I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2014: After debriefing, Renwang commented

Chu Yunfan immediately understood the meaning of the King of Humans. Standing on the height of the King of Humans, the life-and-death things that many people argued for were not important to him.

Huntianhou Li Qianyuan, such a big name!

However, in the eyes of King Ren, it is not worth mentioning, like Li Qianyuan, who is the number one in the list of Tianjiao, I am afraid that the King has seen a lot.

For the Li family, losing Li Qianyuan was tantamount to cutting off the hope of future rise. Even Li Weiyuan was also beheaded by Chu Yunfan. It was not just that the hope of future rise was defeated.

Even if there is a dynasty, even if there is another Tianjiao who can be on the list of Tianjiao in the Li family in the future, it will take decades to be cultivated.

Coupled with the ribbon brought by the death of Li Weiyuan and Li Qianyuan, that is to say, the Li family will lack a leader for nearly a hundred years, and there will be no way to compete with other forces for the right to speak.

For the Li family, this is naturally heartbroken!

However, for the King of Humanity, it was nothing to the Great Xia Dynasty, but it was one of the shining stars in the countless years of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Right now, undercurrents are surging up and down in the court. Some people want to kill Chu Yunfan and some people want to protect him. The two sides are fighting against each other. It's just that the level is too high, so Chu Yunfan can't feel the fight.

However, looking at the meaning of the King of People, obviously meant to forget the past. After all, Chu Yunfan beheaded Li Qianyuan in the ring, and everyone knew that he had no eyes on the ring.

For the King of Humanity, as long as Chu Yunfan continues to make enough credit for the empire, this little mistake before is not worth mentioning.

Chu Yunfan also understood that if he died in the hands of Li Qianyuan today, it would probably be the result. Could it be possible that the King of Humanity would punish the imperial prince for his small general, Zhenyuan?

Obviously this is impossible!

Although this is cruel, it is also a reality!

This allowed Chu Yunfan to inspire fighting spirit in his heart. He must rise up and truly stand among the top masters in the world, so that no one can control his life and death.

"Weichen understand!" Chu Yunfan nodded.

Seeing Chu Yunfan nodded, Ren Wang nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Very well, Zhenyuanhou, I am looking forward to seeing you make great contributions to the empire in the future. Now you are only two words, one word in the future, or even a seal. You are all right to be a king, as long as you have this ability!

Chu Yunfan saw strong self-confidence from the King of Humans. Although he did not seem to show up, he was the master of this huge empire. Only if he had absolute confidence in himself would he not worry about the merits of his officials. Gaizhu, I hope that his ministers will make more contributions.

"Okay, you retire, I took the time to meet you today, but also want to see the younger generation of the empire, you did not let me down!" Ren Wang said.

After that, Wei Yin, who had been invisible before, suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yunfan, and then made a please gesture.

Chu Yunfan followed Wei Yin out of the Palace of Qinzheng, couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and it was over like this?

But then he smiled, and it was just a cutscene.

Today, civil and military are divided and ruled, the holy emperor is ruled by the arch, the prime minister of Wen You is the head of the hundred officials, and the lieutenant Wu is the pinnacle of the generals.

Basically, major events in the world can be dealt with in two aspects: civil and military. He was promoted to Zhenyuanhou because of his military service. The Taiwei Mansion should have conducted various inspections and inventory long ago, and has long been recognized by the ruling and opposition parties.

This time I met the King of People today, but it was just a cutscene.

"I'm here, I wish Zhenyuanhou a bright future!" Wei Yin said after sending Chu Yunfan out of the Palace of Qinzheng, and then turned around and entered the Palace of Qinzheng.

Soon, Wei Yin's figure fell into the shadows and disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yunfan didn't stop immediately. Under the leadership of the little yellow gate waiting outside, Chu Yunfan left the imperial city directly.

In the Palace of Qinzheng, Wei Yin, who had returned to the hall, stood on the side of the King of People.

"Tell me, what kind of person is he?" Ren Wang cast a glance at Wei Yin and said.

"Your Majesty, I am a minister, and I don't talk about foreign ministers. This is the rule!" Wei Yin said.

"It doesn't matter, I asked you to say it!" Ren Wang waved his hand.

Wei Yin paused, and said: "From the information gathered by all parties, Zhenyuanhou is cruel and decisive, but he is a man of love and justice, not a man of wolf ambition!"

"You old thing, you still look at things as usual!" Ren Wang scolded with a smile. "From his previous acting style, it can also be seen that unless he is acting from the beginning, it is impossible!"

"It was not accidental that he was able to defeat Li Qianyuan. His pattern was much larger than that of Li Qianyuan. Li Qianyuan wasted all his talents, but he did some things to do something about him. He colluded with the demon clan and the demon **** cult. He thought no one knew about it. There is nothing wrong with the prince’s blessing, but it is really wrong. Some things are the bottom line, and one step wrong is the abyss!" The king's voice gradually became cold, and then he sighed. "Even if he is still alive, it is impossible for me to give him a heavy responsibility!"

"Those who do big things should have a big responsibility, Li Qianyuan, I'm so disappointed!" The King of People said, shook his head, it seemed a bit cold, and a pity.

"But what about Chu Yunfan, he still needs to continue to observe, listen to his words, and watch his deeds!"

Chu Yunfan didn't know that Renwang and Wei Yin commented on him and Li Qianyuan in the Palace of Qinzheng.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

After seeing the King of Ren~www.ltnovel.com~, he was already an official imperial Zhenyuanhou, with a high position.

Even in the face of the Li family's Patriarch, he can sit on an equal footing, at least in terms of the title, he can sit on an equal footing.

Chu Yunfan did not stay in the imperial capital for a long time. Soon after he left the imperial city, Chu Yunfan returned to Baotai City through the teleportation formation. This place has become Chu Yunfan's fief, and because of Chu Yunfan's relationship, it has been changed to Zhenyuan City.

Chu Yunfan only knew when he returned to Zhenyuan City that shortly after he left, a construction brigade from the Ministry of Industry stepped forward on the teleportation formation, demolished the original guard mansion, and rebuilt it according to the specifications of the marquis.

Everything has been on the right track, and the forces in Zhenyuan City have also accepted it. From now on, this border town really has its own master.

However, the people in the city accepted it quickly and sincerely expressed their welcome, because those who were not welcome and who would oppose had already been cleaned up.

As soon as Chu Yunfan returned to Zhenyuan Army Camp, he was told that there had been guests here waiting for his return.

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