I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2173: In 3 months, break through to the pinnacle of the great heaven?

The Four Elephant Locking Sky Array that Chu Yunfan left to Tang Siyu was only a semi-finished product, and even Chu Yunfan didn't completely successfully practice the Four Elephant Locking Heaven Array.

But now after decades of development, the Four Elephants Locking Heaven Array has been fully formed. Tang Siyu's ability to cultivate and develop safely in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield depends on the defense of the Four Elephants Locking Heaven Array, even relying on these four elephants. The defense of Suotian Formation blocked the deadly pursuit many times.

In this process, Tang Siyu's effort can be seen from this.

In front of Chu Yunfan, Tang Siyu could put aside all pride and arrogance, and be the young girl when she first met.

"I heard that you are planning to fight the Gushe Princess?" Chu Yunfan said.

Tang Siyu nodded and said: "Yes, I intend to fight her for the last time and decide the final victory!"

"Just for such a name? Probably not!" Chu Yunfan asked with a light smile.

Tang Siyu smiled and shook his head, smiling like a flower, and said: "I can't hide anything from you, of course not just for such a name, do you think I, or she will be so boring? She wants me to be her whetstone , Let her break through with my strength, so I asked my troubles again and again, forced me to use my full potential, and finally killed me, surpassed me in one fell swoop, and became one of the strongest handful of people!"

Tang Siyu smiled cleanly, with a little carelessness, but Chu Yunfan didn't understand how thrilling was behind it.

Chu Yunfan saw this kind of thing a lot. Although the other party used Tang Siyu as a whetstone, but if Tang Siyu could not be the whetstone, presumably the Gu Gushe princess wouldn’t mind owning Tang Siyu with himself. People with the same title solve it easily.

The saying that there can only be one Gushe Princess in the world is just an excuse for hands-on. These ancient arrogances have never stopped at all means in order to rise.

Some of them will deliberately indulge in training some opponents, and when these opponents are strong to a certain level, they will start to eradicate these opponents.

These people have extremely strong self-confidence. Even if their opponents become stronger, they will not be their own opponents. Of course, there are also cases of car rollovers, and some people have been beheaded by stronger opponents.

Obviously, Princess Gushe had this idea and regarded Tang Siyu as a sharpening stone.

"What kind of cultivation is she now, how sure are you?" Chu Yunfan asked.

"She is now in the late stage of the Great Heaven, and she is only one step away from reaching the pinnacle of the Great Heaven!" Tang Siyu said. "If she can kill me this time, she will be able to complete the breakthrough, break directly into the pinnacle of the great heaven, and be able to confront the peak group of people on the Tianjiao battlefield!"

"No wonder!" Chu Yunfan immediately understood Princess Gushe's plan. Obviously, it was not her pursuit to break through the pinnacle of the great heaven. What she wanted to pursue was Dzogchen, laying a foundation for the future!

"A few times before, she had a chance to kill me, but let me go. This time, it was the last battle. It was not her who died, or I died!" Tang Siyu clenched his fists, his eyes flashed a little bit of amazement. Fighting spirit. "She wants to use me as a whetstone, but she doesn't know who is the whetstone in the end!"

"But you should have just broken through to the late stage of the great heaven. How sure are you when facing her?" Chu Yunfan looked at Tang Siyu and said.

"It's only 50%!" Tang Siyu said, "Although I only entered the late stage of the great heaven, but after several confrontations, I already have a considerable degree of understanding of her, and I am 50% sure that I can beat her!"

Princess Gushe oppressed her several times. For her, if she could counterattack and defeat Princess Gushe, then she would also usher in a huge transformation.

Of course, Princess Gu She will not let Tang Siyu continue to grow up, and he will definitely hit the killer.

"So I postponed the fight until three months later, after three months I can increase my confidence by 10%!"

Chu Yunfan paused, frowning slightly, and said: "With your physique, you are definitely at the level of the supreme juvenile, and your realm is similar to her, but you can only be confident that it is only 50 or 60%? This Princess Gushe should also be a seal. The emperor's physique!"

Tang Siyu nodded, and said: "Yes, that's the case, she is also the emperor's physique, if it's just an ordinary emperor's physique, the same realm is simply vulnerable to me!"

Chu Yunfan shook his head, and said, "Five to six percent is not enough. Since she dares to let you grow, she must have her own cards to have absolute self-confidence and be able to defeat you in the end, so you can use your current cultivation base to go with her. In the first battle, even if it is three months later, in my opinion, there are still more defeats and less victory!"

"In three months, no matter how fast my progress is, at most it will be equal to her. To go further, it will be too difficult!" Tang Siyu shook his head and said. "She has accumulated so many generations, and the profound background is incredible. Her 50% chance of winning is the limit!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, stood with his back, and said: "That was before you met me. I found it specifically for this matter. In three months, I want you to break through and enter the peak of the great heaven. She I want to treat you as a whetstone, and I want her to know what is meant by cocooning!"

"Three months to break through to the pinnacle of the great heaven?" Tang Siyu's beautiful eyes opened slightly, as if he had never expected Chu Yunfan to say such words.

With her physique, proper emperor physique, the young supreme, it is not difficult to cultivate to the peak of the great heaven, but it is simply impossible to break through to the peak of the great heaven within three months.

Princess Gu She couldn't give her this opportunity, she was done, no matter where she hid ~www.ltnovel.com~, she could always be found, otherwise the two sides would not have so many head-on collisions.

She can't hide, she can't avoid it!

So after the breakthrough, there will be such an appointment.

But once she breaks through to the great heaven, then she will no longer have any scruples. On the Tianjiao battlefield, she can be regarded as a giant, and can sit on the same level with those ultra-ancient Tianjiao, and no one is invincible.

"Yes, three months is enough to break through to the big sky!"

Chu Yunfan nodded and said, "I have absolute certainty!"

In the memory of Emperor Dan, in ancient times, there were not a few people who had been crowned emperor for hundreds of years in just a few decades. In addition to their own talents, they naturally had all kinds of secret methods.

"Recently, I have obtained a large number of medicinal materials, and among them are pills that can be refined into increasing gong strength, enough to give them a big surprise!" Chu Yunfan grinned and said.

get? Tang Siyu's beautiful eyes cast a glance at Chu Yunfan, just a small smile.

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