I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2188: See if their lives are hard enough

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The blade light cut out by the sword boy made a sound like a crow of gold and iron on Chu Yunfan's body, but there was no way to break through Chu Yunfan's defense.


When Dao Tong saw that his knife didn’t work, his eyes turned extremely fast, and his pupils shrank slightly, because he actually saw that his sword was not cut on Chu Yunfan’s skin. It was cut on the boiling mana of Chu Yunfan.

This knife actually failed to cut through the mana of Chu Yunfan's body guard. This is the most terrifying place!

With this knife, even a city can be split in half, and it is even more simple to break through the magical powers of the body guard, but now there is no way to break Chu Yunfan's body guard.

This mana is endless, no matter how his sword aura is cut, it can continue to emerge, but his sword aura is consumed seven or eighty-eight.


Before the knife boy could think about it, the breath of Chu Yunfan's body suddenly swept crazy, like a horrible column of air rushing across the sky, his mana wandering around him like a series of wandering dragons, and soon It turned into a terrifying hurricane.

This terrifying hurricane actually smashed the knife boy who was chasing over, and the young general and the Hundred Playboys flew out.

"This is?" The young general looked at Chu Yunfan coldly, with a somewhat unbelievable expression in his eyes, as if he still couldn't believe that Chu Yunfan had such terrifying strength.

"He swallowed the pill just now, and now it is a medicinal attack!" The Hundred Flower Boy looked solemn, and he remembered seeing Chu Yunfan swallowing the pill just now. Obviously, Chu Yunfan suddenly broke out and swallowed the pill now. There are relationships.

"But even so, the medicinal properties of his pill is a little too strong!" The young general had an unbelievable expression on his own.

"Want to kill me? Do you think it is possible?" Chu Yunfan grinned. "Without absolute certainty, do you think I will come and take the risk in person?"

Chu Yunfan’s words made everyone’s heart burst, especially when many people finally remembered what was wrong. Chu Yunfan knew that the whole world was pursuing him, and he didn’t know how many young supreme leaders of the heavens thought. Kill him.

Why would he dare to appear, especially when the strength difference is huge.

All of these revealed a kind of weirdness, but they didn't think about it in detail before, and no one thought about it in this direction.

Now that Chu Yunfan clicked it out, they couldn't help but make their minds burst.

"Today, I will use your heads to tell everyone that I am not so easy to provoke. If you want to provoke me, let's see if their lives are hard enough!" Chu Yunfan said with a sneer.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what kind of pill you swallow, it is meaningless in the face of absolute strength. I don't believe how long you can hold on!" Dao Tong's small face is cold, and it looks like a terrifying humanoid weapon. , Not a living person.

"Persist for a long time, it has nothing to do with you, because you can't escape death!" Chu Yunfan grinned, "Kid, let's start with you!"


It was too late and it was fast, Chu Yunfan’s boundless mana swept across, and in an instant, the power of thunder that turned into horror was surging, and his speed was reaching the extreme. After activating the rainbow, he almost felt the whole world. Time has stalled.

In an instant, it swept in front of Dao Tong.

The knife boy closed his lips tightly, and a terrible killing intent burst out in his eyes. He suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

A terrifying sword in the sword boy's hand burst out with a terrifying sword intent, and the sword intent cut the entire world and fell straight towards Chu Yunfan.

But Chu Yunfan still sprinted in a straight line, rushing over without evasive.


Chu Yunfan squeezed his fist with his five fingers, his horrible fist turned into a terrible tornado, and then smashed everything with his fist, directly hitting the long knife.

Then a horrible metal tremor swept through, turning into a torrent of terrible sounds, destroying everything.

"Today, you can't escape death!"

The knife boy roared and kept inputting mana to break Chu Yunfan into pieces, but at this moment, even more terrifying power was pushed back from the sword light and swept over him directly.


The knife boy spurted out a bit of blood, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down, his body shape was not stable at all.

"So strong!"

Dao Tong couldn't believe it, Chu Yunfan's punch could contain such a terrifying punch, almost tore everything apart and shattered everything.

And just when Chu Yunfan was about to continue pursuing, countless flowers fell above the sky, like a world of hundreds of flowers, and it was the Hundred Playboy who shot at a critical time.


Immediately there was a series of terrifying explosions, the crazy explosion of this world of hundreds of flowers, and every flower was a terrible bomb.

A small mushroom cloud rose up, and the terrifying aftermath of the explosion swept the entire battlefield.

Obviously, the Hundred Playboy came up with all his strength and did not leave the slightest hand, but even so, his expression was not the slightest relaxed, because the impression that Chu Yunfan gave him was too strong, even if he was headed by him. Wrapped into the world of Hundred Flowers, he was not sure that he could easily kill Chu Yunfan.

Around him, a huge lotus flower protected him from being affected by this terrifying explosion.

Sure enough, at this moment, a figure was sweeping out at an astonishing speed. His speed was too fast, as fast as a azure blue lightning.

"Get me down!"

Chu Yunfan let out a loud roar, blasted his backhand punch, swept across the sky with his fist strength, and unexpectedly brought ripples on the sky, as if even the plane was about to withstand such damage, like wind blowing on the water. Crazy fluctuations.

"not good!"

The Hundred Playboy suddenly secretly said that it was not good. He knew that it was unlikely that Chu Yunfan would be killed all at once. If Chu Yunfan handled it so well, it would have been impossible to stop the three of them just now, he would have died long ago.

However, what he didn't expect was that Chu Yunfan was not affected at all, and his whole body was not injured at all.

This is the most terrifying ~www.ltnovel.com~ His Hundred Flowers World has not been able to pose the slightest threat to Chu Yunfan. Is there anything more terrifying than this?

However, time did not allow him to think too much, Chu Yunfan ran across the sky with this fist, and smashed the huge lotus behind Hundred Playboy with one punch.


The lotus flower collapsed, and the Hundred Playboy was also backlashed. He coughed up blood, shook his body, and almost fell into the air.

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