I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2347: Bring troops to quell the chaos

Taiwei Daxia looked at the demons in the opposite camp coldly, and said loudly: "If you want to kill my human inheritance, it depends on whether I agree or not."

Many people were surprised, even many of Taiwei Daxia's confidants didn't quite understand why Taiwei Daxia attaches so much importance to Chu Yunfan, and even regarded him as a human inheritance.

But since Taiwei Daxia said so, many people believed it.

Seeing that there was no chance, the king who was sitting in the demon army could not help but snorted coldly, and was terrified of Daxia Taiwei by three points in his heart.

Although both belonged to the King Realm, Daxia Taiwei's strength was tyrannical and terrifying.

The human kingdoms are not many in comparison, but each one is extremely terrifying, with extremely powerful backgrounds and inheritance.

Even if he is the king of the demon clan, there is no way he can face a master of this level.

In the end, he could only give up.

Among the monster army a million miles away, a middle-aged man also looked at Chu Yunfan with some regret.

That was the supreme king who had acted against Chu Yunfan. He had already recognized Chu Yunfan. Because of this, he was even more regretful. He did not expect that the little person he hadn't put in his eyes at all, now Actually grew to this point.

The pinnacle of the realm is comparable to the supreme king.

It was a good opportunity to kill Chu Yunfan just now, but it was a pity that they didn't cherish it.

While he was shaking his mind, Chu Yunfan had already followed Taiwei Daxia into the Town Demon City.

Chu Yunfan looked around, the horrible aura abounded in the town of monsters, but many were in the stage of creeping and hiding.

The Demon Town had been besieged for so long by the demons, and even the foundation of the town had not been forced out.

But even so, the Daxia Dynasty was still very careful and serious, because behind these demons were a group of demons who were no less brutal than the demons.

Everyone could understand the plan of the Yaozu army. It was a plan to build a cheap one to catch the cicada and the oriole.

Therefore, even though there is still a lot of combat power, the town of Demon City has not been fully utilized.

Because their real enemy is the monster army, they must retain an army, and after defeating the monster, they can block the monster's counterattack.

Following Taiwei Daxia to the Taiwei Mansion in the Town Demon City, many people were very curious, not knowing what this person came from.

It was actually possible to let Daxia Taiwei personally greet him.

It was really because Chu Yunfan's rise was too short, so short that it would have swept the world invincible before many people had time to fight back.

Many of them are old antiques who have guarded the town's demon city for many years, and they have no feeling about the changes in the outside world.

So many of them didn't know exactly who Chu Yunfan was sacred.

"Please sit down!"

Taiwei Daxia took the lead to sit down in his seat, and then said.

"Thank you, Master Taiwei!"

Chu Yunfan arched his hands and said.

Chu Yunfan still admired the optimistic pillar of this human race for many years.

Such a person, you can't do it, but it does not prevent you from admiring such a person.

Lieutenant Daxia looked at Chu Yunfan, who was not humble or arrogant. Many marquis and even the princes were nervous and scared after seeing him.

Because what was in front of them was a legend and myth. In his lifetime, he didn't know how much Lixia had done, and how many secret arrows had been blocked for the Great Xia Dynasty and the entire human race.

The existence of one or two princes, after meeting people like Taiwei Daxia, all the merits added up were simply not enough.

But Chu Yunfan didn't have such thoughts, and he was not even humble or humble.

This on the contrary aroused the curiosity of Da Xia Taiwei, Chu Yunfan was very special, he already knew about it.

If it's not special, he won't save him several times.

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Yunfan had actually reached this point. From the time he first shot Chu Yunfan, he had reached the pinnacle of the domain realm and even a stronger realm in just a few years.

"You are very strong, it's no wonder that you can easily kill a half-step king-level master!"

After a long time, he spoke slowly and looked at Chu Yunfan.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I think that Taiwei Daxia met me in his busy schedule, it shouldn't be because I am very strong, very special!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Taiwei Daxia.

In Daxia, in theory, Daxia Taiwei is the existence second only to Daxia King.

The number two figure belonging to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Of course, Da Xia Taiwei has been very low-key over the years, and he didn't speak easily at all. He cooperated with the King of People quite tacitly, and there was no contradiction between the monarch and the ministers as many people thought.

"Yes, I call you, of course not just to praise you!"

Lieutenant Daxia nodded.

"In fact, there is only one thing I am looking for you, that is, I want you to lead the troops to quell the chaos!"

"Leading troops to quell the chaos? This is just my job, even if you don't tell me, I will do it!"

Chu Yunfan said sternly.

"These people are doing evil and doing whatever they want in the Middle-earth China. I must catch them and kill them!"

Lieutenant Daxia nodded and smiled with satisfaction, which is not in vain of their Daxia dynasty training.

There are not many people they can rely on now, and each family is competing for consumption, and the consumption is really too great.

"But this is not enough!"

Daxia Taiwei said.

"If that's the case~www.ltnovel.com~ doesn't make any sense at all. I know you want to train the Zhenyuan Army into the ranks of the first-class army, but that kind of penance is useless, because their foundation is too good. It's thin, the town scene is OK, but when the opponent is the army that the Demon Realm has cultivated for countless years, you must be careful.

"I want you to lead your troops to quell all the chaos, those who trespassed into the half-step king realm of the Great Xia Dynasty, and kill them all!" Taiwei Daxia said. "It's not convenient for me and a group of fellow Taoists to walk away." Because we were stared at by a group of the same kings. Although you can see that he doesn't do anything at all, as soon as we leave, I'm afraid the town of Demon City will be there soon. Was captured, and you are the only one we can rely on! "

"The more you kill, the more rewards there will be. Neither King Ren nor I will forget our heroes!"

Taiwei Daxia spoke slowly.

He said his helplessness and hardship, not because they didn't want to sweep the troubled army and masters in the Middle-earth China.

It's just that they are all constrained by others and can't walk away at all. Once they walk away, the place they guard will probably be destroyed immediately.

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