I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2021: Good Fortune Realm 4

After You Chuyun left, Chu Yunfan directly entered the mountain and river map. Only in the mountain and river map can Chu Yunfan practice with confidence.

In the mountains and rivers, Chu Yunfan sat up cross-legged and floated in the air. He stretched out his hand, and on the Brahma fruit tree on the Baoyao Mountain in the distance, a red and beautiful Brahma fruit flew to Chu Yunfan's hand. on.

This Brahma divine fruit was poured out with the blood of countless masters of creation realm.

In addition to this one, there are two Brahma Divine Fruits on the Brahma Fruit Tree that have matured, but Chu Yunfan has not picked them off and is still growing.

During this period of time, Chu Yunfan killed too many masters of good fortune realm, many of which were powerful existences of the seventh layer of good fortune realm or even the peak of good fortune realm. After these masters fell, they all became the nourishment of the Brahma Divine Fruit.

After taking this Brahma divine fruit, the mana surging in Chu Yunfan's body was released almost immediately, as if the flood broke through all obstacles.

A swarm of majestic mana swept into every inch of Chu Yunfan's body, frantically impacting the four-layer barrier of the good fortune realm.

Originally, Chu Yunfan could break through to the Four Layers of Good Fortune Realm at any time, but after half a year, Chu Yunfan continued to temper himself, like sharpening his sword and opening the front, while also polishing the four layers of Good Fortune Realm's barriers to be extremely strong.

If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't dare to do it at all, because if you did it, it's very likely that you won't be able to break this barrier in your life.

Even for Chu Yunfan, it is no longer easy to break through, but once he breaks through, he will directly surpass the realm of good fortune and break into the realm of heaven.

The majestic mana impacted layer by layer on the four-fold solid realm of Good Fortune Realm, without stopping at all.

For a while, he didn't even see any hope of breakthrough, but Chu Yunfan didn't have any irritability, and his heart was calm. He was already prepared for these situations.

With the passage of time, cracks gradually began to appear in the originally strong four-layer barrier of Good Fortune Realm.

Time flies by day by day.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed in a hurry.

During these three months, Chu Yunfan has not left the customs once. Everything in Zhenyuan City is still handled in an orderly manner. The affairs in the city are handled by officials, and affairs in the army are handled by officers. Chu Yunfan’s existence has completely changed. Become a mascot.

For three months, Chu Yunfan kept hitting the four-layer barrier of Good Fortune Realm without stopping for a minute.

Suddenly, at that moment, the four-layer barrier of Good Fortune Realm that was already shaky was completely broken by a torrent of water.

The mana fluctuations in Chu Yunfan's body that were completely suppressed by him finally couldn't be controlled, and broke out, and a terrifying breath was completely released, like a violent wind sweeping through the entire space of the mountain and river map.

It even formed a frenzy, affecting the entire landscape of mountains and rivers.

Fortunately, it was in the space of the mountain and river map, otherwise the vision of Chu Yunfan's breakthrough would be immediately known to the people in Zhenyuan City.

After a long time, the mana fluctuations in Chu Yunfan's body gradually subsided, and they were converged little by little.

The mana aura in Chu Yunfan's body gradually calmed down, but he could feel that the mana in his body was constantly rising.

At the moment of the breakthrough, Chu Yunfan felt that his combat power increased several times in one breath, and with the passage of time, it was still increasing at an astonishing rate.

"This is the power of the Celestial Realm level?" Chu Yunfan showed a slight smile on his face. At this time, his combat power had changed dramatically compared to before.

Now he can almost say that he can slap himself, who hadn't broken through before getting down.

Compared with the battle power of Li Qianyuan when he was in the war, he has improved by leaps and bounds. If he had this kind of strength at the beginning, he could almost sweep away.

You don't need to use various methods to test Li Qianyuan's bottom line and hole cards, you can slap to death with one slap.

The difference in combat power between the heavenly realm and the good fortune realm is simply a cliff-like gap.

It's not the same at all!

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan felt a sense of heroism, that the world is so big that everyone can go there.

After his combat power broke through to the heavenly realm, the gap between him and his peers had widened to an astonishing level. Even if they were tied together and got together, they couldn't stop Chu Yunfan.

On the Tianjiao list, Chu Yunfan’s information has not changed the slightest. Because the mountains and rivers map cover the secrets, Tianji Pavilion seems to be blinded directly, and can only collect Chu Yunfan’s information as honestly as other forces. To evaluate it, it is impossible to know Chu Yunfan's combat power only by extrapolation as before.

So in the whole world, probably only he himself knew, and other people probably thought that Tang Siyu had completely surpassed himself.

After all, three months later, Tang Siyu, who had already entered the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm, has completely stepped into the peak of Good Fortune Realm, let alone one of his peers, but many old monsters are no longer Tang Siyu. Opponent.

However, Chu Yunfan quickly recovered his thoughts and immediately re-entered the state of cultivation, striving to digest the power of the Brahma Divine Fruit in the shortest possible time.

But at this moment, in a restaurant in Zhenyuan City, three young men in Jinyi sat in a box. The windows of the box were facing the Hou Mansion in Zhenyuan. Although it was because of the layers of enchantment in the Hou Mansion, it was actually I can't see clearly.

But because it is facing the Zhenyuanhou Mansion, this box is still one of the most popular boxes in the city~www.ltnovel.com~ These three young men in brocade clothes are all about 27 or 28 years old, and one of them is in a suit. The blood suit looked blood-red, with red lips and white teeth, with a strangely handsome appearance.

One was dressed in black, with a face with Chinese characters, and a burly figure, with a faint scent of yin prey on his body.

The last person was a young man with an ordinary face in mysterious clothes. He looked different from ordinary people. His face was covered with beards, densely packed, like the thorns on the back of a hedgehog.

The three temperaments are different, but without exception, they all look a bit otherworldly, and you can see that they are not ordinary characters at first glance.

"I've been here ten years ago, and it's far less than one-tenth of the time when it was prosperous. I didn't expect this Zhenyuan Hou Chu Yunfan to have some means to manage a city to this point in just a few years!"

The young man in Xuan Yi said, he grinned, and he looked a bit sturdy.

"But he seems to have used his force in the wrong place. It is ridiculous that he actually put his mind on the place of governance. He is not a civil servant!"

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