I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1970: No. 1 on the Tianjiao list? But so!

Chu Yun Van Gogh stood high above the sky, as if a **** in the sky was looking down at the ants on the ground.

Li Qianyuan's eyes were fierce like a wounded beast, and his face showed a somewhat fierce look. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the corner of his clothes, and he stared firmly at Chu Yunfan.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan's eyes seemed to him too annoying!

It was as if a dragon from above was looking down at an ant, and he had this kind of eyes, so he knew the meaning behind this kind of eyes too.

It even made him feel extremely embarrassed!

Once upon a time, he gave his opponents such a look. When will others be able to give him such a look.

Chu Yunfan didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. From his point of view, it was even more a humiliation. Because of his absolute confidence in his own strength, he disdain to pursue and kill further, because there is no need.

"Chu Yunfan, also, never, no one dares to underestimate me!"

At this time, Li Qianyuan broke out in an instant, and his pride as the top of the Tianjiao list broke out in a sudden.

"Human sword is one!"

Li Qianyuan's whole person seemed to have turned into a long sword, and he swept out the whole person. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and there were even runes lingering above the sword.

Sword Qi carried a mighty divine light, mighty, directly culled to Chu Yunfan.

"I said, it's useless if it's useless!"

Chu Yunfan gave a sneer, a sneer was provoked at the corner of his mouth, and then he shouted: "Huangquan Nine Steps!"

Just when this sword light was about to strike him, Chu Yunfan stepped forward.


The whole world was shaken, the sword energy that could split the whole world seemed to have stopped all at once. It was suppressed, and a terrifying force spread from under Chu Yunfan’s feet. , Turned into yellow spring water, swept away monstrously.

"What a terrible footwork, what magical power is this so terrible!"

Someone asked suspiciously that the footwork that Chu Yunfan displayed looked like martial arts and supernatural powers, but its power was beyond doubt. It just stepped out in one step, and actually directly suppressed that amazing sword aura.


With another huge roar, Chu Yunfan took the second step with the terrifying sword aura. This step was even more amazing. Like a thunder on the ground, everyone felt that even their hearts would be crushed by life.

It seemed that the foot was not stepping in the void, but in their hearts.

The first step had already suppressed the sword qi, and by the second step, everyone clearly saw the sword qi cut out by the human sword in Li Qianyuan's incarnation and then retreated, forced to retreat.


The third step followed, and everyone clearly saw that as Chu Yunfan took this step, the earth-shaking sword energy had cracks, like a spider web, instantly covering the sword energy body. It seemed to have been hit hard.


Taking the fourth step, the sword energy that seemed to be able to smash the sky finally broke away directly, turning into a flood of light and raining away.

Among them, Li Qianyuan's figure was revealed.


Li Qianyuan spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out. If he was hit hard, everyone found that it was not just the sword energy he had just merged with the sword, but also the golden armor he was wearing now. All are densely covered with cracks.

The horrible scene is frightening!

"Huang Quan's nine steps indicate that there should be nine steps, but Li Qianyuan can't hold on to Chu Yunfan's four steps. Is there such a big gap between the two sides?"

Many people were shocked and exclaimed.

They are all masters, extremely powerful, and they can judge a lot of news just from their names, but this makes them even more shocked.

Nine steps are the complete footwork, but Chu Yunfan only performed four steps, and he has already forced Li Qianyuan to this point. Once it is fully implemented, it will be amazing.

"Li Qianyuan received the inheritance of True Monarch Fu Hai, the number one master of the East China Sea at that time. It is an amazing luck, and he succeeded in inheriting and practicing True Monarch Fu Hai within a short period of time. Worthy.

But what really shocked him was Chu Yunfan. Chu Yunfan didn’t know what he was coming from. I’m afraid he had also had amazing adventures. Otherwise, where did he learn this martial arts supernatural power? Haizhenjun is even more amazing! "

Everyone was extremely shocked, and the tip of the iceberg was enough to make them guess a lot of things they didn't know before.

Enough for them to completely overthrow their previous judgments. Before they judged that whether it is inheritance or resources, Li Qianyuan should have the upper hand, but now it seems that it is completely different. At least in terms of inheritance, Chu Yunfan Completely crushed Li Qianyuan.

This discovery completely subverted many people's judgments, and made many people's judgments of victory or defeat biased towards Chu Yunfan instead of Li Qianyuan.

What was even more frightening was that when Li Qianyuan showed the cultivation level of the Four Peaks of Good Fortune Realm, Chu Yunfan was still able to do well. Obviously, this was far from the upper limit of Chu Yunfan's strength.

Many people finally understood why Chu Yunfan could easily tear the elder of the Red Flame Demon Sect with three levels of good fortune into pieces.

The two parties simply do not exist at the same level!

The Supreme Elder of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect had no idea about Shi Yi Shi Yi, and the younger generation had been tyrannical to what point~www.ltnovel.com~ He couldn't even beat Meng Tianren, Meng Potian and others, let alone fight with others. Li Qianyuan, Chu Yunfan compared.

Many people are even more aware of a more terrifying fact.

"This battle is not only a life and death battle between the two, but may even be related to the change of the top of the Tianjiao list. I am afraid that the top of the Tianjiao list, which has never changed, will change hands for the first time in more than ten years!"

Thinking of this, everyone's spirits were even more shocked, and they all looked at the court.

On the side, the princess, who had been expressionless, saw this scene, and finally showed a somewhat playful smile on her face.

"Huangquan Nine Steps? It seems that you really got an incredible inheritance!"

The princess seemed to have thought of something, but then her face returned to the appearance of Gu Jing Wubo, and she didn't seem to be moved by the amazing strength of the two.

"Tianjiao ranked first? But so!" Chu Yunfan stood with his back and said with a sneer. "I don't know where your self-confidence competes with me. If my practice time is similar to yours, cutting you will be like crushing an ant!"

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