I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2004: No. 1 on the Tianjiao list, Chu Yunfan

The East China Sea battle has come to an end. This highly anticipated battle almost attracted the attention of countless people across the East China Sea.

In particular, the news spread in the East China Sea so quickly, and it didn't take long for all kinds of news to spread.

It almost spread in all directions at a rapid pace.

Including the Li family, there are a total of five powers, each of which has considerable prestige even if it is not above the East China Sea.

Even a family of military officers like the Li family, because of the previous battle with the Sea Clan, everyone can see the Li family's heritage, although the final result is that the Li family retreats and its overseas strongholds and forces have been uprooted. .

However, this is also inevitable. In the East China Sea, there is still no power that is an opponent of the Sea Clan. Even if it is as powerful as the Great Xia Dynasty, it is just maintaining its rule in the offshore area, and cannot penetrate its tentacles deep into the East China Sea. Place.

These five powers, together with a large number of Good Fortune Realm Five Layers, Good Fortune Realm Six Layers, and even Good Fortune Realm Seven Layers, collectively fell.

What a shocking thing this is.

Such a lineup is enough to sweep a first-rate force on the East China Sea and uproot this first-rate force.

But now he just died in the hands of Chu Yunfan in such an understatement. Together with the arrogant Li Weiyuan of the previous generation of the Li family, he died in the hands of Chu Yunfan as a top master of the pinnacle of good fortune.

This battle is earth-shattering!

It shook the entire East China Sea, especially when many people watched the battle from a distance, and even had a panoramic view of the scenes. After they left, word of mouth spread that Chu Yunfan's reputation was spread overnight in the East China Sea.

Almost everyone knows that a Gedai figure appeared in the Daxia Dynasty.

It can be said that even in a behemoth like the Great Xia Dynasty, the probability of a Gedai figure is not high.

The so-called survivors are to completely crush their peers, not just ahead of their peers like Li Qianyuan.

Li Qianyuan can only be regarded as the leader among his peers, but Chu Yunfan is obviously different. He crushes his peers, is invincible, and has no opponents at all.

"Such a figure appeared in the Great Xia Dynasty. He is still a member of the military of the Great Xia Dynasty. He is obviously another hawk. The growth of such a person is not a blessing for me!"

"However, Mu Xiuyulin, the wind will destroy it. His performance is too dazzling. I am afraid that there are not one or two people who can't see it. Then his life will be uncomfortable!"

"Yes, what a genius who can't grow up, there are too many people like this throughout the ages!"

Chu Yunfan became famous in the first battle, and countless people were stunned, but some people still had doubts. For them, it was still unknown whether Chu Yunfan could eventually grow into the world's top big man.

Compared with the major forces in the East China Sea who were the first to receive news, the sensation caused by Chu Yunfan's battle actually started three days ago.

Because three days ago, it was the day when Chu Yunfan beheaded Li Qianyuan.

The name of the Tianjiao was changed. If it was just the fall of the ordinary Tianjiao, it would not have caused such a sensation.

However, this person is currently ranked number one Li Qianyuan.

Since ancient times, everyone's focus has always been on the first place. From the second to the hundredth, the total attention of everyone may not be comparable to that of Li Qianyuan.

Although Li Qianyuan has encountered many dangers since his debut, no one has ever been able to kill him.

Suddenly seeing the first name on the Tianjiao list disappeared, it caused an uproar.

Especially the Tianjiao who were in retreat or traveling felt the sadness of the rabbit and the fox almost instantly.

After all, even though Li Qianyuan was their competitor and the target of catching up, they still knew very well that Li Qianyuan was their benchmark. Now even the number one Li Qianyuan died tragically. In other words, they are also in great danger.

For a while, everyone is in danger.

They don’t believe that someone of the same generation can kill Li Qianyuan, then there is only one possibility. Some or a certain old monster will shoot without regard to face, just as the supreme existence of the monster race crossed the border without regard to face. Shot against Chu Yunfan.

What a shocking thing this is!

There is Chu Yunfan first, and then Li Qianyuan, it is difficult to say whether it will be their turn next.

For a while, people panic.

Many people have a question lingering in their minds.

"Where is Li Qianyuan's guardian? Where did he go? Why did he watch Li Qianyuan die!"

For a while, all the powers with Tianjiao in the world began to take action, and many people wanted to know which power had acted.

This kind of faceless assault not only completely offended the Li family, but also completely offended the Prince Daxia behind the Li family.

The Li family may not be enough to make many people jealous, but if the Prince Daxia behind it is added, then it is a behemoth.

It is a very possible future to ascend the throne and become the supreme existence in charge of the behemoth of the Great Xia Dynasty.

It is even said that even the prince's angry order came from the East Palace to find the murderer at all costs.

During these three days, the storm had blown up, and even Taiwei's Mansion was paying attention. After all, Li Qianyuan was a nobleman of the Daxia Dynasty.

However, after everyone had a sensation for three full days, a name appeared on the top of the Tianjiao list~www.ltnovel.com~ that was Chu Yunfan!

For a moment, looking at the names on the Tianjiao list, everyone couldn't help rubbing their eyes. They just felt that their eyes must be in addition to the problem. The first place on the Tianjiao list was actually Chu Yunfan, who was believed to have been dead for more than half a year. Tianjiao?

"What? Chu Yunfan is the first one? Isn't he dead? Or the same name and surname!"

At the beginning, everyone believed that Chu Yunfan was dead, and the biggest evidence was that his name was no longer on the Tianjiao list. They didn't believe anyone could hide the calculation of Tianji Pavilion.

But now the facts gave them a slap in the face.

"There are so many coincidences. Instead of letting me believe that another genius with the same name and surname appeared, I might as well believe that Chu Yunfan has come back from the dead!"

Someone vowed to say that such a probability was even lower than the probability of Chu Yunfan coming back from death, and it was even more incredible.

"Is it really him, isn't it possible? Hasn't he been dead for a long time? Will Li Qianyuan's previous death have something to do with him?" Someone couldn't help but guess.

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