I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1890: Just remember it now? late!

Chu Yunfan almost used his own power to kill these top masters who had experienced many battles and killed people like hemp.

If they are defeated after the battle, it is not enough to make them feel scared.

However, when Chu Yunfan beheaded them, it was as simple as trampling to death an ant.

In front of Chu Yunfan, how different are they from ordinary mortals, anyway, they were killed with one blow.

"How could Chu Yunfan be so strong? He is like a monster!"

"There is no weakness at all!"

"The more so, the more he must be killed here. If he is allowed to continue to grow, it will definitely become a big problem for me!"

Although these masters were terrified of being killed by Chu Yunfan alone, the more so, the more they felt that Chu Yunfan had to be killed, otherwise once Chu Yunfan grew up, it would definitely be their confidant.

Now that he has offended him, he must desperately kill him.

From afar, Li Weiyuan, who hadn't taken a direct battle before, had already changed his expression at this time, his expression began to become a little dignified, he hadn't put Chu Yunfan in his eyes at all.

It's just a younger generation who has lost his luck, even if he robbed Li Qianyuan at the top of the Tianjiao list.

It's still too early for the Tianjiao of this year to grow up to be on an equal footing with him.

But he saw that Chu Yunfan beheaded these top masters like a chicken and dog, and he suddenly felt a huge sense of threat.

It can be seen from Chu Yunfan that it has not been many years since this Tianjiao has grown up. Although the strength of other people is not as good as Chu Yunfan, but I am afraid that he will be shoulder to shoulder with him within ten years. Even surpassing him is not a problem at all.

Thinking of this, a somewhat anxious expression flashed in his eyes, and the feeling of being overtaken by the younger generation was not easy.

Thinking of this, bursts of killing intent burst into his originally clear eyes. ..

At the same time, Chu Yunfan in the field has also realized that he is unavoidable. He could have relied on his own speed to far surpass the others, and their speed would not be able to catch up with the same level of strength. Yourself.

But now, this biggest advantage has vanished.

"It seems that the next step will be a tough battle!"

Chu Yunfan smiled slightly, and the corners of his mouth provoked, not the slightest panic because the crowd forced him into the corner.

"Chu Yunfan, today is your death date!"

The leader of the flying winged tiger stared at Chu Yunfan, beside him, there was another flying winged tiger. The remaining members of the flying winged tiger clan had been killed by Chu Yunfan, with more than a dozen heads of good fortune. The fifth layer, the sixth layer of good fortune realm flying wing tiger was beheaded, such a loss was enough to make him feel the blood dripping from his heart.

Although the flying tiger clan is a well-known monster clan, but the number of flying tiger clan has not been counted, the death of one is a major event, not to mention the death of so many in one breath, it is just a pain to the bones.

Right now, only the two of them were at the Seventh Level of Good Fortune Realm, which made Chu Yunfan hesitate and never attacked both of them, but because of this, the two of them tickled with hatred.

The rest are similar to everyone else. The Divine Sword Gate, the Sea Clan, and the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect are all left with only the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm, and even the masters of the Peak of Good Fortune Realm have never been attacked by Chu Yunfan. Poisonous hand.

The rest of the people were either hit by the poison, or they had already escaped from the battlefield, and dozens of people came, and in the end, all of them added up to less than nine people.

Such a loss can be described as shocking.

"Do you think you can escape? Killing you a hundred times will not understand my hatred, and you will be blamed for a hundred deaths!" The elder Taishang, the leader of the Shendaomen, gritted his teeth with hatred. , So that everyone is scared.

"Since there is no way to dodge, then I won't play peekaboo with you, and I will kill you all!" Chu Yunfan said proudly, saying that it will be too late, and he will grab it from the picture of mountains and rivers. A pill came out and swallowed it into his throat. Suddenly, a burst of pressure swept away like a rushing Yangtze River, flowing into Chu Yunfan's body.

"Go on, kill him!"

When it was said that it was too late, it was fast. First, one Supreme Elder of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect culminated and killed, and the remaining two Supreme Elders of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect followed closely behind.

The three Supreme Elders of the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect were all masters of the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm. The three formed a three-cai formation to culminate Xiang Chu Yunfan.

The magic knife in his hand turned into a terrifying flame, burning the sky, and in an instant, it swept towards Chu Yunfan.

The three magic knives slashed down in the air, almost instantly blocking all of Chu Yunfan's retreat.

The three of them hated Chu Yunfan very much. Compared with the beginning of the battle, they hated even more, and the power of the magic sword has also increased many times.


When the magic knives fell, everyone thought that Chu Yunfan was about to be chopped in half, but they saw that a huge bite, as if a black steel ruler's giant sword volleyed to block the three magic knives. .


Everyone was stunned, and couldn't believe that Chu Yunfan was able to stop the joint raid of the three major monsters with his own power.

Each of these three demon heads has a terrible name in the East China Sea. I don't know how many creatures have been killed. Each of them can be said to have the ability to stop a child from crying.

The seven masters of the good fortune realm, above the East China Sea, can also be called top masters.

Now that the three of them together can't kill Chu Yunfan?

Chu Yunfan saw that Chu Yunfan almost raised one hand, and with one hand, he blocked the attack of these three magic knives.

The endless flames couldn’t make any progress at all, let alone burned to Chu Yunfan~www.ltnovel.com~ Let alone everyone, even these three old demon heads were stunned. They shot with hatred. There is absolutely no possibility of retaining his hands, and even if he has a 120% strength, even if Chu Yunfan is also the seventh level of the good fortune realm, he may be killed by a single blow if he is not careful.


Just when everyone was shocked and didn't understand, the aura on Chu Yunfan's body had already reached the extreme, and he actually broke through again directly.

If Chu Yunfan's combat power was already comparable to the peak of the Sixth Layer of Good Fortune Realm, now he has rushed straight into the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm, and he is still soaring at an alarming speed.

Almost instinctively, many masters on the battlefield couldn't help but breathe in air, as if they had seen a ghost.

"No, the pill he swallowed just now increases his gong power. You can't let it go, otherwise, we will all die!"

At this time, the face of a master of the magic sword gate changed and he roared.

"I just remembered now? It's too late!"

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