I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1994: Comparable to the peak of the good fortune realm, strong enough to explode!







This flying wing tiger is very fast. Behind him, a pair of wind wings swept out, like two sharp knives, directly cutting the sky into two halves, and fell fiercely towards Chu Yunfan. Down.

At the moment of this critical moment, Chu Yunfan suddenly raised his fist and punched the two sharp knives that had fallen.



Two huge roars came, like Hong Zhong erupting, everyone only saw that Chu Yunfan actually smashed the wings of this flying tiger clan master with his own fists, and the wings of the wind broke on the spot. When it opened, it turned into a sky airflow and dispersed in all directions.

"What?" The expert of the flying wing tiger clan stared wide-eyed. He was a master of the seventh level of good fortune. He hadn't seen any opponent before, but it was the first time that Chu Yunfan had seen him like this.

You know, Chu Yunfan has obviously exhausted the mana in his body, but at this time, he can still burst out such terrible combat power.

what is this?

That flying wing tiger had no idea why it would become like this.

Physical training!

This Chu Yunfan is actually still a physical cultivator!

This flying wing tiger suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. No doubt, everyone underestimated Chu Yunfan. After seeing Chu Yunfan releasing Wanlong to return home, they all thought that Chu Yunfan belonged to Chu Yunfan. Although the special physique of the law of the Thunder system is very powerful, it is also a special physique of the legal system type. His mana is exhausted, then his strength will drop crazily or even drop to less than one-third of the original. Even one in ten is possible.

But who would have thought that in addition to the special physique of the Thunder System Law, Chu Yunfan was actually a terrifying physical training.

His wings of wind seem to be formed by the condensation of wind, but in fact it is not the case. Their wings of wind are innate, and with the passage of time, continuous training has already been equivalent to the grade. Very high magic weapon.

However, now that Chu Yunfan actually smashed one with a punch, the identity of Chu Yunfan's physical cultivation was about to emerge. Besides, they couldn't imagine why Chu Yunfan could possess such a terrifying physique.

In the absence of the mana bonus, it was actually able to burst out such an astonishing combat power.

However, the situation didn't allow him to think too much, but saw that Chu Yunfan smashed a wind wing with a punch, almost instantly, he had already arrived in front of this flying wing tiger.

In his hand, the sea-covered sword that looked like a huge black ruler was moved.

In an instant, everyone saw a scene that made them feel unforgettable for a lifetime. With his own power and without the blessing of any mana, Chu Yunfan danced directly with the sea-covered sword in his hand, forming a terrible whirlwind, suddenly and brutally. He slashed down towards the flying winged tiger.

The master of the flying tiger clan backed away again and again, trying to avoid this terrifying sword.

But Chu Yunfan’s long sword is like having eyes. The Flying Winged Tiger clan is good at displaying the supernatural powers of the wind attribute, and moves fast like lightning, but Chu Yunfan’s speed is faster. Almost instantly, he has already chased after him. On the flying wing tiger.

The long sword aimed at this flying wing tiger impartially all the time.


This flying wing tiger almost screamed and was struck by a sword. His formidable defensive ability was nothing at all in front of the sword aura of the sea-covering sword. It was like being sliced ​​tofu, and it was easily broken open. Come.

The blood spattered out, turned into blood and scattered, this huge flying wing tiger was chopped in half and died tragically in an instant, and his corpse was not allowed to fall to the surface of the sea in the future, and was killed by Chu Yunfan. Included in the space of the mountain and river map.

Suddenly, there was a deadly silence. Just now, I thought about everyone who wanted to counterattack. At this time, they were all frightened. They had already reached the end of the mountains and rivers. Chu Yunfan could actually burst out such terrible fighting power. That flying sky wing. Tiger is a master of the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm, but when facing Chu Yunfan, he is so vulnerable.

The remaining two masters of the Sacred Sword Gate and the masters of the Flying Tiger clan looked at each other, and were even a little frightened.

Can only watch Chu Yunfan standing in the air, proudly like a **** in the world.

"No, he is recovering mana!"

At this moment, one of the two remaining masters of the Sacred Swordsman opened his mouth and shouted.

At this time, everyone discovered that Chu Yunfan's mana was actually recovering at an astonishing speed. In just a short time, he had already recovered a little.

The physique of the Primordial Underworld Phoenix gave Chu Yunfan an amazing recovery speed, and in just such a short period of time, he had recovered so much.

"Go, let's go together, interrupt his recovery, otherwise, we will all die today!"

At this time, the two masters of the Divine Blade Sect glanced at each other and knew immediately that they couldn't stand by and watch. If Chu Yunfan continued to grow, the consequences would be disastrous.


The last master of the flying tiger clan was full of indignation, with a roar of anger, and then he began to transform, and changed back to the original appearance of the flying tiger clan, like a huge body like a hill.

In an instant, the three masters collectively flew towards Chu Yunfan.

Among them, the master headed by the Divine Sword Gate is the peak realm of Good Fortune Realm, and the rest are also masters of the seventh layer of Good Fortune Realm.

The masters of the Flying Tiger clan are also at the pinnacle of good fortune realm, and are truly at the pinnacle.

In the distance, Li Weiyuan finally moved. He couldn't continue to sit and watch Chu Yunfan continue to grow. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, at this moment, Chu Yunfan suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next instant, he had already appeared above the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm master at the Divine Saber Gate.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

One foot was like trampling down from a yellow spring ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly trampled on the body of the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm master at the Shendaomen. ..


The body of the seventh-layer master of the Divine Sword Gate Good Fortune Realm suddenly flew upside down, unexpectedly exploded into the air, and blood spurted out.

Before the corpse fell, Chu Yunfan grabbed it into the space of the mountain and river map with his gasification hand.

"I can't help myself, the three of you are left!"

Chu Yunfan's voice was extremely indifferent, and the remaining three people suddenly felt a stunned expression. They clearly felt that Chu Yunfan's strength had actually made a breakthrough again.

The pinnacle of good fortune!

They felt incredible, Chu Yunfan's breakthrough was as simple as eating and drinking water, they just wanted to shout.

are you crazy!

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