seem to be doing my best at all!"

"It's too strong, no wonder he dared to go up first. It's not that he is overpowered, but that he does have such strength!"

"How can I play this? Others are trying to attract jade. He goes directly to jade, I am afraid that he will scare away a large number of people!"

Everyone talked a lot for a time.

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