I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1980: Breakthrough, 2 levels of good fortune

Chu Yunfan opened the jade box. There was nothing else in the jade box. There was only a drop of emerald green water drop-like object, about the size of a thumb. Even if it was sealed by layers of enchantments, Chu Yunfan still got from this drop of emerald green object. Above, I felt the strong vitality. ..

"This is the essence of the wood spirit?" Chu Yunfan's eyes suddenly brightened. With the memory of Emperor Pill, Chu Yunfan seemed to be assisted by a top emperor. There are few things in the world that can be concealed from him. eye.

Not to mention, it is the essence of the wood spirit, even if the emperor had not much of the essence of the wood spirit back then, the essence of the wood spirit is the purest wood spirit in the world. It is possible to be born under very special circumstances. Something out.

This wood spirit essence is very precious, only a drop can prolong life for 20 years, and this is just one of the functions of the wood spirit essence.

The spirit of the wood spirit can also greatly enhance the life spirit of a person and complete a reborn transformation. If a pregnant woman swallows a drop of the spirit of the wood spirit, then the child she gives birth to is the natural body of the wood spirit. It is also comparable to the physique level of the king, if a few drops of wood spirit essence are added, it can even be comparable to the body of the wood spirit of the king constitution.

Even for practitioners, it can greatly increase the power of life, and increase the power of decades out of thin air.

For those peerless Tianjiao, this is also the key to their cultivation base being able to rise like a rocket all the way in a very short period of time. These top resources that ordinary people can't see at all.

"Master Chu has a good vision!"

Ruoxi showed a somewhat stunned expression on her face, and she didn't expect Chu Yunfan to recognize the essence of wood spirits. You know, even she hadn't heard of this top-level cultivation resource.

"The proceeds from a trip to Princess Gu She was originally reserved for Princess Gu She's practice, but Princess Gu She has been useless. Now it is left to Chu Gong Zi. I hope that Gong Zi can understand His Royal Highness's heart!" Ruo Creek Road.

Chu Yunfan squeezed the jade box in his hand. Of course, without Ruoxi specifically speaking, he also understood what the jade box represented.

He is also not hypocritical, he can be hypocritical with anyone, but there is no need to hypocritical with Tang Siyu, he will do the same instead.

"Troublesome girl Ruoxi, please help me bring her a word, wait for me to marry her gracefully!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Understood, I will bring the words to you!" Ruoxi said. "Now that the princess is at a critical juncture in cultivation, he cannot leave the customs, but the princess cares about the son, even if I wait for the slaves and maidservants, it is in my eyes!"


After sending Ruoxi away, Chu Yunfan, led by a maidservant, came to a house where Xiaoyao Xianshan hosted the guests.

After entering the house, Chu Yunfan immediately stepped directly into the space of the mountain and river map, and then Chu Yunfan couldn't wait to open the jade box.

Directly broke the seal on the wood spirit essence.

Chu Yunfan opened his mouth and sucked this drop of wood spirit essence into his mouth.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan felt a huge energy pouring into his limbs, but it was completely different from the previous medicinal pills that had been used to increase his power. This energy was warm, very soft, and even non-existent. A trace of tyrannical power.

Chu Yunfan could feel that in order to fight against the mysterious master of the Monster Race, he had actually received a little bit of supplementation.

You must know that the power brought about by burning life is extremely powerful, but the same, it will also bring very astonishing damage to the warrior himself, even if the injury is recovered, the trauma will always exist.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one would use such extreme moves, that is, Chu Yunfan was forced to the corner of the wall, and had to do so before using such moves.

However, Chu Yunfan is different from ordinary people in that he has the memory of the emperor, and there are countless pill prescriptions in his mind, some of which can make up for this trauma.

Otherwise, Chu Yunfan would not use it lightly, because every use would damage the foundation, and even make people unable to reach the peak that he should be able to achieve.

And now the wood spirit essence is constantly repairing Chu Yunfan's damaged soul, which is where even Chu Yunfan's healing pills can't heal it now.

After repairing these injuries, Chu Yunfan could clearly feel that the hidden danger in his body was gone, and he didn't have to worry about building a thousand-story building but he would fall short in the end.

In addition, Chu Yunfan's appearance was already very young. Now, under the nourishment of the wood spirit's essence, he is actually a few years younger, looking like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

This is his vitality has been greatly restored, adding decades of life span out of thin air.

This is because Chu Yunfan himself is very young. If he changes to another person, the elderly may change back to middle-aged people, and middle-aged people back to young people. That kind of change is big and shocking enough.

And the increase in life is so important to a martial artist, this is also undoubtedly, without enough time, even an extremely talented genius cannot practice to the extreme.

Not to mention that it is to achieve the goal of countless practitioners in the past, to truly get out of the way and live for a long time.

Whether it is the Primordial Era, the Ancient Era, the Medieval Era, etc., countless powerful men have risen in succession. I don't know how many amazing generations turned out.

But no one has ever been able to break the boundaries between life and death, and see for a long time.

This is why the godhead came to the world to trigger a desperate battle between the emperors ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ because this may be the only hope for detachment, if you miss it, there is really no.

Who would have thought that Chu Yunfan would be cheaper after countless years.

In addition to these two points, what Chu Yunfan felt most was the increase in his own skill little by little.

The cultivation base reached his level, his skill was as deep as the vast ocean, and his leisure time increased a little, which was very difficult to perceive.

But now as the wood spirit's essence continues to rotate in Chu Yunfan's body, part of it has turned into a stream of energy and finally refined into gong power.

This skill continued to grow, but in a short time, it pushed Chu Yunfan to the top of the Great Fortune Realm, and then continued to push it at an even more alarming speed.

Even different from when Chu Yunfan broke through before, he has to do his best to break through almost every time. It is like pushing the boat along the river, and it is a matter of course. Chu Yunfan's skill is in such a calm sprint, and the breakthrough has grown smoothly. .

Good luck realm double!

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