I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1978: Chu Yunfan in the wild

Everyone looked at Chu Yunfan one after another. When everyone was determined to protect Chu Yunfan even if they desperately died, everyone didn't know what Chu Yunfan planned to say.

"You don't need to sacrifice for me like this!"

Chu Yunfan said.

"Chu Yunfan, this is not a time of arrogance. The other party has made it clear that they will not let you go. This is the most dangerous time. It is nothing for me to sacrifice. For someone like me, the Flying Immortal Sect has something to do, but you It's the future of Fei Xianzong, no loss!" The Fei Xianzong's Supreme Elder said solemnly.

And the rest of the people, whether they are willing or unwilling, but everyone knows that this is fate.

Unlike Chu Yunfan, who grew up almost in the wild outside, they basically grew up relying on the resources and support of Fei Xianzong.

Without the Fei Xianzong, there would be no their present. In order to train them, the Fei Xianzong has taken great pains to let them use all kinds of resources, but at a critical time, they can't help but sacrifice.

It's just that others sacrificed for them before, but now it's their turn to sacrifice for Chu Yunfan.

Those true disciples were just silent and did not speak, and they all acquiesced in the words of the Supreme Elder.

"I'm not arrogant, but I do have my own plans. Am I the kind of person who doesn't know the so-called and doesn't know the importance? In fact, before then, I have been fully prepared, even if they will Surrounded by Xiaoyao Xianshan, I can't think about it!" Chu Yunfan just said calmly.

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to know what kind of confidence Chu Yunfan had, so he dared to say so.

However, Chu Yunfan did not intend to explain, because this involved the greatest secret in Chu Yunfan's heart, that is, the mountain and river map in his hand. As long as he hides in the space of the mountain and river map, even those people will surround the world. , It can't help Chu Yunfan.

It was nothing more than Chu Yunfan hiding in it and waiting for them to patiently use the light to disperse.

This was also Chu Yunfan's biggest hole card. With the space of the landscape map, he dared to make a breakthrough even in Longtan Tiger's Den.

So far, as long as he hides in the space of the mountain and river map, no one can help him. Before, he and Li Qianyuan's strength were too different, and it was only for Li Qianyuan to discover the fluctuations when he escaped into the space of the mountain and river map. But as he escaped into the space of the mountain and river map, Li Qianyuan couldn't help him.

This is the pill emperor's portable dao weapon, even if the pill emperor's strength is not the highest among the emperors, but in terms of strength, it is enough to crush any strong person today.

In the current world, there is no existence that can rival the Emperor Dan.

Not to mention destroying the mountain and river map to force him out, that is simply impossible!

When he was raided by the supreme monster of the monster clan before, if the attack hadn't been too sudden, and there would be no time for him to hide in the space of the mountain and river map, he would not be beaten to death.

Therefore, the siege of those outside is a crisis for others, and for him, if necessary, he can completely avoid the edge.

Without the space of the landscape map, Chu Yunfan would have died countless times.

Although Fei Xianzong is his support, he has never really regarded Fei Xianzong as his own support. Only himself is the real support.

Not to mention, he didn't make any preparations!

"Don't worry, you guys, just wait for me for three days. After three days, you will see the difference. Don't worry. Please believe that I will not make fun of my life!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

When everyone saw that Chu Yunfan said it was worth it, they understood that Chu Yunfan didn't plan to tell them the secret.

However, they also knew that this might have involved Chu Yunfan’s ability to settle down, and everyone was relieved to think about it. Unlike them, Chu Yunfan grew up in the wild and could not rely on Flying Immortal Sect. At this point, Chu Yunfan's performance almost surprised everyone.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Supreme Elder would rather die than defend Chu Yunfan.

To say that Chu Yunfan didn't have the ability to save his life, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago.

When everyone said that Chu Yunfan was definitely dead, Chu Yunfan actually came back alive, and there must be something about it.

However, those true disciples couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If they weren't forced to the extreme, who would die like this, especially as the true disciples of Fei Xianzong, their status and status are extraordinary, and their future prospects are unlimited.

"In that case, I'll wait here for you for three days, but if something is impossible, you still have to make a decision as soon as possible. The longer the time, the more masters from the other side will come. By that time, things will be alive. No more!" The elder said.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the Supreme Elder. Although Chu Yunfan was not such a sect creature and was born on the sect, but the other party wanted to save him, it was sincere, and Chu Yunfan's heart was touched slightly, and he couldn't help but speak. : "Thank you elders for speaking up and defending many times, dare to ask the elder's name?"

The elder Taishang looked at Chu Yunfan, stroked the beard in front of him, and said: "Old man Hu Dingtian travels all the year round, so it is normal for you to have not seen me. I have heard before that in our Flying Immortal Sect. There has been another Tianzong wizard who has never been able to see it. Then I heard that you have fallen. I have always felt quite a pity~www.ltnovel.com~ But God has eyes, let you escape from the dead, it seems God really wants me to rise up from Flying Fairy Sect!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Hu Dingtian. Obviously, he was also the Supreme Elder, but Hu Dingtian was obviously completely different from the original Jiang Wanan. Hu Dingtian had the Flying Immortal Sect in his heart, and the pattern was totally different.

But it’s normal to think about it. Fei Xianzong’s supreme elders are highly powerful, and they are all big figures in the Great Xia Dynasty. How could Fei Xianzong restrain them? Unless the supreme elder Situ Xuan came forward to summon them, In this case, in weekdays, Shenlong always sees the beginning and the end.

Either retreat from the dead, seeking a breakthrough, or traveling the mainland, seeking a breakthrough, or serving as officials and herdsmen in the Great Xia Dynasty court, and many people served as high-ranking officials in the Great Xia Dynasty army and stationed in various places in the Great Xia Dynasty. .

Therefore, among the Taishang elders, Chu Yunfan actually knew only so few people.

"Thank you elders for your concern!"

Chu Yunfan said with his hands folded.

"No thanks, this is what you deserve!" Hu Dingtian stroked his beard and said.

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