I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2009: Have high hopes for Chu Yunfan

Chang Sun Yuan said, "That said, but Chu Yunfan will complain that I didn't wait to take care of Zhenyuan Army and let Zhenyuan Army fall into Li Qianyuan's hands!"

"Aren't you afraid that he has resentment toward us?"

Situ Xuansha smiled and said: "What's terrible about me, if he is so, then I have misunderstood the person, but Situ Xuan has never looked away in my life!"

Long Sun Yuan smiled and never refuted. Everyone knows that Chu Yunfan acted so fiercely this time. In the final analysis, he was expressing his dissatisfaction, but he did not choose to express his dissatisfaction to Fei Xianzong, but to uproot the Li family. The way announced his return.

After all, it is not the Flying Immortal Sect who started the Zhenyuan Army.

In fact, if it were not for fear of Flying Immortal Sect, the Li family had to deal with the Zhenyuan Army as long as they sent the Zhenyuan Army to the most dangerous battlefield, and could slaughter the Zhenyuan Army up and down in one go without having to do it himself.

Situ Xuandao: "After this incident, he will understand that if he wants to protect the people he cares about, he can only rely on himself, and no one else can be trusted! He is dead, and there is no value, right? "

Situ Xuan's voice was flat. To him, although Chu Yunfan would be dissatisfied with Fei Xianzong's stocking policy for Zhenyuan Army, he would understand that this was a matter of course.

This is reality, and it is also the iron rule of today!

Only when he is alive and shows sufficient value can Fei Xianzong look at him differently, and once he is dead, if a person dies like a lamp, nothing is left.

This iron is not only aimed at Chu Yunfan, but he is also indifferent. Regardless of his current infinite beauty, he is the supreme suzerain of Fei Xianzong and one of the great figures in the Great Xia Dynasty, but once he dies, At most, it is no different from the suzerain who has passed away in the past, and it is just a figure in a historical legend.

Soon, his influence will dissipate.

This is the truth when people die like a lamp, and a tree falls down and scattered.

"So, he loses his temper at most, that's all!" Situ Xuan said lightly, "If he doesn't even understand this, it would be a waste of my thoughts to cultivate him!"

"Sect Master, what do you want to do? Do you promote him to be the chief disciple?" Changsun Yuan said.

"No, I want him to be the deputy suzerain!"

Situ Xuan frowned and said directly.

"Deputy Sect Master? Generally, isn't it a position where only the chief disciple can sit?" Chang Sun Yuan was also shocked by Situ Xuan's thoughts.

Generally speaking, unless the older generation has withdrawn from the management one after another, and the new generation has become the mainstay, the best among them may become the deputy suzerain.

But there is one exception, that is, the chief disciple of the sect, after a certain degree of experience, is likely to become the deputy suzerain.

Once appointed as the deputy suzerain, it is almost confirmed that he is the future suzerain successor.

In his original view, it should be Yang Dengxian who would become the next deputy suzerain, but that was also decades later, after Yang Dengxian's cultivation base had further developed.

Then Situ Xuan successively entrusted Yang Dengxian with all the affairs in the sect, gradually withdrew from the management, and made a breakthrough in practice to reach the supreme realm.

But now Situ Xuan's movements were clearly beyond his expectation.

"Yes, I was more satisfied with Yang Dengxian's position as the successor. He is the most suitable candidate, but now, I think Chu Yunfan is more suitable!" Situ Xuan said with burning eyes.

Of course, Chang Sun Yuan understood why Situ Xuan would suddenly change his mind. Although Chu Yunfan was very amazing, he was not better than Yang Dengxian. Compared with Yang Dengxian's years of management, his position as the chief disciple. Deep-rooted, Chu Yunfan could not shake Yang Dengxian's position in a short time.

However, now the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. Chu Yunfan beheaded Li Qianyuan and showed his strength in one fell swoop. Even the last Tianjiao Li Weiyuan died in the hands of Chu Yunfan.

Compared with Yang Dengxian, Chu Yunfan's talent is obviously stronger, and his strength has already thrown off Yang Dengxian several grades. After he grows up in the future, his future is limitless, and he may even have the opportunity to be among the strongest in the world.

This is a character that Feixianzong hasn't appeared in for many years.

"But in comparison, Chu Yunfan doesn't seem to have much sense of belonging to my Flying Immortal Sect, and he is unwilling to intervene in the competition of the chief disciple!"

Changsun Yuan frowned slightly, thinking of the analysis of the intelligence data he had seen.

Chu Yunfan has been outside of this system ever since he worshiped the Fei Xianzong, and he was obviously far from Yang Dengxian, who was his own.

"The sense of belonging can be cultivated slowly. Does he have to go back to Zileizhou to be the Patriarch of the Chu Family?" Situ Xuan smiled faintly, "Besides, in many cases, he doesn't even need to manage mundane affairs. He exists. It is the greatest deterrence!"

"And Yang Dengxian, I want to train him to become an executive deputy suzerain, in charge of all things in the sect, and assist Chu Yunfan to take my Flying Immortal Sect to a higher height!"

Situ Xuan Dao.

Chang Sun Yuan immediately understood that Situ Xuan regarded Chu Yunfan as a deterrent, a talented celestial wizard like Chu Yunfan, if he cultivated into an existence like an ordinary suzerain, he would be a violent creature~www.ltnovel.com ~ Let Chu Yunfan and Yang Dengxian cooperate, is the most suitable way!

Chu Yunfan didn't even need to participate in the management of vulgar affairs. As long as he kept practicing, Fei Xianzong would also be powerful because of his strength. It was not uncommon in the Daxia Dynasty to have one person Xingzong.

"However, these are still long-term plans. First, we will pass on the order to appoint him as the deputy suzerain. As for the following matters, we still need to consider long-term plans!" Situ Xuandao. "Moreover, the reward for him from the Taiwei's Mansion should be coming soon too! This time, it shouldn't be a problem for him to be a marquise. Even if someone obstructs him, I don't think the eldest princess will let the other party do what he wants. After all, our Chu Yunfan is her. If the Guanma disciple Gushe is the princess lord's county horse, if he doesn't even have a knighthood, wouldn't it be a big joke!"

"Hahaha, not bad, well, then he is truly the first person in the younger generation!" Chang Sun Yuan thought for a while, couldn't help but laugh.

Now that Li Qianyuan is dead, isn't Chu Yunfan the only Fenghou existence?

While Sect Master Feixian and Chief Supreme Elder were discussing matters about Chu Yunfan, in Baotai City, Chu Yunfan was sitting on top of the handsome tent.

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