I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2162: Send 5 real fire fans, leave

After accumulating for a whole year, Chu Yunfan's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes from a year ago. Once he truly breaks through, it will be a complete leap forward.

Chu Yunfan was able to break through a year ago, but even if he broke through at that time, it was at best comparable to the current Huo Lingzi.

That wasn't what Chu Yunfan wanted. Although Huo Lingzi was considered invincible in the same realm, as long as he didn't meet the young supreme of the same realm, he was almost invincible.

However, what Chu Yunfan wanted to pursue was obviously more than just this kind of strength.

After slaying Huo Lingzi, Chu Yunfan crushed Huo Lingzi's body, turned it into a cloud of blood, and threw it under the Brahma fruit tree in the mountain and river map.

On top of the Brahma fruit tree, several Brahma divine fruit that exudes vitality have gradually begun to mature.

On Chu Yunfan’s shoulders, the Flaming Heaven Swallowing Sparrow was stunned. Although he was a young supreme, he was countless, and there were many top talents who defeated and killed, but he had never seen anyone who could be like Chu Yunfan. In this way, you can easily slay a top Tianjiao with a great heavenly realm.

This dying of the top combat power of the Great Heaven Realm, unless it encounters the Young Supreme Realm of the Great Heaven Realm, it should be invincible.

But when facing Chu Yunfan, he was so vulnerable.

"This is really a monster!"

Flaming Sky Swallowing Sparrow couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

At this time, he was truly convinced, and he also had to admit that there were indeed people with talent and strength that surpassed the ordinary juvenile supreme. They were real monsters.

"But I won't be lagging behind. When I fully understand the law of flame inside, even if I face the Junior Supreme, I will be able to fight several of them one by one!"

Flame Swallowing Heavenly Sparrow secretly thought, with his strength, there is no hope for Chu Yunfan, he is completely desperate, but he has not paid attention to the other young supreme, let alone waited for him to realize Chu Yunfan He felt the law of flames taught to him, and his strength would also undergo an earth-shaking change, which would surpass other Junior Supremes.


With a wave of his hand, Chu Yunfan disappeared in the same place, and soon returned to the city, meeting with the dragon head fierce crocodile and others.

"Thank you brother Dao for your help today. I am indebted to the Fei Xian League. In the future, if you ask, just come to the Fei Xian League to find us!"

Seeing Chu Yunfan returning, the three top talents of Feixian League stepped forward and said.

What happened before was too sudden, and many masters came in one after another. Instead, these three famous masters have completely become the background board and dragon sleeve.

Now that I finally waited for the opportunity, I quickly stepped forward to thank you.

Many people looked at the three in astonishment, as if they didn't understand that these were the three top arrogant talents in the Fei Xian League, and they were always aloof in the face of ordinary arrogant talents.

Not to mention such a low profile, it can be said that many people can't think of it.

But even if they knew everyone's thoughts, they wouldn't take it to heart. Please, this is a monster that can sling the Youth Supreme.

Even in the face of the ordinary Juvenile Supreme, they have to lower their heads, let alone such a monster. Chu Yunfan is not the most terrifying now. Once he grows up in the future, it will be when the world is invincible. Is the most terrible.

Now it's just to make friends with someone who will be invincible in the future in advance. It's just a soft talk, and there is no loss.

"It's okay, I'm just fine, Qing Tao and I have an appointment to fight, today is just to advance this fight!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand. He still doesn't want to reveal his identity, so he has remained calm until now.

"No matter what, I would like to thank Dao brother for your help. We have just notified our leader Huangfu Longhao. The leader of Huangfu said that he can meet in person when he is free in the future and discuss the Tao!" Another top tianjiao from the Feixian League said. Said.

"I've also heard of the leader of the Huangfu League for a long time, and I will definitely have a chance to meet in the future!" Chu Yunfan said, he is not talking nonsense, he is also a member of the Flying Immortal Sect, and there must be a day in the future.

It's just that they didn't know the meaning of Chu Yunfan's words, they only thought that Chu Yunfan would come to visit in the future.

"By the way, this little gadget is useless if I keep it. You can keep it for self-defense. It is also a small meeting gift!" Chu Yunfan grabbed the Wuqin true fire fan and threw it to it. Chu Hongcai.

The power of these five-birds true fire fan is not small, and the masters of the ordinary big heavenly realm must avoid their sharp edges, otherwise they will not be regarded as the hole card by Huo Lingzi, but it is a pity that it is not very useful for Chu Yunfan.

With Chu Yunfan's cultivation base, it is not very useful to have the Wu Qin true fire fan, and it is useless to keep it, but if it is given to Chu Hongcai, it is too useful, and it can be used as a hole card.

Chu Hongcai took the Wu Qin Zhen Hu Fan with a look of excitement, and he was completely sure that the person in front of him was not his own Brother Fan and who was it.

Except for him, no one else can be so good to himself.

"Thank you senior!" Chu Hong finally remembered that Chu Yunfan didn't want to reveal his identity at this time, but was just like the senior.

The eyes of everyone in the city were straight. It was the Five Birds True Fire Fan. Although it was almost like a toy in Chu Yunfan's hand, it was of no use at all. However, it was actually not that the Five Birds True Fire Fan could not work, but Chu. Yun Fan is too strong.

That’s why the Five Birds True Fire Fans seem to be useless. In fact, if they are replaced by them, the Five Birds True Fire Fans can turn the whole city into a sea of ​​fire. They can’t escape at all~www.ltnovel.com ~Now the Wu Qin Zhen Hu Fan has fallen into Chu Hongcai's hands, and many people don't understand what the connection between Chu Hongcai and Jian Wuchen is to treat him so well.

However, there are also many people who have different thoughts. If the five-bird real fire fan is in their hands, they would dare to trouble Chu Yunfan, but if it were Chu Hongcai, there would be no deterrent.

Even considering that Chu Yunfan retaliated afterwards, and that Chu Hongcai still has the protection of the giant Feixian League behind him, even so, many people still have evil intentions.

Of course, these can't be hidden from Chu Yunfan’s eyes, but he remained silent. These can also be regarded as tests for Chu Hongcai. The growth of any strong man cannot be smooth sailing. If Chu Hongcai wants to compete with the heroes of the world, Of course, it is impossible to expect other people to show mercy to his men.

He killed him like this back then, and Chu Hongcai did the same.

After giving the Five Birds True Fire Fan, Chu Yunfan disappeared into the distance with a group of followers.

The Tianjiao battlefield was shaken by his battle.

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