I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2018: Tang Siyu's strength is advancing violently

Fenghuang physique!

Just these four words are enough to drive countless people completely crazy!

You must know that just the constitution of the king is already the top physique that can be seen in the world. People with the physique of the king, as long as they embark on the path of cultivation, even if they practice the most superficial techniques, their future achievements are impossible. limited.

Not to mention the constitution of the emperor!

Throughout the ages, as long as the emperor physique has appeared, as long as it grows smoothly, it will surely be a generation-level existence.

Whether it was kindness or malice, all eyes turned to Tang Siyu in Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain for a time.

And many people even began to speculate that Chu Yunfan's strength is compared with Tang Siyu, whose cultivation base has soared now, who wins and who loses?

On the current Tianjiao list, Chu Yunfan ranks first and Tang Siyu ranks second, almost all of which have a shining demeanor.

Although everyone knows that the relationship between the two is extraordinary, it is a relationship between an unmarried couple, but they still can't stop everyone's guess.

In particular, everyone knew that Chu Yunfan possessed a treasure that could completely shield the calculations of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, so no one knew what realm Chu Yunfan had reached now.

Previously, Chu Yunfan descended to the top of the Tianjiao list because he easily killed Li Qianyuan, which was calculated based on the combat power displayed by Chu Yunfan at that time.

At that time, Chu Yunfan should have the strength of the Sixth Layer of Good Fortune Realm, and now, Tang Siyu has also entered the sixth layer of Good Fortune Realm. Then who is strong and weak between her and Chu Yunfan?

It was really because Chu Yunfan's strength was too strong, and he was obviously more powerful than other Tianjiao, and there was no way for others to compare with Chu Yunfan.

That is now, the rise of Tang Siyu has given everyone hope that someone who can compete with Chu Yunfan finally appeared.

This was also unprecedented in the past. After all, the calculations of the Tianji Pavilion were convinced by everyone. The first in the Tianjiao list is the strongest, and the second in the Tianjiao list is not as good as the first in the Tianjiao list.

This is beyond doubt.

But after Chu Yunfan, his strength became a mystery in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone wants to know whether Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu are stronger or weaker.

This controversy continued to this day. On the Tianjiao list, Tang Siyu's record suddenly changed. Tang Siyu's realm changed from the sixth level of the good fortune state to the seventh level of the good fortune state in an instant.

All the people who were paying attention to this matter were stunned. No one thought that Tang Siyu's realm would have made rapid progress in such a short period of time.

Having completely thrown away the eight streets of other people, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to crush the same generation.

Even if Li Qianyuan was resurrected that day, I'm afraid he would not be Tang Siyu's opponent anymore.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Tang Siyu's progress was too fast. Throughout the ages, there have been too few emperor physiques, so they have nothing to compare with.

It's just that compared with the constitution of the king, the rate of improvement of the physique of the king is amazing.

The physique of the crowned king is rare in the entire world. In each of the rankings of the princes, only some of them have the constitution of the crowned kings. They are already the best among the constitutions of the kings. As for the constitution of the crowned kings, it is even more unimaginable. .

Some veteran experts are even more stunned. Such a speed of practice, I am afraid that within two years, they can surpass the realm of good fortune, and can be compared with those old monsters.

"Is this the cultivation speed of the emperor's physique? It's no wonder that in ancient times, those emperors were rumored to be only a few dozen years old, and they reached the top!"

"It's no wonder that even the eldest princess has to accept her as a closed disciple. With such a disciple, no other disciples are needed. With such a disciple, one is enough to die!"

An old monster said with emotion.

"I'm afraid that if she continues to practice at this speed, it is not impossible to become the world's number one master in the future!"

"But if you count it this way, Tang Siyu should have surpassed Chu Yunfan's combat power!"

Many people quickly recovered from the further shock of Tang Siyu's cultivation base, and the topic that had been repeatedly mentioned for more than a year was brought up again.

Tang Siyu's strength compared with Chu Yunfan, who is stronger?

If there was still some controversy, Tang Siyu has now entered the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm, and the people who support Chu Yunfan have almost released their voices.

Even if they had no confidence in Chu Yunfan, they would not have any confidence in the face of Tang Siyu whose strength and potential had completely exploded.

That is the Seven Layers of Good Fortune Realm!

There was even a lot of news that Tianjiao had been hit hard. When facing Li Qianyuan, these Tianjiao had no decadent minds at all. Even if Li Qianyuan's strength was stronger than them, it was still within their reach.

Now Tang Siyu's cultivation has completely left them behind, and even with the passage of time in the future, Tang Siyu's strength will only improve faster and faster, to the point that even they can't catch up.

This is stronger than the sense of despair that Chu Yunfan brought to them. After all, Chu Yunfan's strength is too mysterious, and everyone can still have room for imagination and luck.

And Tang Siyu's strength is the seven realm of good fortune, regardless of combat power, only the realm, should be the first person of the younger generation.

Even the Tianjiao on the previous Tianjiao list is about to be equalized.

There are even rumors that the King of People wants to include Tang Siyu's name into the royal family tree. This is a great glory and also represents the King of People's recognition of Tang Siyu.

Suddenly, the wind was surging, everyone was attracted by Tang Siyu, who was so powerful, and his attention to Chu Yunfan was reduced to the lowest level ever.

In a courtyard in Zhenyuan City, within Zhenyuan Hou Mansion, Chu Yunfan quietly sat on a stone bench ~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked far away.

Not far from him, You Chuyun was standing beside him, bending down.

"Return to Lord Hou, that pill has indeed been handed over to the princess!"

You Chuyun bowed and said.

"Well, I got it!"

Chu Yunfan nodded. In fact, he already knew when he saw the changes on the Tianjiao list.

Because he asked You Chuyun to send Tang Siyu to Tang Siyu, nothing else, it was Rank Six Zijin Dan.

Rank Six Purple Gold Pill can only be taken once. Chu Yunfan had already taken it once when he fought against the Demon Race and the Tianluodiwang of the Demon God Sect before.

But for Tang Siyu, it was still useful. During this more than a year, Chu Yunfan collected various medicinal materials through Wanbao Pavilion and successfully refined a sixth-rank purple gold pill again.

Chu Yunfan immediately asked You Chuyun to send it to Tang Siyu.

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