I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1906: It's your Li family's face

After confirming that a large number of masters such as Li Qianyuan had left for more than thousands of miles, Chu Yunfan began to act.

"Enchantment, get up!"

Chu Yunfan squeezed a seal, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the space around Li Mansion. In a moment, a huge enchantment was formed, which surrounded Li Mansion.

This incident almost immediately attracted the attention of the masters in the Li mansion, and there was a loud roar.


"What a courage!"

"court death!"

And Li Mansion itself was the focus of the entire city at this time, and when such a change occurred at this time, there was no doubt that someone had done it.

"Someone has done it!"

Numerous gods swept over immediately. At this time, they only saw a tall middle-aged man about two meters tall and walking from one end of the long street with a long stick in his hand.

His speed seemed slow but fast, but in a moment, he had already arrived in front of Li's mansion.

At this time, many figures appeared in front of the Li Mansion. They were the masters of the Li family. Although there were many masters who followed Li Qianyuan to the ancient heritage, there were still a lot of masters left, which were enough to deter one of the masters. .

And the one headed is the old butler.

"Who is your Excellency? Do you want to fight against my Li family?" This old butler looked extremely solemn, not because Chu Yun came alone with contempt.

Because he knows very well that people who dare to come forward to make trouble at this juncture must have support unless they are lunatics, and there is no doubt that Chu Yunfan is not like that lunatic, then there is only one possibility. Chu Yunfan has support.

No matter what you rely on, you can't take it lightly.

"Speak your master behind the scenes, you can save your life!"

The old butler said coldly that Li Qianyuan had also ordered before leaving that for these mighty enemies that might appear, he must fight back with the strongest posture to prevent people from underestimating the Li family.

This is also the best way to avoid greater conflict in the future.

"Leave me alive?" Chu Yunfan said with a grin, and squeezed the iron rod in his hand. "I came here today for no other purpose, to rob, to hand over your spirit stones, and all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth to me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Robbery?" The old butler was immediately annoyed by Chu Yunfan's words. Someone dared to ignore the Li Family to this point. This was as if he didn't put the Li Family in his eyes, but dared to rob Li Family's head.

"So courageous, do you really think that my Li family is no one?" At this time, the old housekeeper of the Li family couldn't help being angry.

The people who watched the battle with divine minds in the distance felt extremely shocked. This Chu Yunfan's courage was not so big, and he dared to make ideas to the Li family.

The Li family dragon crossed the river and led a large number of masters into the East China Sea. They came up with a very high-profile posture. People who look unpleasant are unknown, but few dared to do it, let alone hit the door directly to rob.

"Is there anyone in your Li family? Sorry, I really don't know!"

Chu Yunfan fished out his ears, and said with a look of disdain.

As Chu Yunfan spoke, he walked directly into the barrier.

Suddenly everyone in Li's house lit up and immediately surrounded Chu Yunfan.

"Take him! Let everyone know that if you provoke my Li family, it's not going to end!" At this moment, the old butler yelled, from all directions, dozens of powerful figures blasted themselves towards Chu Yunfan. The most terrifying attack.

"The Li family is a fart, I just want you to understand that it's your Li family's face!" Chu Yunfan sneered, these attacks swept towards Chu Yunfan like a torrent, but Chu Yunfan basically Without even looking at it, he danced the iron rod in his hand, and instantly smashed these attacks into nothingness and dissipated in the air.


A master of the Universe Realm of the Li family didn't even have time to react. He was hit by a stick in his head and died tragically in an instant.

After a hit, Chu Yunfan didn't mean to stop at all, and then swept out with a stick.


Even the air was shaking, and a terrifying explosion raged out. Under this stick, the masters of the Universe Realm who flew over were hit hard, suffered severe injuries, and flew out.

One blow directly swept away the masters of the Universe Realm who flew over, and there was no need to make a second shot. The masters of the major forces who were watching the battle in the distance saw this scene, and they couldn't help but breathe in air.

It's almost like seeing a monster!

You know, those are the masters of the Universe Realm level. They are considered to be the backbone of any force, especially those of the Li family. They are all masters in the Universe Realm, even if they are encountered. Good Fortune Realm is not an opponent, but the formation of so many people is enough to fight for a while.

It can't be so miserable at all!

But now that they all add up, they still can't stop Chu Yunfan's stick. This also makes many people wonder when there is a master who uses sticks in the East China Sea.

Many of the names of the stick masters flashed through their minds almost immediately, but none of them could match the person in front of them.

After all, the cultivation base has reached such a level, it is impossible to be unknown!

Above the East China Sea, the competition between various casual cultivators is far more fierce than the Great Xia Dynasty. It is almost impossible to practice quietly and quietly to the good fortune realm here.

"Is it from other places?" Many people couldn't help but come up with such an idea, but they would love to hear about the trouble of someone daring to come to Li's house.

The Li family's powerful raptors crossed the river and wanted to crush the local snakes. They had long been dissatisfied with them~www.ltnovel.com~ Now someone hits the door, which is just what they want.

"Okay, okay, okay, you dare to kill our Li family, there will be no place for you in the sky or the earth!"

This old housekeeper was almost smoked by Chu Yunfan's angry seven orifices. He didn't know where Chu Yunfan came out of, and he even dared to oppose their Li family.

Relying on the Li family's brand, even those who wished to uproot the Li family would not dare to ignore the Li family in this way.

That was a family of military officers in the Daxia Dynasty.

"It's just because Master Hou is not there. When Master Hou comes back, I see where you can escape!"

The old butler roared again and again, but before he could react, everyone only heard a huge slap in the face.


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