I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2177: The war is approaching, Gu Gushe Princess

In the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, a huge mountain range is different from the lush greenery in the outside mountains. Although the aura is stronger in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, this endless aura has turned into a more terrifying wind.

Even in the daytime, when there are no heroic spirits raging, there are a lot of violent winds. Even if these violent winds are all composed of spiritual energy, the destructive power they bring is even more amazing.

Therefore, in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, it was a desert, with desolate scenes everywhere.

However, such a cruel scene also tempers people even more. Those who can walk in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield must be the best among Tianjiao.

It is very difficult not to be in the Great Heaven Realm or even to survive here.

And on this day, outside this ordinary mountain range, a group of terror-like figures appeared outside this mountain range one after another.

All these figures carried an extremely terrifying aura, the last time they were all masters of the great heaven rank level, appearing in groups of three or five outside this mountain range.

Most of them are men, each of them is handsome and handsome, and there are dragons and phoenixes among them, although the clothes they wear are of different styles, they seem to be in a very distant era.

These people are also enough to shake one side when they are placed outside. Now they are all gathered in this mountain range. There is only one reason, because today is the two ancient and modern Gushe princesses who will be here. Set the battle.

The winner will become the only Gushe princess, and the loser will be broken even if he does not die.

Even if the power of the emperor's physique is broken, the future will be difficult to move.

"After several years of competition for the title of Gushe County Lord, the curtain is finally coming to an end!"

"No one would have thought that this generation of Gushe Princess was so powerful, even if she faced repeated blows from Gushe Princess, he still persevered!"

"Princess Gu She obviously wants to use the current Princess Gu She as a sharpening stone!"

Many people talked about it. Obviously, many people understood Gu Gushe's plan very clearly, but they just saw it through.

This method is not new, and even many people have done it before. Although some people are overturned by the opponent's counterattack, the probability of that is too low.

"It's like a seed planted in spring. Now, it's finally time to harvest. At that time, there will be another outstanding person in the ranks of me waiting!"

A superb figure put his hands on his shoulders and said.

"What if the contemporary Gushe princess dare not come?" someone asked.

"She will come, she will definitely come. Although she is not as strong as Gu Gu She Princess now, she is not inferior to the other person in terms of talent. She is so angry that she has been a very rare strange woman throughout the ages. It’s impossible for a woman to dare not come because she is afraid, because if she dares not come..."

"If she doesn't dare to come, her Dao heart will be broken, without the belief in invincibility, no matter what happens in the future, she won't be worthy of standing side by side with me!"

Someone said that there is incomparable self-confidence in their words. For them, the young supreme, they can be defeated. This is not terrible, because even a temporary failure does not mean that they will fail for a lifetime.

But if you are afraid, it will leave an eternal shadow.

The belief in invincibility is established after not knowing how many powerful enemies have been defeated. It is very difficult to establish, but it is only a matter of moments to destroy it.

So they all dared to be sure that Tang Siyu would definitely come, and if he didn't come, the loss would be so great that it was simply unimaginable.

"It's a terrible game, Gu She should have taken advantage of this situation and forced the current Gu She to show up and become her own whetstone. What a terrible woman, it's a no-brainer!"

"But if Tang Siyu's strength has a brand new breakthrough, I'm afraid that even Gu Gu She County Lord may be overthrown!" Another said with a grin.


Someone shook his head and said: "There must be Gu Gushe Princess counted, but it just happened to allow her to grow up to the point where she can fight, but it is absolutely impossible for her to grow to the point where she can threaten her. It's too dangerous. Up!"

"Yes, this time, the chance of the Gu She Princess is more than 70%. The current Gu She Princess's chance of winning is only 30%. The difference between the two sides is too far. What a pity, she originally had the hope of becoming us. She was one of the members, but she was spotted by Gu Gu She and she was chosen as her sharpening stone. It's really unfortunate!"

Someone said: "Luck is also part of strength. If the contemporary Gushe princess dies in this battle, it means that she is not lucky enough. No matter how talented the gods are, they are not lucky enough. I don’t deserve to go to the end. I’ve waited for the time to come, and I’ve seen few amazing people? In the end, there are very few people who can be side by side with me!"

Everyone talked a lot, but generally they were not optimistic about Tang Siyu and even more optimistic about Princess Gu She, because from any aspect, Princess Gu She was more powerful and terrifying.

They didn't think that Tang Siyu's talent and aptitude were inferior to Gu Gu She, but she lacked the time and environment to grow up.

Suddenly, at this moment, in the midst of a commotion, in the distance, a person came from afar in a chariot.

From a distance, above the car wheel, there are nine phoenixes pulling the car. Each phoenix is ​​shining with dazzling light~www.ltnovel.com~ extraordinary, there is actually one around the car wheel. The ghost of a goddess is escorting him by the side.

The female emperor in the world came to inspect the general scene.

"Princess Gu Gushe is here!"

Someone yelled, but saw that this car wheel had come to the top of the mountain. On top of the car wheel, sat a woman in a big red dress. This woman has a very beautiful appearance, white skin and snow, and she is tall and tall. , As if a fairy from the sky descended to the earth, not walking in the world, not contaminating the fireworks of the world.

Many people's eyes were straight. You must know that many of the people present were the suitors and fans of the Gu She Princess.

Seeing her now, like a nine-day mysterious girl descending to the earth, made them feel admired.

However, many people also knew in their hearts that the Gu Gu She Princess had an outstanding appearance, but what was even more terrifying was his own strength and talent. Except for the few people present, I was afraid that most of them were really not her opponents.

Even if it is the peak of the ordinary great heaven, as long as it is not the young supreme, she can't be helped.

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