I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2345: King Realm Alternate List


Jiao Wuying's huge dragon head fell down like a small hill, raising thousands of feet of dust on the ground.

The blood flowed back into a river, and soon a lake was formed, and this lake of blood was shining with divine brilliance.

Although Jiao Wuying was not Chu Yunfan's opponent, he was also a great demon with successful cultivation. The blood in his body was a great nourishment for ordinary people.

Chu Yunfan did not take away Jiao Wuying's body for the first time.

Instead, he said directly: "Let the soldiers be dispatched, starting today, chew the dragon meat!"

Chu Yunfan's words immediately caused a burst of cheers from the entire military camp below.

This is half-step king realm's dragon meat, not an ordinary dragon meat, for an ordinary sergeant, just eating a bite is equivalent to at least half a month of cultivation.

If you feed on Flood Dragon Meat all at once, I am afraid that within a short period of time, your cultivation base will skyrocket.

Let alone an ordinary sergeant, even someone with a successful cultivation base like You Chuyun can make his cultivation reach an astonishing level in a very short period of time.

It is normal even to rush into the Great Heaven Realm in a short period of time.

You Chuyun was very excited, and immediately greeted the generals in the army and began to think of ways to kill the dragon, but soon he was blinded again, even if it was a dead dragon, they couldn't hurt the body at all.

In the end, Chu Yunfan personally took care of Jiao Wuying's corpse. For a while, the army was full of laughter.

The dragon meat, which is thousands of feet long, can basically occupy the entire city, not only for the soldiers in the army, but even for the residents of the city. According to different cultivation bases, they all have a share.

After all, this is Chu Yunfan's fief. Not only the soldiers in the army are his subordinates, but the residents of the city are also his people.

They are good, and they are naturally indispensable.

For a while, Chu Yunfan's return to Middle-earth China spread all over the world.

In fact, a few years ago, Chu Yunfan's show of power in the ancient battlefield had already caused a huge sensation in the entire world.

In particular, Chu Yunfan didn't care about the face of the Destiny Sect at all, and hit the door directly, killing several young supreme destiny Sect, which can be said to be a sensation.

Even the Tianming Sect sent people to the Fei Xianzong to be held accountable, and asked the Fei Xianzong to pay for it.

No one thought about why Chu Yunfan would kill him, because the status of the Heavenly Fate Sect was far higher than that of the Flying Immortal Sect. Even if the Heavenly Fate Sect targeted Chu Yunfan for ambush, it seemed to be nothing to many people.

What's more, the Destiny Sect failed and was killed, so there is no need to pursue it.

It was only later that Chu Yunfan was chased by the Demon Dragon King to the depths of the starry sky.

At the beginning, the young supreme sages were nothing more than ordinary domain realm cultivation bases, and at most they were only the domain realm peaks, how could they stop the half-step kings from chasing and killing them.

In the next few years, Chu Yunfan never appeared again, and almost everyone almost forgot about this supreme genius who was once famous all over the world.

In the past few years, the world has been turbulent, and the times have come, and the aura of the young supreme that has attracted everyone's attention in the past is gone. These future supreme has not yet grown up, and there is no way to attract everyone's attention.

Only a truly powerful king-level master can gain the attention of the world.

In this troubled world where the wind and rain are misty and other alien races are staring at each other, everyone is waiting for the real king to come to the world, just like the rumors, to calm the troubled world and establish order.

The founding grandfather of the Great Xia Dynasty was the ancestors of the eight sects who joined hands to smooth the troubled times and created the peace of the Great Xia Dynasty for countless years.

In comparison, the young supreme who has not yet grown up is weak in such troubled times.

In the chaos of the ancient battlefield alone, more than half of the ancient Tianjiao has been lost. Coupled with the invasion of the demons and many foreign races over the past few years, even more ancient Tianjiao have been lost.

These ancient Tianjiao are no longer the focus of everyone's attention.

But this time, Chu Yunfan's return almost instantly caught everyone's attention, and even the terrifying master of the half-step king realm, caused him to be pushed to the forefront of the storm.

Except for a few king realms in various places, those half-step king realm masters who can also make waves everywhere.

After many Junior Supremes had grown up, the mighty powers of the pinnacle of the domain didn't even dare to run around. If they were not careful, they might encounter an ancient Tianjiao or Junior Supreme who didn't know where they came from, and would kill them.

Only half a step in the King Realm, is a realm that many ancient Tianjiao and Young Supremes cannot reach for the time being, and it can still be powerful.

But now Chu Yunfan's strong return has told everyone that even in the half-step king realm, those former kings in this field are not reliable anymore.

"Chu Yunfan is too strong. His current cultivation level is definitely beyond the scope of the Five Thousand Laws, and he may even be on the King Realm alternate list!"

Someone exclaimed, shocked by Chu Yunfan's amazing speed of cultivation.

"King Realm Alternate List?" In the town lord's mansion of Zhenyuan City, Chu Yunfan looked at various materials collected from various places, and it was the first time that he knew that there was such a King Realm alternate list.

"This King Realm alternate list is said to be a list launched by Tianji Pavilion. It lists those half-step king realm masters who have surpassed the peak of the ordinary realm but have not yet reached the king realm!"

You Chuyun explained to Chu Yunfan.

"It's normal for Lord Hou not to know, because this is a list that has just been launched recently, and it didn't exist before!"

In the past, let alone the king realm, even half-step king realms were rare. Many of them were cultivating hard in order to break through the king realm.

Once you break through the king's realm, not only will your lifespan be greatly increased, but at the same time you will be able to become an important and important figure in the world.

These half-step kings will not be active outside at all!

The king's realm is even more mysterious and unpredictable. When the dragon sees the head but does not see the end, the world-famous few people are powerful, and they will not appear in front of ordinary people.

The top masters at the peak of the various factions are already the best in the world~www.ltnovel.com~ They are basically in charge of things in the world.

However, with the chaos of the world, these half-step king realm masters who once lived in seclusion have emerged one after another.

In addition, seeing that those young supreme and ancient Tianjiao will also join this trend.

A waiting list for the King Realm was also released.

The higher the ranking, the greater the possibility of a breakthrough and becoming a king, and the stronger the strength.

"That's it, there is still such a list!"

Chu Yunfan nodded.

"Hahaha, just don't know how many places I can rank in now?"

Chu Yunfan couldn't help but laugh when he thought that he had a bodyguard with a picture of mountains and rivers, and Tianji Pavilion couldn't count his own strength at all. Practice frenzy

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