I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1920: Seeking wealth and risk, cracks in space

The behemoths of the deep sea either leaped into the air, pounced on the warships, or cruised under the warships, and under the warships, fierce battles were also taking place.

These warships have been specially modified to still have strong combat power at the bottom of the ship, coupled with the protection of a huge enchantment, even if there are many fierce beasts on the seabed siege, there is no way to break the defense at the bottom of the ship.

A god-breaking crossbow mounted on the bottom of the ship was continuously fired, and an arrow plunged directly into the body of a fierce beast. The powerful inertia brought a terrifying force and plunged a fierce beast directly into the deep sea.

Blood flowed!

The blood of countless fierce beasts ran across the sea, dyeing the sea red, and the **** breath attracted more fierce beasts in the deep sea.

The battle above the water is more intense. Although these warships are all obsolete models of the Daxia Dynasty fleet, they were once the battleships of the Daxia Dynasty, and their power is naturally extraordinary.

Countless deep-sea fierce beasts rushed past, but they were unable to break through the dense rain of arrows. These god-breaking crossbows were even more terrifying than the god-breaking crossbows Chu Yunfan borrowed before.

Kill the beasts of the deep sea nearby one after another.

Within hundreds of miles, it has become a terrifying battlefield.

Those masters hanging behind all stopped, and before such a terrifying battle scene, they did not dare to push hard with their strength.

With their strength, they can sweep across a small-scale battlefield. An army of that level is not enough to pose the slightest threat to them. Even the elite troops of the Great Xia Dynasty can hardly pose a threat to them.

But when the scale of the battle has reached this level, all kinds of big killers are on the battlefield, even if they dare not rush into it rashly, otherwise they may fall here.

Chu Yunfan's gaze penetrated the entire battlefield. He could see that in the distance, many figures were swept in the sea. Unlike human beings, although these people have hands and legs, many parts of their bodies are covered with fish scales. Like a murloc.

These are the deep sea sea clan!

It is these deep-sea sea clan masters who control these deep-sea fierce beasts to continuously attack the fleet.

This is also the customary method of the Sea Clan. In the deep sea, the Sea Clan often manipulates many deep-sea beasts for his own use, so that he can contend with the world and fight against the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Unexpectedly, this time the Li family can be said to be the best, but the Sea Clan is not bad at all. I am afraid that during this time, the Li family's affairs are raging, and the Sea Clan has also made great preparations behind it!"

Some people have guessed some of the reasons. This time the Li family raptors crossing the river attracted the attention of many forces, and the Sea Clan is probably one of them.

The actions of the Li Family were also delayed for a long time because of Chu Yunfan's relationship, enough for the Sea Clan to mobilize a large number of masters and a large number of troops to stop it.

"However, although there are members of the Li Family serving in the Daxia Fleet, there is no deep hatred with the Sea Clan. Why would the Sea Clan take action against the Li Family?" Some people asked puzzledly.

The Li family's outing with fanfare is to warn all possible forces around the corner, how much the Li family attaches importance to this matter, once someone dared to stop it, then they would be completely torn apart with the Li family.

In this case, there is no need for the Hai Clan to completely fall out with the Li family.

"Of course, there is no need for the Sea Clan to completely turn his face with the Li Family. Although the Sea Clan and the Li Family should also be hostile, please don't forget that this time the leader is the Sea Prince. For the Sea Prince, Li Qianyuan is him. Li Qianyuan could not get the biggest obstacle to the summit, and he got it, isn't it going to be one of the others?" Someone said.

Suddenly, everyone felt a sense of bliss. If understood from this perspective, everyone would also understand why the Sea Prince would personally lead the team to attack Li Qianyuan.

The inheritance that Li Qianyuan and the Li family attach so much importance must be an extraordinary adventure. If Li Qianyuan can be stopped and the Sea Prince can obtain it, it may even be possible for the Sea Prince to obtain a strength that surpasses Li Qianyuan in one fell swoop.

The declining strength between the various Tianjiao may just be the gap of an adventure!

Already ranked fourth on the Tianjiao list, Li Qianyuan, who ranked first, must be the target of Sea Prince.

Li Qianyuan had never been to the East China Sea before, and the two sides had never fought against each other. At this time, World War I broke out.

"But isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me? If there is no sea prince coming to snipe, how could I have the opportunity to wait for a fish in troubled waters!" Some people disagree, and even think that this is an unprecedented good opportunity.

If there is no one to sniper, with the strength of the Li family, it is enough to keep everyone out of the inheritance.

"Inheritance is in the middle of the battlefield!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and everyone's eyes swept towards the central area. At the junction between the two sides ~www.ltnovel.com~, there was a huge gap in space that lay across the ocean.

Both sides are trying to rush into the space crack, while blocking the other side from rushing into the space crack.

"Why didn't you see Li Qianyuan and the Sea Prince?" Some people discovered that the Li family's elite army and countless sea clan fierce beasts were basically on the battlefield, but the real masters were not present.

Everyone understands, I'm afraid that the masters of both sides have entered the deep sea crack and entered the inheritance.

Now what the two armies are doing is destroying each other and blocking the entire battlefield.

Many people's breathing began to rush, and everyone knew that the adventure was in this gap in space.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the things that can make the two great arrogances and the two powers participate in the fight are basically the same!"

A middle-aged man said with a grim expression.

"Yes, I waited for the opportunity and resources for casual cultivators to be far less than the proud ones of these days. If I can't be more ruthless and harder than them, only then will the year of the monkey be able to compare with them!"

Another San Xiu said grimly.

For these casual cultivators, taking various risks is nothing.

Their practice itself is an adventure. Neither the resources nor the practice secrets can be arranged for themselves like those disciples of the big sects, and the practice goes smoothly.

They must be more ruthless and harder than the children of these big sects and powerful forces, in order to have a way out and a future.

"Fight, even if it is a tiger's mouth, I have to fight it, otherwise I will continue to do nothing like this, I will be crazy!"

A freelancer roared, and the whole person rushed into the battlefield like a streamer.

The rest of the casual cultivators glanced at each other, most of them followed without any hesitation, and Chu Yunfan was among them.

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