I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2154: Conquer the Flame-Swallowing Sparrow


After killing the Son of Darkness, the terrifying aura in Chu Yunfan's body has suddenly skyrocketed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost only a millisecond difference, it has already reached the peak of the mid-heaven position!

Everyone can see that Chu Yunfan is only a fraction of the distance from the Central Heaven. According to normal circumstances, at most one cup of tea can enter the Central Heaven realm.

This is the ultimate growth!

"Too strong, in this state, he is almost invincible, there is no opponent at all!" someone exclaimed. "The Juvenile Supreme in the same realm, I am afraid that he is not his opponent at all. You know, he is only a small heaven, and after a breakthrough, he is only a middle heaven, but he has such an amazing combat power, if he had not seen it with his own eyes. , I don’t even believe it!"

"No, in the world, there are actually such characters. In the end, only the Flame Swallowing Sparrow is left. As long as you cut the Flame Swallowing Sparrow again, this method of killing enemies and raising power can be accomplished and you can directly enter the middle of the sky. , And I'm afraid it can directly rush to the early peak of the mid-heaven position!"

Someone exclaimed, Chu Yunfan planned for so long, of course, not just to break into the middle of heaven.

Instead, he has used these young supreme to directly hit the early peak of the mid-world position in one breath, and then he can directly prepare to attack the mid-time position. At that time, his combat power will soar to another level, even if he faces It is not afraid of the masters of the Great Heaven Realm, and even among the masters of the Great Heaven Realm, they are not weak.

Especially for him, the real enemy is not someone else, it is Jun Tianci. If this extreme method is not used, how can he catch up with Jun Tianci in the shortest time, or even surpass him, kill him in one fell swoop, and report to the year. He was hit hard and was almost killed.

The Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow kept making a huge cry, turning the surrounding battlefield into a sea of ​​fire, and he kept trying to escape from here.

Seeing Chu Yunfan beheading other people to death, even if he was arrogant, he was shocked at this time. The Junior Supreme was invincible, but it didn't mean that he was not afraid of death, especially in such a situation where he was clearly dying.

But he had no way to escape. Chu Yunfan killed the young supreme before, so Chu Yunfan's followers were relieved one after another. At this time, they all gathered together and besieged the Flame Swallowing Sparrow.

The Flame Swallowing Sky Sparrow's strength was indeed higher than any of them, but facing the joint efforts of ten people, it was suppressed for a while, and completely fell into a disadvantage.

The sky full of flames couldn't drive away the dragon head fierce crocodile and others.

He became more and more manic, and there was another unfathomable Chu Yunfan beside him, who looked like a monster, staring at him.

Thinking of this, this flame-swallowing celestial sparrow is all bad.

"You're down here!"

Suddenly, just when this flame-swallowing celestial sparrow was about to activate magical powers and swallow all the people, Chu Yunfan's voice appeared on this battlefield without warning.

"You..." Flaming Sky Swallowing Sparrow's fist-sized body trembled slightly, as if he had seen a ghost.

He didn't know why Chu Yunfan was so powerful, but he also knew that Chu Yunfan appeared, which meant that his last ally, Son of Darkness had died.

At this moment, he regretted very much, why didn't he run away when Chu Yunfan just started to kill.

No, to be precise, he shouldn't have come to mix this muddy water!

If he had known that Chu Yunfan was so perverted, he would never have come to participate in the siege of Chu Yunfan.

"Surrender me, or die!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, looking at the flame-swallowing celestial sparrow, the thought of wanting to subdue the flame-swallowing celestial sparrow came to mind.

"Want to subdue me? Impossible!"

The flame swallowing bird roared, he would rather die than succumb to others.

What a proud existence he is, his blood does not allow him to bow his head to others.

The Flaming Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow opened its mouth to the sky, and suddenly the boundless flames swept towards Chu Yunfan like a burning cloud. These were not ordinary flames, but true fires of their own lives.

It was the Flame Swallowing Sparrow who didn’t know how many years of cultivation it took to cultivate. Normally, even if he spit out a little bit, it was enough to make him feel distressed. Up.

A look of fierceness flashed in his eyes, even if Chu Yunfan was more powerful, he would still be burned to charcoal under the real fire of his life.

However, a scene that he never expected happened. Facing the sky of fire, Chu Yunfan not only did not evade at all, he actually swallowed the sky of fire in one bite.

"How can it be!"

What flashed through the small eyes of the Flaming Swallowing Sparrow was completely incredible, as if he had seen a ghost, but how could he be swallowed by an outsider in one bite of the real fire of his life.

Is his body an alchemy furnace? You can swallow these flames anytime, anywhere.

"Back to you!"

Chu Yunfan opened his mouth directly, and the flames all over the sky swept across at the same time, covering the sky-swallowing sparrow towards the flames.

That speed was too fast, compared to when the Flame Swallowing Sparrow spit out flames, I don't know how much faster it would go.

After a while, the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow was yelled by the sky full of flames.

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the screaming Flame Sky-Swallowing Sparrow that was burned by the sea of ​​fire. You know, this Fire-Swallowing Sparrow is a flame spirit born from the sea of ​​fire. It can be said that it is born with all kinds of flames. Has a very strong affinity.

The flame will not only not burn it, but will become its big tonic, but now it is being burned by the flames of Chu Yunfan.

There is only one possibility, that is, the flame grade released by Chu Yunfan is actually above the flame of the Flame Swallowing Sparrow~www.ltnovel.com~ How is this possible?

You must know that the Flame Swallowing Sparrow has grown to the extreme, but the fierce bird that can be compared with the emperors is almost the extreme of the flame, even the legendary phoenix.

"What is the quality of the flame that Jian Wuchen spit out, so terrifying?" someone asked.

And there were no shortage of top tianjiao who used the magical powers of the fire type, and they were all dumbfounded. Others asked them, and they asked who to go.

"How about, follow me, I will tell you the Avenue of Flames, which is more advanced than your practice!"

Chu Yunfan received the sea of ​​fire, stood with his hand in his hand, and slammed an exercise technique into the mind of the flame swallowing bird.

The Flaming Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow hesitated for a long time, and then flew to Chu Yunfan's side, saying, "Well, see the Lord!"

Everyone is dumbfounded, what is this operation?


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