I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2175: Wait for me to kill him myself

The vigorous jade-colored mana swept through the air and turned into a vision in Tang Siyu's body. Behind her, a jade-colored figure was condensed. A closer look at this jade-colored figure, isn't it Tang Siyu?

Chu Yunfan could see that this is Tang Siyu's method. I don't know if it is inherited from the eldest princess. This method takes oneself as the mind, and oneself is the invincible method. The more he believes in his invincibility, the strength that he can exert. The more amazing.

In the memory of Emperor Pill, Chu Yunfan once saw an emperor proving the Dao in this way. One proving Dao is invincible and terrifying.

Behind this jade-colored figure, a bright moon hung above the sky, and the cold moonlight seemed to illuminate the earth.

The various visions that this gave birth quickly disappeared without a trace, and Tang Siyu opened a pair of beautiful eyes, and the body's breath was converged extremely well.

The Great Heaven Pinnacle is the pinnacle of the entire celestial realm. After reaching this realm, the whole person will undergo earth-shaking changes, in an extremely perfect state, blending with the heavens and the earth.

"In three months, did I reach the pinnacle of the great heaven?" Tang Siyu said, it seemed that she still looked a little unbelievable. Even if she believed in Chu Yunfan, she really reached the pinnacle of the great heaven. Shock.

"This is natural!" Chu Yunfan said with a grin.

All of this has been calculated by his godhead, and it is not bad.

"Now that the strength of the two of us, the Tianjiao battlefield is so big, we can both cross it!" Chu Yunfan said.

With Tang Siyu's strength, although she is the first to reach the pinnacle of the great heaven, but with her emperor's physique bursting out of combat power, she is definitely the best among them, and can be one of the top few people.

And Chu Yunfan is worse than the current Tang Siyu, but he can protect himself against the peak of the great heaven. With such a combat power, the two of them are indeed enough to sweep away.

Tang Siyu paused, looked at Chu Yunfan, and said, "I used to fight Jun Tianci before. That time I was not his opponent. But now, I am 50% sure that I can beat him. Now I will kill him. !"

In Tang Siyu's words, it seemed that she had forgotten the battle of the Gushe Princess in front of her. It was not that she had forgotten, but that she didn't care at all.

Princess Gu She wanted to force her out of her full potential, and killed her in the last swoop to reach the pinnacle of the Great Heaven, and she had the same idea. As long as she could defeat Princess Gu She, she would be troubled. It's easy to get into the top of the heavens.

But now it's different. She has already reached the pinnacle of the Great Heaven Position, so the motivation to fight Princess Gushe at the beginning is gone.

Even with his current strength, at least several times stronger than before, originally he was only 50% sure that he could defeat Princess Gu Gushe, but now to defeat her is just a matter of flipping hands.

She has no interest in such boring things.

She knew that Princess Gu Gu She would definitely not be able to step into the realm of the pinnacle of the Great Heaven, because this was the most difficult step for the entire Great Heaven or even the entire Heaven Realm.

It's common to cross one step at a time, to reach the sky one step at a time, not being able to cross over!

It is not to say that the difficulty of entering the peak of the Great Heaven Position has reached the point of shocking the world. Taking the physique of Gu Gushe Princess as the emperor, it will be a matter of time before entering the peak of the Great Heaven Position.

However, it takes time, and it takes not a short time, so she will force Tang Siyu to do her best to break into the pinnacle of the great heaven with this method.

The Great Heaven Pinnacle is the pinnacle of the entire Heaven Realm. It needs to be cultivated to the realm of Dzogchen, and the control of the power of the Heaven Realm has reached the pinnacle, and all the potentials are expanded. There is no way to advance. Only in this way can it be possible. Further, become an existence beyond the realm of the great heaven.

What this requires is water milling skills, breakthroughs little by little, and after approaching Dzogchen, it is possible to step into the realm of the great heaven.

Even ordinary people may be stuck in the late stage of the great heaven all their lives, unable to reach the peak of the great heaven, and only the constitution of the king can guarantee that they will definitely be able to reach the peak of the great heaven.

For the emperor's physique, it is a matter of course to reach the peak of the great heaven. It is not difficult to talk about how difficult it is. The only thing that is lacking is time.

However, in a world of great controversy, what everyone lacks most is time, how can it be possible to practice step by step at the normal speed of practice.

Now that he has reached the pinnacle of the Great Heaven Position, there is no need to fight Princess Gu Gu She.

"No, wait for me to kill him personally!" Chu Yunfan said coldly. Since practicing, he has never suffered such a big loss, was taken away from his heart and blood, and almost died tragically, if it weren't for his special physique. Moreover, the power of the Primordial Ming Phoenix's Nirvana, I am afraid he would fall there.

It can be said to be a life and death vengeance, he does not want to take revenge through Tang Siyu!

This hatred, he must personally report, behead him in the battlefield of Tianjiao, to solve this hatred!

"The battle between you and Princess Gu She can't stop!" Chu Yunfan said. "If you want to dominate the Tianjiao battlefield, this kind of battle is indispensable. Moreover, she has repeatedly targeted you. Although she has the meaning of forcing you to do her best, she has also put you in danger and almost died tragically several times. No report!"

Tang Siyu thought for a while, and then nodded. She didn't intend to let Gu Gu shoot the princess, but she didn't plan to fight such a big fight. With her strength, she could shoot the princess anytime.

However, what Chu Yunfan said also made sense.

Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ Tang Siyu suddenly remembered something, and said: "When I broke through just now, I already felt the suppression of me by heaven and earth!"

"What? I felt the suppression of heaven and earth so early?" Chu Yunfan was a little startled. He had the memory of Emperor Pill and was no stranger to the suppression of heaven and earth.

The road of practice is the road against the sky, constantly breaking through oneself and conquering the world.

But when the cultivation reaches a certain level, one can clearly feel that the heaven and the earth are suppressing themselves, and the emperor is like this. After practicing to the emperor, his understanding of the laws of the heaven and the earth has almost reached the extreme, and the same will be the same. Suppressed by heaven and earth.

Because the emperor's shot is too terrible, it is very common to really take a shot and break a world.

It is precisely because these emperors are so terrible that heaven and earth will suppress the emperors and avoid these emperors' desperate actions. It is not so much a kind of will, but rather a rule created by the law itself to safeguard the world.

However, the Tianjiao in the Tianjiao battlefield is just a big heaven. Although every move has great power, it is still a thousand miles away from being able to threaten the world.

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