I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2314: Invincible posture

Everyone is very clear about what this means. This shows that Chu Yunfan's understanding of Dao, at least at the level of domain realm, has returned to the original level.

   Strip off all the gorgeous shells, and what is left is the real insight.

   And now, Chu Yunfan seems to have reached the point of returning to innocence and returning to the basics. Even if everyone practices different methods, they can be summarized by Chu Yunfan and find a way to solve the problems in their practice.

   This gave them another amazing speculation about Chu Yunfan's strength. No wonder he practiced like eating and drinking water.

   from the original completely behind them, until now, completely surpassed everyone.

   is not just what many people think, it's just luck.

   On the contrary, Chu Yunfan’s understanding of the Great Dao was shocking to the world, not what they could expect.

   They don't know what a rare opportunity this is for them.

  Chu Yunfan, in addition to the emperor's battle ceremony, also has the memory of the emperor, which is equivalent to having an emperor-level master standing at the top of the avenue, giving them guidance in the posture of a tall building.

   What an amazing adventure this is.

  In the ancient years, even the direct disciples of the emperors would hardly have such an opportunity.

   Only Chu Yunfan could give them such a luxury opportunity.

   Although their cultivation base is already shocking the world, in the eyes of the emperors, they are still very immature.

Even if Emperor Dan is not known for fighting, his realm is much stronger than them after all. There are many problems in this level of cultivation. Chu Yunfan can find the problem almost at a glance and give his own based on the memory of Emperor Dan. answer.

   And Chu Yunfan is also willing to do this, because for him, this is also an opportunity to improve himself quickly.

He did not fully integrate the memory of the Emperor Dan, because once it was fused, the massive data in the memory of the Emperor Dan would turn him into an idiot. At that time, after the fusion is completed, whether the person is him or the Emperor Dan, then it doesn’t matter. It's easy to say.

   is equivalent to being taken away by others, both emotions and memories will be completely overwhelmed by the memory of Emperor Dan.

   is equivalent to the rebirth of Dan Huang's alternative.

   Therefore, Chu Yunfan would never do this. To him, the many memories of the Emperor Dan are like a database in a computer, which can be called up when needed, but they will definitely not merge all the memories of the Emperor Dan.

   Although he could understand the information, it was separated by a layer after all, not his own, but the emperor's.

  Unless he chooses to be fully integrated, he is still far behind.

   And those memories are the comprehension of Emperor Pill, not his own comprehension, this is different after all.

   So he also likes to use the method of preaching. It seems that he is helping everyone solve problems, but at the same time he is constantly absorbing the memory of Emperor Dan.

   transformed Dan Huang’s comprehension into his comprehension.

   This is the real reason why he is willing to preach. When he preached, everyone gained a lot, but he was the one who really gained the most.

   It can be said that everyone's gains add up to nothing more than he alone.

   And under his careful guidance, everyone's strength is growing at an astonishing speed.

Especially Tang Siyu, who was originally the first batch of young supreme to break through to the realm, is now becoming more and more serious. In just one year, he has broken through to the level of five thousand laws, and the level of tyranny is enough to suppress the entire ancient battlefield. Rare opponent.

   Even the strong ones in the ancient battlefield will no longer be her opponents. Such strength can be regarded as tyrannical in the realm.

  Of course, this is also indispensable for Chu Yunfan to give her a small stove in secret, after all, it is his own woman, it is too easy for Chu Yunfan to point her twice.

The rest of Huangfu Longhao, Chu Hongcai, Sea Dragon Beast, Golden Winged Roc Bird, Flame Swallowing Sparrow, and others have their strengths drastically changed. They have broken through to four thousand within a short period of time after breaking through to the realm. Law of Tao.

The remaining dragon head fierce crocodile and others have also cultivated more than 3,000 principles. Of course, the top talents of the Fei Xianzong are at the bottom. So far, there are only more than two thousand and less than three thousand. The repair of the law.

   In addition, there were some masters who had good relations with Feixianzong afterwards, who didn't know where they got the news from, and they all came over to hear them, although they didn't get as many benefits as these people.

   But there are also many gains. Many people broke through on the spot and were very excited.

   After all, they have practiced for many years, and their foundation is far more profound than others, but they lack some methods and other people's guidance.

   With Chu Yunfan's guidance, they all made a huge breakthrough in a short time.

   is naturally grateful to Chu Yunfan!

   It's just that when everyone has made a huge breakthrough, they are also very curious, to what extent Chu Yunfan who can guide everyone in their cultivation has reached.

   No one knows, Chu Yunfan only made one shot in this more than a year.

Some top tianjiao and young supreme have broken through to the realm~www.ltnovel.com~ each of them has reached two thousand, or even three thousand rules, and they think they can be equal to Chu Yunfan, or even kill. Chu Yunfan.

   went to the door, trying to force Chu Yunfan's secrets out.

   After all, now, many people have believed that Chu Yunfan must have a great secret, so that he can easily stand above everyone else.

   Even the Junior Supreme can't match it. If they can ask this secret, their combat power will naturally soar together.

   There were too many people holding this idea, and they even came together in a group and raided this ancient city.

   And that was the same time, Chu Yunfan made a move and shocked everyone. These top Tianjiao and Juvenile Supreme were smashed to pieces by a big handprint that fell from the sky, and turned into a rain of blood in the sky.

   just one move, it will kill everyone directly!

   For a time, almost everyone was calmed down!

   The entire ancient battlefield was once again a sensation.

  Chu Yunfan didn't make a move. Once he made a move, he once again showed his invincible power. Even though everyone has already stepped into the realm, there is no doubt that there is still a huge gap compared with Chu Yunfan.

   Even everyone now has no idea how far Chu Yunfan has practiced.

   Some people say that he has practiced to the level of five thousand laws, while others say that he has practiced to the level of six thousand laws.

   is just different opinions, but no one has an accurate statement, after all, no one can force his full strength.

   Under this situation, Chu Yunfan was even more unpredictable in the eyes of everyone.

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