I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2349: Candidates for King Slashing Realm

After Chu Yunfan bid farewell to Lieutenant Daxia, he immediately returned to Zhenyuan City.

This time I saw Taiwei Daxia and really gained a lot of benefits, especially the crystallization of the law, which is a good thing that you can't buy no matter how much money you spend.

I'm afraid that on weekdays, it would not be easy to take it out, otherwise, so many masters in the king state would not have seen them all break through and become the king state.

But in this turbulent and troubled world, not only did he rely on the Daxia Dynasty, but the Daxia Dynasty also needed to rely on a strong man like him, so he would reward the crystallization of the law.

No matter what Taiwei Daxia and the King of People think, there is no doubt that the biggest gainer is Chu Yunfan.

However, Chu Yunfan had just returned to Zhenyuan City, and he saw a figure sitting on top of Zhenyuan City. When he saw Chu Yunfan, his eyes lit up and he went straight to Chu Yunfan.

"You are Chu Yunfan!"

At this moment, this figure slowly spoke.

Chu Yunfan looked at the incoming person, and a monstrous demonic energy from his body was released at once. After seeing Chu Yunfan, he seemed to feel that there was no need to hide it.

It's a human being, but it's a method of practicing the magic way!

Originally, this type of people was the most suppressed among the Middle-earth Divine State, and it was found in all races. After all, the magic way and the Middle-earth Divine State's cultivation system were completely different things.

But now that the demons invaded, this type of people became active all at once.

Most of them have taken refuge in the demons, and there are many cruel generations in these demons.

Not to mention that they are usually rejected. Now that they finally have a chance, of course they will find a chance to retaliate.

"Yes, I am Chu Yunfan!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Very well, my lord asked me to kill you. You are too arrogant to kill the two kings of our clan. This is your great sin, and there is no way to clean it with all the water in the world!"

The figure revealed its original appearance and said.

This is an old man, he has a childlike appearance, just dressed in black, looks devilish, extremely terrifying.

"As a human race, take refuge in the demons, you should kill! As the creatures of the Middle-earth Divine State, but take refuge in the outer demon world, you should kill!" Chu Yunfan should kill twice in a row. Like a thunder.

Opposite him, the old man didn't have the slightest expression on his face. Demon cultivators like him didn't care about it.

"Hahahaha, well said, I usually suffer discrimination in Middle-earth China, and no one regards us as orthodox monks in Middle-earth China, but now they come to accuse us of taking refuge in the demons? In your eyes, are we? Isn't it a **** left by the demon?" The old man with a childlike face laughed and said.

He is also talking about the status quo, even if they are practicing improved magic skills that can adapt to the environment of the Middle-earth Divine State, but in the eyes of the vast majority of the creatures in Middle-earth Divine State, these people are simply left behind by the demons Eyeliner.

In fact, what they thought was right. Many of the magic cultivators who practice magic power are indeed the eyeliners of the celestial demons outside the territories.

It's just that they are not sent out at ordinary times, and even passed on from generation to generation. Until the invasion of the demons, these dark children will be activated one after another.

"Don't talk nonsense, let your tongue be like a tongue, and you will definitely die today!"

Chu Yunfan said with a cold smile.

"Hahaha, want to kill me? Such a person has not been born yet!"

The black-robed old man laughed loudly, and the devil qi in his whole body almost evolved into a realm of devil in an instant.

Compared with the Demon Dragon King, Troll King and others who were beheaded by Chu Yunfan before, the strength of this black-robed old man is obviously much stronger, and he has condensed more than eight thousand laws, completely surpassing it. An ordinary half-step king state.

It should be enough to be on that king realm alternate list, belonging to the kind of level that can break through to the king realm at any time once they understand it.

However, compared with Chu Yunfan, it was nothing at all after all.

He has successfully practiced 10,000 laws, and the gap between them is like the sky and the earth, and cannot be surpassed.

Chu Yunfan stepped out in one step, and even rushed directly into this black-robed old man's demon realm.

The black-robed old man waved his hand, and in an instant, the infinite demonic energy confined the space, evolving this place into the kingdom of the demons.

Immediately afterwards, in the domain of the Demon Dao, a supreme demon shadow was transformed, and the demon shadow burst out a terrifying attack, and blasted towards Chu Yunfan all at once.

But Chu Yunfan stepped directly out, then squeezed a fist with five fingers, and then he blasted out with a punch.


The terrifying collision happened all of a sudden. Chu Yunfan smashed the Supreme Demon Shadow that had been transformed into the realm of the Demon Dao with a single punch. The Supreme Demon Shadow couldn't help Chu Yunfan at all.

Be blown away!

He couldn't even make Chu Yunfan take a step back.

After the supreme demon shadow was broken up, it turned into a gust of wind in the sky, and Chu Yunfan remained motionless, motionless like a mountain, like a god.

"What? How could it be so powerful?" Before the black-robed old man could react, Chu Yunfan had already rampaged in front of him.

Then he hit the black-robed old man with a punch.

The black-robed old man was still a little stunned when he was bombarded. He never expected that when he faced Chu Yunfan, he would be so vulnerable.

He was hit by a punch.


He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was blown out, his expression wilted all of a sudden, it was the first time he encountered such a monster after so many years of cultivation.

Ignored his realm at all, and ignored his supernatural powers, directly directed at him, blasting him out of the sky.

"What is this?" The black-robed old man saw Chu Yunfan rush to his face with a huge medicine cauldron in his hand, and then threw it towards him.


There was a sound that seemed like a mingling of gold and iron ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The black robe old man was blown out all of a sudden, and he almost didn't get killed directly.

Even if he was not directly killed, he felt that his bones were going to be scattered, and almost no bone was intact.

But Chu Yunfan didn't stop at the slightest, and he chased after him, sending out various martial arts supernatural powers such as the Purple Thunder Seven Swords and Huang Quan Nine Steps.

The black-robed old man was bombarded many times, and none of his methods were of any use or meaning in front of Chu Yunfan.

He was completely hung and beaten.

"I'm not reconciled, it's impossible!"

This black-robed old man was furious, he was already a figure on the King Realm alternate list, how could he be so vulnerable.

He should be a superb character in the world.


A terrifying giant sword pierced him and firmly nailed to the ground.

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