I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2327: After the break

?Chapter 2327 After the Break (Page 1/1)

Above the sky, thousands of streamers flew towards the crack in the void.

Obviously, not only Chu Yunfan and others had thought of this, but other ancient Tianjiao and many masters in the world also thought of this.

Continue to stay on the ancient battlefield, seemingly safe, but in fact it is even more dangerous, because they will be strangled alive by the endless army of demons.

Everyone can see that the Demon Race intends to kill them here, leaving it only a dead end.

In the depths of that crack, a large army of demons is ready to go, and under the leadership of many masters among demons, they are preparing to enter the ancient battlefield.

They didn't expect that these ancient Tianjiao were more courageous than one, and actually rushed out of the black crack directly.

Almost instinctively, the armies of these demons all shot one after another, blocking them towards these ancient arrogances.

The war broke out instantly!

Chu Yunfan and others rushed directly into an army of demons.

In fact, in this black crack, there are large army of demons everywhere, and there is no reason to argue about it.

In order to kill these ancient Tianjiao, the Demon Race has gathered too many elite troops this time.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Almost at the same time when he entered the demon army, a few thunder arrows swept across the sky and pointed directly at the domain master in this demon army.

The domains of the domain realm masters of these people and demons were all penetrated by this arrow, and their bodies were taken directly out of the sky, and fell fiercely on the ancient battlefield, setting off a wave of dust.

After all the masters in the realm were killed with one arrow, other Tang Siyu and others also broke out of their own realm at the same time.

In the realm of a realm master, unless it is a realm master, it will only be slaughtered.

Even if the master of the Divine Hidden Realm wanted to organize a strong resistance, it would still be quickly blown by Chu Yunfan, and there was no way to organize a decent resistance.

In just a moment, this entire army of demons was killed by Chu Yunfan and others.

There are people looking up and down.

Can't catch up at all!

Tang Siyu and others were panting heavily, but the fight in such a short period of time actually consumed one-third of their mana.

Almost every moment there are countless arrows shot at them, one or two can be regarded as indifferent, but each can shoot through a mountain, the accumulated power is amazing.

If this is on the battlefield, they are even in danger of falling.

On the real battlefield, the masters of the realm can gallop horizontally and horizontally, but they are also likely to be besieged and killed by the army.

But before everyone could take a breath, another army of demons rushed over.


Chu Yunfan yelled and dashed straight forward. In an instant, he had already entered this army.

It was almost a replay of the old technique, killing the most threatening demon masters first. Although the remaining demon army was still terrifying, it could not stop Chu Yunfan and others from penetrating.

In the black cracks, Chu Yunfan didn't know how many demon army had penetrated. Whenever he saw the demon army, Chu Yunfan shot directly, and there were people everywhere.

Behind Chu Yunfan and the others, many ancient Tianjiao had seen the battle situation here, and their eyes suddenly lit up, choosing to follow Chu Yunfan and start to escape.

Although there is still an army of demons in front of them, without the block and command of top masters, the threat of the demons has dropped by several levels.

Soon, with Chu Yunfan and others as arrows, a huge assault battle formation was taking shape.

The members of this assault battle formation are too terrifying. If it weren't for this dead place where there was no support at all, they could be protected and supplemented by a steady stream of troops if they were replaced by an ordinary battlefield.

Enough to penetrate the entire battlefield and turn the entire battlefield upside down.

After successfully overturning an army of demons, Chu Yunfan and others fled towards the edge of the crack at a high speed, and they were able to see the boundless starry sky behind the crack.

This is also the periphery of the ancient battlefield, and they are finally about to break out of the ancient battlefield.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan suddenly felt a terrifying aura locked on him.

This feeling is as if he encountered a ferocious beast when he was an ordinary person, instantly making him stand upside down.

"Master of the King Realm!"

Chu Yunfan suddenly reacted. The current ordinary realm is not his opponent at all. Even the young supreme who has cultivated seven thousand laws is still vulnerable in front of him, just like the prince of the demon clan. same.

It is simply not enough to pose such a terrible threat to him.

Can only be a master of the king's realm!

"No, it's not a master of the king realm, the master of the king realm is much more terrifying than this!"

Chu Yunfan immediately denied this possibility. If it were a master of the king realm, he would be able to easily severely injure him even with a single finger.

Let alone other people, I'm afraid they will be beheaded instantly.

The difference between the power of the king realm and the realm realm was so big that it was a world of difference.

It's even bigger than the gap between the realm realm and the gods.

Even in the ancient times, the masters of the king realm were all giants and princes under the command of the emperors.

In the long era after the ancient era, any king-level masters who were born would surely be able to suppress an era.

This can only be regarded as a half-step king state at best!

One foot has already stepped into the king realm, but another foot still remains in the realm realm.

However, even if it was only a half-step king realm, the strength far exceeded the ordinary realm realm, at least not comparable to the current Chu Yunfan and others.

"We are being targeted!"

Chu Yunfan's expression was solemn, and the terrifying breath was getting closer and closer, approaching at an astonishing speed.

Soon ~www.ltnovel.com~ even Tang Siyu and others have noticed that this terrifying breath is approaching.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they finally managed to escape from birth, are they about to be killed here?

"After I stay and break, you guys go!"

Chu Yunfan said solemnly.

"Junior Brother Chu, I'll stay and end, you are our hope for the future of the Flying Immortal Sect, and you can't lose it here!"

Huangfu Longhao stood up at this time and said.

Chu Yunfan was moved in his heart, and only then did Huangfu Longhao's heart and courage truly manifested.

However, he shook his head and said, "Except for me, no one of you can stay behind. It is a half-step king realm master who is chasing over. With your strength, you can't even stop a little bit, so no matter which of you it is. After staying and interrupting, it is the same as after no one has interrupted!"

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