I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2006: The Li family is heaven, the Li family is the earth, the Li family is the king of law

Looking at the messy military camp, Chu Yunfan frowned, because there seemed to be something wrong here.

There are piles of debris everywhere, messy and messy, and more blood permeates the ground. It looks like a garbage dump instead of a military camp.

Even in the barracks of the original Baotai Town Defenders, it was impossible to look like this, let alone the Zhenyuan Army barracks that he had trained and cleaned up. ..

But it didn't look like it had been attacked, suddenly, there was a whip sound from a distance.

"You lowly beasts, if you still don't leave, do you want your master to urge you to fail?"

Chu Yunfan looked up, but saw a group of ragged sergeants patted in a line, walking staggeringly towards the outside of the barracks, and behind them, a man in a Chinese robe was beating these sergeants with a long whip. .

"When the military master comes back, I won't let you go!"

At this moment, a sergeant who was hit by a whip looked at the man viciously and roared.

But what came oncoming was a few whips that smashed his head and covered his face. The man laughed loudly and said: "Your army leader? He is already dead. Now here, it is my Li family who has the final say. You thieves are in the army. , If you have the ability to resist, it just happens that my uncle will kill you all!"

The man looked unscrupulous, and it seemed that there was no military camp here.

"I tell you, our Li family here is the sky, the earth, and the king's law!"

"What a big tone!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cold voice came, and everyone looked up, and the man was still a little puzzled as to where the young man came from.

But the sergeants became excited almost immediately after a brief stupefaction.

"You are..." Before the man had time to swear, the voices of the sergeants had already solved his confusion.

"Military owner, the military owner is back!"

"Great, I'll just say how could the military master die!"

Everyone was overjoyed at once, especially the many iron-boned men with tears in their eyes. Obviously seeing Chu Yunfan was very excited.

"What are you, you dare to break into the military camp without authorization?" Chu Yunfan sneered, and he came to this person in an instant.

The man panicked immediately, but he quickly recovered his senses, and his eyes showed a bit fierce expression: "Even if you are Chu Yunfan, what about it, this place has already been assigned to our Young Master Li Jia Qianyuan by the Ministry of War." Under the banner of, you have no right to intervene?"

"Li Qianyuan?" Chu Yunfan frowned slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of anger. His divine thoughts instantly dispersed, bringing the entire military camp situation under the control of divine consciousness, and he was instantly raged with anger, this kind of Zhenyuan The situation of military soldiers being abused is not just in front of us, it happens almost everywhere. Those Li family private domestic slaves almost unscrupulously clean up these Zhenyuan army soldiers. I don’t know how many Zhenyuan army soldiers have been tortured to death. , The corpse was also thrown aside hastily, no one cared about it at all. Naturally, these were not hidden from Chu Yunfan's eyes.

"The Li family is so bold!" Chu Yunfan suppressed his voice, but the anger contained in it was about to burst out almost instantly.

When it was said that it was too late, Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and the thunder chains were released from his body and dispersed directly into the entire barracks. In the next instant, hundreds of figures were directly removed from him. They were arrested from the barracks. These people were all wearing Li's costumes. Now they have all been arrested, screaming constantly.

At this moment, some of the soldiers in the barracks hadn't figured out what had happened, and there was still a bit of confusion in their eyes.

In the next instant, these people were caught by the Thunder Chain directly, and they all hung directly on the flagpole above the barracks.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

All kinds of screams were endless, one after another, the thunder chain released by Chu Yunfan controlled the power of thunder, and did not electrocute them all at once.

Otherwise, although these are the elites of the Li Family, their cultivation bases are also very strong, and they are basically masters of the Void Realm, and even Chu Yunfan has seen masters of the Universe Realm, but how can they be Chu Yunfan's enemy in a single blow.

But the constant flow of electricity on their bodies also made them unforgettable with pain. Their mana was also dissipated in an instant, and even if it was not dissipated, there was no way to resist.

"I, General Zhenyuan, Chu Yunfan, are back. From now on, the Zhenyuan army will be under my command, and the whole army will be disbanded and rested on the spot, and officers above the captain will come to my handsome account for a meeting!"

Chu Yunfan flew high into the sky, and his voice spread throughout the barracks.

"Military owner, the military owner is back!"

"Great, our suffering is over!"

"Why did the army master come back!"

All the soldiers heard this, and after being stunned for a while, all of them suddenly became a sensation and boiled.

During this period of time, they suffered too much. After Chu Yunfan was passed on to death, they changed from being a proud soldier to a vagrancy. Anyone could come up and bully him.

Especially the Li family is Chu Yunfan's enemy. After Li Qianyuan took over the Zhenyuan Army, the entire barracks were tortured to death countless.

It can be said that the entire army was about to be tortured to collapse, but the harsh military discipline of the Daxia Dynasty made it impossible for them to escape.

The Great Xia Dynasty had a special hunting and killing force to deal with those sergeants who defected. There was no way, and it was impossible to escape.

What's more, they are just small people, even if they escape to the alien side ~www.ltnovel.com~ they are just another cannon fodder, and even their family members will be involved.

This leaves them no choice but to accept it.

Now that Chu Yunfan came back, to them, it was tantamount to the sound of nature.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous!"

Suddenly, in the distance, an angry roar came from Baotai City, and in the next instant, an old man wearing a black robe and a childlike face appeared above the Zhenyuan Army barracks.

"Elder Li Family?" Chu Yunfan looked at this sturdy old man, and instantly determined his identity. The mana fluctuations he radiated were easy to identify and could not deceive people.

"Yes, old man Li Huan, you... Are you Chu Yunfan?" When the old man with a childish hair and a childlike face saw Chu Yunfan, a look of horror appeared in his eyes immediately.

He had been in Baotai City for a while, and he had only received news before. The original leader of the Zhenyuan Army, Zhenyuan General Chu Yunfan, had fallen, and the Li family operation asked him to come and take over, but who knows, actually watched again. Arrived at Chu Yunfan.

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