I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1922: The wealth of a middle-grade spirit stone worth over RMB 0 billion

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And the identity of this person is also ready to be revealed, that is, he can challenge Li Qianyuan, and he can be the first master of the younger generation of the sea clan of the same name, the sea prince.

Both of them carried an aura of extreme horror, and both had far surpassed the cultivation level of the ordinary good fortune realm.

Chu Yunfan didn't expect that when he just came in, he saw the two confronting each other.

Especially the confrontation between the Li Family and the Hai Clan extends from the outside to the inside.

At this time, he had time to check this cave. In this cave where there is no light at all, it is as bright as day, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of lamp oil.

Chu Yunfan recognized it almost immediately, what the fragrance of this light lamp oil was.

"Narhorned whale oil?" Chu Yunfan suddenly reflected that it tasted exactly the same as the narwhal oil in the memory of Emperor Dan.

The narwhal is a kind of terrifying beast that lives in the deep sea. As long as it grows to adulthood, it is the existence above the good fortune realm. Even in ancient times, these narwhals were even more terrifying.

But such a terrifying narwhal has become the target of many people hunting, and it was even going to be extinct at one time.

It is because narwhal whales can extract a kind of oil, which is narwhal oil.

If this kind of oil is used as lamp oil, it can almost immediately let people enter the state of concentration. During the practice, if the narwhal oil is ignited, it can, and it will more than double the speed of people's enlightenment.

Some people even say that the fundamental reason why narwhal oil has such an effect is that there are traces of roads in this oil.

For the monks, the practice itself is already very difficult, and the time is even less. There are never too many treasures that can increase the speed of their enlightenment, let alone more than double the speed of enlightenment.

Such a good thing was very rare in ancient times. It was almost possible. Because of this characteristic, the lone narwhal was almost completely hunted.

Even though narwhals live in the deep sea and rarely float to shallow waters, there are still people who are not afraid to go deep into the deep sea to hunt narwhals.

Of course, those who dare to do this must be the top masters, after all, the narwhal itself is already terrifying, and most of them have even surpassed the existence of the good fortune realm.

But even so, this is still very, very dangerous.

Yes, every year many people die in the deep sea for narwhal oil. Those are top masters, not ordinary cats and dogs.

Even so, in modern times, the number of narwhals has gradually decreased to a very rare point.

If any narwhal appears, it will inevitably trigger the chase of countless masters, who want to hunt this narwhal and extract narwhal oil. Now any can of palm-sized narwhal oil The value of it is more than 100 million middle-grade spirit stones.

And just like that, there is still a price but no market!

But Chu Yunfan swept his gaze over, but saw that there were many pottery pots sealed by enchantments around the entire cave, and the pottery pot contained narwhal oil.

At a glance, Chu Yunfan had thousands of cans of narwhal oil, and the wealth represented by this alone was more than 100 billion middle-grade spirit stones.

Even for giants like the Li Family and the Sea Clan, such wealth can still be an astronomical figure, and it is definitely a huge and incomparable wealth.

"Hi, what a great inheritance!"

Chu Yunfan couldn't help but his eyes glowed, no wonder the Li Family and the Hai Clan were desperately trying to get in.

The narwhal oil in these clay pots alone has already recovered the cost, and even made a fortune.

He doesn't know who the master of this cave is, but there is no doubt that he is definitely a top expert, otherwise, he will not be able to open up a secret realm that can withstand a large number of expert melee.

This secret realm is not formed naturally, but an artificial secret realm created by a master who has transcended the realm of good fortune.

But although this kind of secret realm is a kind of subspace, it is actually very weak, because it is not formed naturally, and the entire space is very weak.

If a normal secret realm created by an ordinary master, with so many masters rushing into it, I'm afraid it would have already collapsed.

In addition to these amazingly valuable narwhal oils, there is a volume of ancient books floating in the depths of the cave. On the ancient books, there is a terrifying meaning of swords.

This is an ancient book of kendo. The person who wrote this ancient book has kept his sword intent, and even now he can still make Chu Yunfan feel that there is a kind of forcing edge. It is conceivable that there is How amazing.

There is no doubt that this ancient book is also invaluable. If it is revealed ~www.ltnovel.com~, it may cause countless competitions.

However, for Chu Yunfan, this is of relatively small value, because there is the memory of Emperor Pill, among them there is the Imperial Battle Tome, and the various martial arts and supernatural powers recorded in the Imperial Battle Tome are the best in the world. of.

Although this ancient book is rare, the records in it certainly cannot be compared with the Emperor's War.

After all, it was an ancient book written by the top emperor, the emperor, based on his lifetime experience.

After Chu Yunfan came in, his whole figure was hidden into the space. He did not move and then entered the space of the mountain and river map. Neither Li Qianyuan nor Hai Prince could find it.

Although the two of them felt that there seemed to be spatial fluctuations almost immediately, their spiritual thoughts swept over immediately, but they were useless at all. They swept into the air and found no one at all.

The two of them were about to take back their spiritual thoughts, they were very confident, it was impossible for anyone to hide their figure under their eyelids.

"Prince Sea, do you dare to ruin my business, and do not know whether you live or die!"

Li Qianyuan opened his mouth coldly, his gaze at Sea Prince was full of murderous intent.

He has been planning this inheritance for a long, long time, but now he has been disturbed by the sea prince. Of course he understands the idea of ​​the sea prince. As long as he can't get it, the sea prince will grab it. May be surpassed by Sea Prince.

And this is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

On the contrary, there is an amazing fighting spirit in the eyes of Sea Prince. Both he and Li Qianyuan are in the top ten of the Tianjiao list, but they have never really played against each other. In the case of never having played against each other, his ranking is actually still Not as good as Li Qianyuan, who was firmly suppressed by Li Qianyuan.

He has long been very dissatisfied. In this battle, he wants to regain the top position that should belong to him.

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